LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E92): Genocides & Gentleman
Shows Originally Broadcast Live On:
ShakeAndWake Radio ~ Episode VIII
And we are back! Only this time to dive in straight away, both of us, yours truly and our producer Steve R. into the realm of Genocides and Gentleman… And yes, Gentleman is in singular mode, as we discover ‘why’ in this hour…
As we start the show speaking of Alec Baldwin’s RUST and the killing of his photographer, we examine GUN SAFETY and how I operate at home and in public, the rules I made for myself, keeping my space safe for everyone around me, and how I enforce my own strict laws of gun ownership, and I add some salt as well… ?
In a fly-over of specific events of the twentieth century, over carefully-hidden tragedies and useless violence and carnage, we start to piece together a totally different scenario than we were led to believe since we were children, no, just the indoctrination, please!
So I bring to the table today, bits and pieces from this time and place, the missing ones, and as we will find out, SOME OF THE BIGGEST ONES, in the tyranny, in the Crimes against Humanity and also on the polar end of the spectrum, and who do we find … The truth we are not supposed to know, the truth that so many like Sylvia Stolz were brutally incarcerated for …
And just recently, America’s Frontline Doctors Dr. Simone Gold’s friends and family are worried for her, because of the PRISON where she is in solitary confinement for 60 days after speaking publicly, and being invited by the ‘capitol police’ to do so. Arrested for trespassing?
I also add a bit of personal wisdom I have acquired in my Healing, touching on Spirituality and a look ‘inside’…
All of this squeezed into a bit more than one hour, but this information is so important for me to share, that it is the result of countless hours of writing and building the segments, and to make the show itself ~ all in the hopes that I can reflect to others (you) how I feel about what I am living and where all of us are headed.
LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E92): Genocides & Gentleman
(Click on video below to listen to archived show)
Thanks to all for listening, viewing and reading!
And again, and mostly, a huge WADO (thank you in Cherokee) to Annie and the folks at ShakeAndWake Radio. Please click on the link to visit the site and help Annie to keep the platform running by making any donation you can.
See you next week! (the parting song is a hint)
I really hope that you, the listener, will take heed, and check out TLBTalk.com as well… A lot of the information helping me to prepare these episodes rests on this site, our site, … MY SITE… because I am contributing to keep it going … Imagine, No censorship. (click on image below to visit site)
More Episodes of LEARN 2 UNLEARN
Your Show Host: Luca Majno is the TLB Project Media Technical Director, an investigative journalist, researcher and passionate advocate of Indigenous People (The Original People), of their ‘Turtle Island’ which is now North America. Born in Boston, Ma. and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, he has lived for the last 25 years in Canada, where his activism started, and has since lived in Tennessee and Keokuk, Iowa, where he now resides. Exposing past and present crimes of any nature is a sure way to change the course of humanity towards a brighter future.
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