By Michael J. Murphy | TLB contributing writer & activist.
If GeoEngineering is already occurring, why is it necessary to take legal action to stop these programs?
Legal action may be the only hope for stopping GeoEngineering. Paris and other climate agreements have goals of creating legally binding agreements that, if successful, will most likely legalize GeoEngineering programs without due process of law. When this occurs, it will remove or severely hamper our ability to take any form of legal action. Also, because there are various corporations and governments around the world that incur damages related to GeoEngineering and climate mandates, our goal is to unify these powers with our efforts.
For more information, please watch this trailer…
What’s the overall strategy?
Our two previous films, Why in the World Are They Spraying? (2010) and What in the World Are They Spraying? (2012) were largely informational. In Unconventional Grey, we intend to go further by promoting support for legal action to stop GeoEngineering through the courts of law.
Because GeoEngineering programs are designed to manipulate our weather and change the temperature of our planet and have been ongoing for several decades, it makes it impossible to determine whether the planet is warming or cooling. Current climate models (which source Co2 as the cause of our changing climate) are being used to implement carbon taxes and mandates at a rapid-fire pace, as well as prompting discussion, planning and the very real threat of legalizing GeoEngineering around the world outside of the legislative process. While current mandates have caused damages that may be limited only to local regions, recently passed climate agreements when fully implemented will result in losses and damages to billions of people around the world. Also, because no climate models to date include GeoEngineering (a very large factor in climate change), it makes them flawed and therefore cannot properly be a basis for this huge transfer of monetary and political power. This transfer of power is threatening to regional governments and corporations to varying degrees.
Our objectives are aimed at, among other things, obtaining court injunctions to stop mandates and taxes until GeoEngineering is stopped. These objectives provide the dual benefit of appealing not just to concerned citizens like us, but to large corporate interests and other governments around the world. As our legal actions gains traction, we believe some of these corporations and other government interests will eventually support our efforts.
What you can do to help
Support the cause by making the most generous donation you can! Then spread the word among family and friends and anyone else in your network that you believe will share our passion. Our opponents have near-unlimited resources and we must be sufficiently funded to ensure that we can go the distance in our lawsuit. Our current fundraising campaign is intended to cover Phase One, as outlined above. The goal for Phase One is to raise $40,000. Future phases will be designed to retain the full legal team; to prepare for litigation, including exhausting administrative remedies, if applicable, before filing suit; to initiate lawsuits, including a possible class action lawsuit; and to sustain the litigation through trial, as necessary. Our legal counsel will retain meticulous records so that we can provide periodic updates on amounts received, as well as budgeting and how those moneys are being spent.
We can prevail. We must prevail! Please join the cause today.
Editors Note: All donations route directly to a lawyer’s trust account set up by legal counsel to ensure every dollar collected goes to support this great cause for Humanity. (TLB)
About the author:
Michael J. Murphy is an award winning film Director/Producer with such classics as What in the World are They Spraying, Why in the World are They Spraying and his new film (in production) An Unconventional Shade of Grey, A Call To Action!
Additional information:
@Cathy we have not heard from Michael in several years. You may wish to approach him on this
Is this class action suit still active?
Its unfortunate that we still have to pay lawyers to save their own butts, when are we going to see the money god for what it is, slavery of the highest order! We are gonna need to stop serving the money god before we have any hope of saving this amazing planet!