KEN’S CORNER: Why America Is Dying
Commentary by TLB Contributing Writer: Ken LaRive
Not once is a democracy ever mentioned by our founding fathers. As a corporate aristocracy grew, so did our constitutional republic shrink. We let the greatest gift ever created slip through our trembling fingers. Bloody fingers, scraping for a morsel of sustenance falling from the table of our very clever masters.
Democracy is mob rule, and it is an offshoot of communism and communism was created by Zionism. Progressivism and neoconservatism are two wings on the same totalitarian government bird, also created by Zionism. The political ideology of Zionism has taken over our Republic, from the banking cartel, international corporations, the food industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the war machine, the media, our universities and the institutions of self serving religion, the federal reserve, the IMF, and our Congress, are all under their dominion. That is the deep state, and it vies to dominate the entire world. It is indeed very very close to achieving this lofty goal, as their international banks have installed communism all around the world, along with debt slavery. You see, communism, thought to be benign, has a soft easily controlled center where Zionism has instilled itself.
They are plugged into everything we are, and it’s going take everything we have to disengage. Frankly, I don’t think humanity has what it takes, because never in the history of the human race has a group of people ever come together for a commonality, where we the people control our destiny.
Always, people choose a leader. And there a totalitarian institution grows, smothering our ability to control our own destinies.
Our constitutional republic died in 1871 when we became a corporation, the United States of America, Inc. 911 was the mastermind of the deep state, and soon, before the dust even settled, we were given the patriot act that took away due process, and that was the last nail on our coffin. We now exist in total illusion, illusions, flying like greasy bats out of Pandora’s box, a metaphorical box, that will never ever be shut. This will bring without a doubt two emphatic things. One, the possibility of total chaos and total war. This will be very lucrative for the banking cartel, who supplies arms to both sides, financing both sides, and in the rubble, their carpet baggers will continue to buy up the world for pennies on the dollar. Of course, this might not happen if we can see through the facade, if we can grow up, demand truth with the ability, the guts, to fight our enslavement, at every turn… but our collective minds have been trained to turn a blind eye with a weak nature, looking for the next sparkling thing to grasp with a low attention span.
Ask yourself why it’s so difficult to understand this, to realize this, because civics is no longer allowed in our government owned system of education? Yes, by degree, but it is infiltrating into our psychic from every direction. And honestly, how will we ever be able to fight AI? You can now actually purchase a software package that can write your essay, knowing you so well, it can reflect a poem in your image. That will be the end of you as a person, as a human being, a super computer that has your life story taken from your many apps, can think 1 billion times faster, knowing every possibility of your next moves till the day you die, and that computer belongs to them.
What I write here is the truth, but most people, the great majority, doesn’t have the energy to read it… because over 50% of the population has a 6.5 year education, just as planned, and our weak and ignorant nature is the reality of a future we haven’t the ability to control.
Is there hope for the future? Not when I broke it, as a stranger in a strange land. We are like lost children unable to fend off the fat ticks that feeds on us. In fact, we have grown not only to accept it, but to relish in the feel good lust it produces… and in the process we have relinquished our free will, our individual responsibility, where truth, creativity, and our dreams no longer belong to us.
For most, most all, everything is just fine and dandy. Copacetic. Coerced to stand down from every direction, even our religions have been infiltrated to keep us weak, like sheep to the slaughter, and Zionism, the greatest manipulative construct ever to exist inspires us to kill each other in their name, as we cry for mercy.
One final thought…
I actually remember the moment it happened. I woke up. It was a profound revelation, and it happened on a flight deck, while exercising off the coast of Equatorial Guinea, 25 years ago. I was a mud engineer, just finishing drilling operations and starting a fracking Job.
I don’t really know if I can explain just what happened, but suddenly I was hit with a very unexpected revelation. It was like I connected the dots, a culmination of many factors that came together as clear as the facets of a diamond. I saw it. I saw the world, and my life in it, and it shook me to the very foundations of my reality.
I’m not saying I understood the meaning of life, but what I saw, a glimmer of understanding, put in doubt everything I thought true, that my education was a manipulated illusionary lie.
It sent me on a journey to turn over every rock, and a profound elation filled me to the core. It seems like a divine inspiration, but I see now it was a culmination of many years of trying to find truth. It was an emphatic realization that without it, my life and the world, had no meaning, no future. It started me on a quest, so powerful, so profound it is undiminished to this very day. Though I have many responsibilities as a husband, a businessman, a stock trader, I have never accepted any payment for my writings. I must say, that it has been a lonely road, filled with treason, ignorance and condescension, ego, and fear, but the true solace that has given me much faith, hope, and strength of purpose, comes from my loving wife, Maddy, who stands by my side now for 54 years… since she was 14 years old.
I think, in retrospect, that my work has mostly fallen on blind eyes and deaf ears, and though it’s hard to admit, I realize that my attempt to fix this world is indeterminable, based on finite IQ and un-sharpened talent. Of course there must’ve been times where I lit a person‘s heart and mind, but that is so very hard to define.
But I know that Liberty is not free. It’s a fight that can never end, even on the last day you take a breath. Nothing in this world has more power, more value than truth, and nothing, and I mean nothing is harder to find. How in the hell could I ever stop trying if I love my family,my country, my honor, my responsibility, my Liberty…: Till my last breath, I will say “give me Liberty or give me death.“
Read more great articles from KEN’S CORNER
From the Author, Ken La Rive – We in the Liberty movement have been fighting to take back this country for less than a decade, peacefully and with the love of God and country in our hearts. Our banner has been trampled on and displaced by a multitude of distractions, further eroding our nation and the cause for Liberty. And so, as we are pulled by forces we cannot fathom, powerful entities with unlimited resources stolen from our future, unaccountable trillions printed out of thin air and put on our backs as debt, we must formulate the most pitiful of all questions any patriot might ask in the final hour: Are we going to fight for our master’s tyranny, or are we going to demand the return of our civil liberties and Constitution? Are we going to choose The Banner of Liberty, or the shackles of voluntary servitude? Will it be a war for corporate profit, or a war to regain our ability to self govern, as the blood and toil of our forefathers presented to us, their children, as a gift? I fear that decision is emanate. I fear that any decision will be a hard one, but my greatest fear of all is that the decision has already been made for us.
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