LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E83): “The Queenie Rant”
Thank you for reading and watching, as we LEARN 2 UNLEARN together… I cannot make this too long, so let’s jump right in.
I just want to make an established connection between two sets of people, a simple equation, as Bill gates would say…
OK, so like it or not, for people like me that are observing, in my humble opinion, and more and more, women, in my observations, are attracted to $$ more than anything… men with $$
Caption: French-kissing the dollar bill…
Well, then a thought came to me…
With that ol’ cliché of the rich man and his briefcase, stepping over or to the side of… the homeless… with those shiny black shoes, too!
Those of us ‘looking down’ on others because they are not meeting ‘our standards’, and like my father would say, a social life, and your job and how much you are paid… MEANS EVERYTHING!!,
Well, let’s put this into context with those multi-billionaires running the show for now…
Look at how they see us… Countless times, you see or hear DISDAIN or APATHY coming from them… Wow.
That same sort of apathy and disdain that people like you or me are treated with by our own government… So it appears to be relevantly proportional in both cases…
So just imagine how THEY see US … and we see that all the time… Just last week I posted Pfizer’s CEO saying “we are so happy, we are achieving our goal of reducing the population of the world by 50%” ~ and/or Bill Gates and his moronic math equation of reducing the population by 10-15% through vaccinations and birth control, etc…
No wonder why they speak of us as the GOYIM, their slaves, the filth that will live under their boot ~ No, the quote was that “They will be licking our boots”, I believe, by one of those filthy Israeli elite… ~
And now look at that Titanic scene where the real MAN, Jack is introduced to Rose’s mother, with spit still on his mouth, because he was teaching her how to ‘spit like a man!’, remember?
And what was her mother’s reaction?
“An insect, which must be squashed quickly.”
And I thought …
Just like with the American Indians, eh? North and South… “No difference between the savages anywhere… They are just beasts of the forest, untameable creatures they are, with no soul, like the animals, same family… to be shot on sight…”
So, let’s look at ‘kanata’ …
kanata: Huron-Iroquois word for town/settlement
saskatchewan: from the Cree name Kisiskatchewani Sipi, meaning rapid-flowing river.
quebec: Algonquin for ‘narrow passage of water’
manitoba: Cree for “The Narrows of The Great Spirit”
(1999) nunavut: Inuit for “Our Land” (“Class, we gave them nunavut)
And queenie of ‘England’ says… (referring, of course, to ‘her’ ‘stolen’ and genocided ‘kanata’ …
“And HOW ARE MY INDIANS?” she softly asks Trudeau…
The Quebecois have a joke about Trudeau, too …
A Watering Hole. Trou d’Eau. “There can not be anything ‘in there’ …” (his head)
“Educate (and Pray for) the Innocent and TERMINATE (and Pray for) THE INCORRIGIBLE.”
One of my favorite slogans that I found on social media…
Like, … What do you mean, dear?
You mean, “Did we kill them all?” or “Are there any left?!?” or “So how’s my Lower Class doing?” or “So how are our SLAVES?” ~
I am so proud to now be sitting in a place of experience, although humbled many times by error, or wrong turns, through all my research,
I can really ‘SEE’ these genocidal maniacs now for who they really are.
Those who count on family ‘social status eminent’ to bully other Nations and People around, as they see fit, and forcing them all into this fallacy of “A British Established Order of Things” … A fallacy of authoritarian B*S … All a fantastic (fanatic) illusion.
I will go to my grave in repudiation and in repulsion of what this HUMAN RACE of ours has gone through, what we had to endure, because of these pigs… Their greed, their malice, criminal intent, self-proclaimed racist superiority and downright bigotry in the highest order., serving faithfully The other Side … The Dark Side …
“How are my Indians?”
I thought I would check, so I wrote the word INDIAN in the search engine with a ‘small i’ , and sure enough, THAT is how it was spelled in the article with her sitting pretty with Trou D’Eau, The Watering Hole.
Right. BOTH Slave and Master, BOTH sitting pretty in that picture, in that nice fancy room, in their glorious, worriless lives, playing their part, BOTH responsible for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY in the HIGHEST ORDER. (just to name a few)
And this is just ‘one Rothschild colony’ of their ‘ROYAUME’ … as they say in French…
“How are my Indians?”
They are alive and well, because of YOUR herding them into small RESERVATIONS, on the worst lands of all, while you PLUNDERED, RAPED, KILLED and BRAINWASHED the remnant from their Culture ~ But on those damned Reservations, they learned to keep their languages, their Culture, their Personal Life Stories and their Love for the Land.
“How are my Indians?”
Why not ask people like Dr. Peter Bryce who, in 1907, committed career suicide by penning an article in the local newspaper (The Ottawa Citizen) about his observations at these schools, and the treatment of these Indian children… calling it “A National Crime” (soon to be made into a book) ~
A man who YOU shamed publicly for his TRUTHS on the treatment of YOUR INDIANS in YOUR INSTITUTIONS, where they were INSTRUCTED to do as they please with them, to “turn them into little white children as best you can, and to dispose of the rest” ~ “placing healthy Indians with the sick ones” (in order to spread disease deliberately),
Throwing a child from the second floor window for not having “cleaned the principal’s office well enough”, … OR,
HOW ABOUT IN BRANTFORD, ONTARIO, mrs. QUEENIE? … Did you happen to go there TO SEE THE INDIAN CHILDREN BOUNCE AROUND AND SCREAM WHILE BEING LOCKED IN AND JOLTED, SHOCKED, IN HOME-MADE ELECTRIC CHAIRS, ones that were not just used for punishment, but for “Entertainment for passing dignitaries“… were you one of them, WE WONDER?
“How Are My Indians?”
And so what happened, now that we mention YOUR INDIANS, (kinda like ‘personal property’, eh?) WHAT ABOUT THE 10 CHILDREN WHO DISAPPEARED FROM THAT ‘BRITISH COLUMBIA’ ‘SCHOOL’, following YOUR VISIT with Charlie, in the 60s, and NEVER SEEN AGAIN?
And that poor one soul that spoke about it in detail, he finally went ‘missing’ too…
AND IN PASSING, let’s ask THE FOLLOWING the same question, shall we? THE ENDLESS LIST of stories like these, that went untold:
“How Are My Indians?”
Let’s see… Yes! As ANOTHER (verified) story goes, there were far too many Indians at this ‘school’,
“It was just right for these savage children”, but there were just too many of them.
So it was decided, Off on a ‘field-trip’ they went, 200+ Indian children and two Indian teachers, off on foot to … where? They didn’t know, it was a “surprise” with their gloves, assigned to each and quite a few shovels … and they weren’t supposed to know…
At one point, they were all told to dig that ditch, you know, about four feet deep and a long one, as to accomodate their activities… And when they were all ‘down there’ digging and smiling and questioning what was going to be this activity, they were all shot from above, thus …
“Getting rid of those who were just … too many.”
And they threw the remaining shovels in there with them before they buried them, yes, some still alive, as they laughed …
Oh, just one more… No, TWO.
‘William and wifey’ … being carried BY WHOM? But they are not racist, not at all. All this in ‘another colony’, and be careful not to touch them, or get dirty…’
And what about ‘ancient Australia‘, you know, since colonization, what’s with that prison, the name escapes me at present… Wyndham (1902.
LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E83): “The Queenie Rant”
Watch this revealing presentation …
Thank you all for reading, watching and listening to LEARN 2 UNLEARN!
We’ll see you all next week, Creator willing!
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Your Show Host: Luca Majno is the TLB Project Media Technical Director, an investigative journalist, researcher and passionate advocate of Indigenous People (The Original People), of their ‘Turtle Island’ which is now North America. Born in Boston, Ma. and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, he has lived for the last 25 years in Canada, where his activism started, and has since lived in Tennessee and Keokuk, Iowa, where he now resides. Exposing past and present crimes of any nature is a sure way to change the course of humanity towards a brighter future.
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Personally have a difficult time understanding humans that purposely do harm to others. It gives me a headache just to try and understand. It seems at this time in existence, no matter where we turn there is hidden darkness of unbelievable mental illness. The Qweenie is so loved by the English people, and they are very protective of her. This is a silly ignorant behaviour to give your power over to another, not matter their title. We do that here also but not to the queen but to anyone who we feel is better than we are, especially government officials, Religions, etc someone who will save us. This saddens and makes me laugh at the same time. The more we know the more that comes to the light finding a lot of these situations we are seeing now as a sickness of mind because of our disconnection and separation from the Creator and the inner self which actually is impossible, it is only a program that must be un-programmed, like Luca says “unlearn”. My question about all of this remains, what can we do about it as many are being awakened by this information, now what? Is violence the way, believe it is not, so the answer to that question and all questions lies within each one of us. Thank you for this article and may it help all those that read it.