LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode LXXVII (77) ~ Weather Woes While Exposing Foes
Your Host: Luca Majno
Thank you so much for joining us again for LUCA’S WORLD, and what life is like for me this week, with all of you in mind… And after my greeting, and a quick run-through of my subjects (hopefully) touched on today on the show, I speak on the WEATHER THREAT for many of us in the coming days ~ for me, in particular, in the ‘Tri-State Area’ of Illinois, Missouri and Iowa, all about 10 minutes from each other, we are anticipating temps to plunge down to -20 in my area, and this with a strong 20-25 mph wind straight out of the Canadian Arctic! (feels like -40 or lower) ~ and how I am dealing with this… if the power should go out (!)
And after speaking of Donations and the RBN Book Drive they are continuing this week, please see here.
I jump into THANK YOU MODE in a special way, calling out Java Coffee and Bakery in my home town, and what they did for their own citizens and autho-rities… It has to be said! Such a Blessing to share!
After that, THE CALLING, or better yet, ‘my’ calling and how my awakening took place is on tap, something that is becoming clearer and clearer to me through the years, and especially when I discuss it on my shows frequently… Thank you again for allowing me to do this as well ~
The Palestine Pomegranate connection must be spead like wildfire, and I hope my message catches on… And after my Olive Tree message, we move onto an EMERGENCY WARNING from a concerned Dr. Meryl Nass, from the Jean Nolan Show, in a chilling warning to us all, as if to say “We told you this was coming”… Enough to raise the most ‘questioning’ eyebrows!
Following this, my questions stands in waiting, one that I ask for a concerned Elder who wants to know what the process could possibly be to turn wonderful young and innocent children into child killers and murderers… and how everyone is so ‘entrenched’ in so much ‘indoctrination’ and ‘brainwashing’, words you will often hear on my shows and in my articles…
To which I add a perfectly segued PALESTINIAN CHRISTIAN to the mix, who tells everyone the way it is, no editing here, and how much truth is hidden from us.
And to go even further to show what LIES are told and how deep this rabbit hole goes, this one ‘specific one’, a quick ride through the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms) and its workings and dealings, along with (how many??) ‘illegals’, ‘welcomed’ at the ‘border’… OUR border. Our open border.
Keeping the callers in mind throughout, I need to add that incredible wonder that is my shower head, that’s right, and what such a simple thing, a routine, can do for your immediate health and sinus problems, and I explain what works for me, and the logic of it all!
A quick truth bomb of the 1978 JONESTOWN (suicide?) MASSACRE is promptly dropped before the end of my show, something we might go further into on the next program, but please have a look at what our CIA is doing, again… CIA Cults and the Global Brainwashing Experiment: The Untold Story of the Jonestown Massacre.
I thought I would have enough time to give you the news I found out about TESLA, but only half of it comes out, and the music tells me it’s the end of another show, so I will address that as well, on my next episode!!
LUCA’S WORLD ~ Interesting Finds & Inconsistencies
(Click on image below to listen)
Thank you all again for reading and listening!
And as I love to say each week, … “See you all next week, Creator Willing!”
Parting Shot!
I really hope that you, the listener, will take heed, and check out as well… A lot of the information helping me to prepare these episodes rests on this site, our site, … MY SITE… because I am contributing to keep it going … Imagine, No censorship. (click on the link below the video to visit site)
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Additional episodes of Luca’s World HERE
Your Show Host: Luca Majno is the TLB Project Media Technical Director, an investigative journalist, researcher and passionate advocate of Indigenous People (The Original People), of their ‘Turtle Island’ which is now North America. Born in Boston, Ma. and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, he has lived for the last 25 years in Canada, where his activism started, and has since lived in Tennessee and Keokuk, Iowa, where he now resides. Exposing past and present crimes of any nature is a sure way to change the course of humanity towards a brighter future.
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