Now it’s Italy’s turn to leave the WHO
ER Editor: A short ANSA piece deals with the topic of Italian deputy PM Matteo Salvini filing a bill to get out of the WHO, while Dr. Meryl Nass picks up on the tweet Salvini […]
ER Editor: A short ANSA piece deals with the topic of Italian deputy PM Matteo Salvini filing a bill to get out of the WHO, while Dr. Meryl Nass picks up on the tweet Salvini […]
ER Editor: We’re using ‘gain of function’ as a loose term. As viruses have never been proven to exist, what is it really that these biolabs are souping up? Another, more accurate term for gain […]
ER Editor: Dr. Meryl Nass picked this up. She has copied over the whole Financial Times article, which lies behind a paywall. Her comment: ‘Big paywall so I copied the entire article below. Great news, if […]
. ER Editor: Call us crazy but with our belief that it’s all a movie, this is hardly a surprise. Still, another portion of the public had to be woken up to the cabal’s original […]
ER Editor: #Louisiana Senate Bill 133 Senate Bill 133 just passed Louisiana Senate 37-0, bipartisan support. Now it has to go to the House! WHO, UN, WEF shall have no jurisdiction in Louisiana! Way to […]
ER Editor: A reminder that it was Belarus, under Alexander Lukashenko then and now, which revealed critical details about the Covid lockdowns and tranches of IMF/Rothschild fiat money payable to countries who complied with this […]
ER Editor: Recall the Off-Guardian story we ran on Feb. 23, 2024 regarding the UK’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) choosing a new way to fudge the numbers on excess deaths — Why is the […]
ER Editor: Articles here are from Dr. Meryl Nass and pharma insider Aussie17. A reminder that Robert Fico recently won an election in Slovakia late in 2023. He is a veteran of the political scene […]
LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E160): With Harsh Weather Come Some Harsh Truths! Shows Broadcast Live On: ShakeAndWake Radio ~ Episode LXXIII (73) LISTEN TO ARCHIVED SHOW BELOW INTRO ARTICLE •••• Your Host: Luca Majno Welcome back, […]
LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode LXXVII (77) ~ Weather Woes While Exposing Foes LISTEN TO ARCHIVED SHOW BELOW INTRO ARTICLE Your Host: Luca Majno Thank you so much for joining us again for LUCA’S WORLD, and […]
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