LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XXII ~ Our Ode To Cody (part 2)
Your Host: Luca Majno
It is my Privilege to share with you, part two of “Our Ode to Cody”, the story of what happens to your SOUL when you work for the wrong people (or any of our tri-letter agencies) ~ And in it, if we pay attention, there are so many red flags, psy-ops and counter-intel-surveillance-imprisonments, so many instances, rabbit holes that I had already visited, like Dr. Doug Rokke and his affirmations on DUs (depleted uranium 238, and munitions) and their damage to humans, here: Talk – Dr. Doug Rokke – Depleted Uranium (DU)
And so many more resources, Colin Powell, for example, LYING about Iraq’s ‘mass destruction and weapons’, when WE SUPPLIED THEM with, as you will hear, “a weaponized strain of anthrax”…
Most everything Cody can think of comes out on the table, and towards the end, you hear his transformation into, what the Indian here would call: A Human Being, going from soul-less, to Soul-Full almost instantly, and, as I point out in Scriptures, God takes the most broken Souls to be transformed into Messengers for future (listening) Generations.
That is how Spirit works. You ignore it? You suffer the result(s). You listen to it, and watch yourself flourishing as a Human Being, never finding a limit to your Ultimate Potential in Life.
True story. ?
So here is what Cody discusses with us all …
CLIP 4 (06:33)
Coverup of inadequate clean-up gear,
of the anthrax saga, depleted uranium weapons
Gulf War Syndrome inv.
Deliberate radiation damage to Iraq (water supply, etc)
600% increase of leukemia in children, mass suffering
DUs and armor penetration
Nuclear Ur.238 in weapons, waste disposal
Murrah Building Destruction coverup for Hillary & Bill,
‘problems with the law’, cocaine trafficking,
child exploitation, Whitewater investigation
Murrah Building Destruction coverup of
hundreds of thousands of Vet Medical Files
CLIP 5 (06:36)
Cover story for OKC, the leaks, oops, unexploded bombs, witnesses (dozens) murdered (Yeackey Story)
OKC corruption (police drug running v FBI)
(YS con’t)
SAME PATTERN (Sheffield bombing, etc)
Life as a contractor / aftermath of LIFE
Walking Without Fear / Stand Up
CLIP 6 (05:36)
Monetary management under CIA black ops, definitions
Paid by your principles ~ risk/threat assessments
Giving Thanks & Intention
The powers of government v ‘us’
Tsalagi Prayer (and translation)
And in the words of Prophets, of Good Elders, and Good Ancestors, and The Greates of Spirits, we hear, from Cody’s own mouth, the Prayers of Old, the Wise Ones, Cody now having decided to serve the light instead of Darkness and to speak freely of this transformation.
His book, CHOOSING THE LIGHT, is on Ole Dammegard’s original page, where this interview was first aired, here: Choosing The Light – by Cody Snodgres
And as we all honor Cody Snodgres, and now, YOU have the chance to, and to tell ‘WHAT REALLY HAPPENED’ to friends and family, as he was practically begging me to do, we can let it all sink in… How everything is in layers, always remember him saying that… “The Massive Layers of Corruption”
… and we can start building a different and more truth-full view of the world we live in, the one we were all lied to about.
AND IN THE LAST MINUTES OF THE SHOW, … we manage to squeeze in MY horror with ‘the border’ and Kamala’s ‘laughing’ about it… (grrrrrrr) and a few stats.
LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XXII ~ Our Ode To Cody (part 2)
(click on image below to listen to show)
LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XXI ~ Our Ode To Cody (part 1)
Blessed again, and Thank You All for listening and reading!
We’ll see you next week, Creator Willing!
I really hope that you, the listener, will take heed, and check out as well… A lot of the information helping me to prepare these episodes rests on this site, our site, … MY SITE… because I am contributing to keep it going … Imagine, No censorship. (click on the link below the video to visit site)
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Additional episodes of Luca’s World HERE
Your Show Host: Luca Majno is the TLB Project Media Technical Director, an investigative journalist, researcher and passionate advocate of Indigenous People (The Original People), of their ‘Turtle Island’ which is now North America. Born in Boston, Ma. and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, he has lived for the last 25 years in Canada, where his activism started, and has since lived in Tennessee and Keokuk, Iowa, where he now resides. Exposing past and present crimes of any nature is a sure way to change the course of humanity towards a brighter future.
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