LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E170): Great Queen! ~ Bad Agenda!
Listen to Archived show below Intro Article
Your Host: Luca Majno
Welcome everyone, once again, to another show with my Family, here on ShakeAndWake Radio where I am settling into an atmosphere of serene acceptance and I am simply getting more and more relaxed, as I feel more and more accepted and welcome by them.
As I start with an overview of the show, and the topics I hope to share, we start with what I think will go down in history as “one of my favorites”, and you will see why, “… By The Window” will simply melt your heart, and this is a great motivational story I had heard once, but forgotten, then two other versions of it, so this one is a ‘pot-pourri’ of all three!
Queen Victoria, and what I am learning about her, is next up, interestingly enough comparable to Princess Diana, with what I am hearing about her, in my mind, another piece of our ‘puzzle’, then we move onto Jordan Peterson and my scathing commentary of ‘congress’ handling of him during his testimony, which I let you hear, incredible how callous and apathetic these monsters are…
Affairs of the Heart follow, with a very important message on Challenges and BEING challenged ~ and how it does help me tremendously in my work!
In the health segment, I repeat my bi-power engine 🙂 of great natural and healing herbs, not to be missed, actually zeroing in on (among) THE two biggest reasons why the body ‘shuts down’ in death…
Joanna Bernard is the center of what I call The Colonial Collision this week, in this rendering of truthful reporting… on the heels of my sharing of Joshua last week, and what resonates with me about both, and we get to hear Joanna weep from the heart. Added discomfort is added, sadly, as I also expose the ‘colonial’ Indian system of corruption on reserves with
Ray Tehanetorens Fadden wraps this one up, and this I will HAVE to share, a ‘tour-de-force’ of fast-paced speaking from a 96 year old, and no one can speak faster than him… for 45 minutes… Quite the accomplishment! Another was ‘writing it all out’ and offering it to the family in his honor! My writing sits with his affairs in a museum in upper NY state!
Compared to the ‘Asses-Of-State‘, a little twist from the title of Henry Makow‘s latest article that I want to share… and I will return often to what I call THE EASY WAY, which I believe is happening right in front of our eyes, as men become women and women are to be more masculine, we all get lazy, hand-outs galore, and the culture goes to hell, basically, if the USA,inc. does not wake up soon…
Then we go straight into Gaza and Israel, hammering home MY agenda of the truth of its ‘foundation’, and ‘who’ is ‘running’ it… This might surprise you. NONE of the Israeli cabinet COME FROM ISRAEL. No.
“That was your first hint, Sherlock!” Everyone in that ‘cabinet’ is a foot soldier for the Rothschild Cabal…
As the 3% of the population were the only courageous ones to take up arms and/or to STAND UP AND FIGHT, it seems like this will be another ‘part two’, since so many of us are either dumbed-down, simply lazy, or do not even have the time, even if they wanted to, to do the research… THAT is why WE are here… this is our job.
Steve, our producer shares the news that Candace Owens is the latest to be ‘fired’ for TRUTH BOMBING…
And South Dakota is preparing to make it so that all of our states will be getting the same NAILS IN THEIR COFFINS, as Kristi Noem signs the Death Bill, my naming of it, a bill that will make simple ‘criticism’ of Israel or Jews ‘illegal’ and punishable by ‘new laws’, since Jews seem to be the ‘victims’, so often! Something else we will revisit son, another historical ‘white lie’, as per usual…
And so I thank my online Family for their support, as I thank all of you for reading and listening, and share The Power of Intention to cap it off.
Listen Up …
Great Queen! ~ Bad Agenda!
(Click the Image below to hear Archived Show)
And as I love to say each week,
“See you all next week, Creator Willing!”
Parting Shot
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Your Show Host: Luca Majno is the TLB Project Media Technical Director, an investigative journalist, researcher and passionate advocate of Indigenous People (The Original People), of their ‘Turtle Island’ which is now North America. Born in Boston, Ma. and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, he has lived for the last 25 years in Canada, where his activism started, and has since lived in Tennessee and Keokuk, Iowa, where he now resides. Exposing past and present crimes of any nature is a sure way to change the course of humanity towards a brighter future.
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