by Rick Wells
Rep Gohmert knew Mueller as a dirty cop, Islamic terrorism enabler and enemy of this nation long before he ever targeted President Trump in the COUP
Before there was Jihadi Jeh Johnson with his CVE Countering Violent Extremism program of paying off mosques and Imams with American tax dollars, building the North American caliphate with bribes to not blow up or shoot Americans, Robert Mueller engaged in a ten year plan of increasing the Islamic terrorist threat and hamstringing Americans by compromising their ability to defend themselves.
Rep Louie Gohmert was one of the first to call out Robert Mueller back when Mueller was the FBI Director and busily degrading America’s anti-terrorism capability by dismantling the FBI training program and removing all intelligence and references to Islamic terrorism, providing a false and incomplete picture of the role of Islam in promoting terrorist acts and compromising our counterterrorism capabilities. [[WATCH VIDEOBELOW]]
Gohmert called out the dirty anti-American traitor, appointed just a week before the attacks of September 11th, on September 4th, 2001, in two different hearings and elsewhere for Mueller’s own subsequent attacks on the United States, in service to both globalists George W. Bush and Hussein Obama as well as their Islamic caliphate cabal.
They play a clip of one of his encounters with Gohmert who notes that Mueller, in a perverted attempt at defending his chummy relationship with terrorists and practice of coughing up cash for promises of civility, said they went to the mosque involved in the Boston bombing as part of that CVE type of “outreach program” to terrorists.
Gohmert says, “They went in, played patty cake, had a meal on the floor, but they never asked about the Tsarnaev and that was my point. You never went out there and investigated the Tsarnaev, the Russians told you twice that Tsarnaev had been radicalized, and he could have stopped the Boston massacre, if he had just done his homework.”
Steve Doocy raises the 48-page op-ed that Gohmert just wrote detailing the unsavory role Mueller played in bringing us to where we are today. He’s not the “man of integrity” or the “champion of justice” that the establishment politicians claim he is. He’s an anti-American tool of the global government totalitarians seeking to overthrow our nation, including those currently in power inside DOJ and the FBI.
Gohmert summarizes his comments, saying that Mueller has done more damage to the FBI than anyone. He’s run off “thousands and thousands of years of experience, purging the Islamic training materials” noting the statements to the effect of “we didn’t know what we were looking for” by agents left to fend for themselves in the wasteland of ignorance Mueller created.
Gohmert points out that Mueller has a practice of identifying people he doesn’t like and destroying them. He points to the effort in the Senate by establishment RINOs like Charles Grassley and Lindsey Graham who are joining with the COUP-plotting Democrats to remove President Trump from office.
“The reason they’re doing it,” Gohmert says, “is number one they’re never-Trumpers, they want Trump out at all costs, even if it helps these guys that are doing a rotten job. And actually Mueller and Rosenstein, Weissmann, they all participated in the Russian Uranium investigation. They killed the investigation, quieted it so that Russia could get the sale of our uranium.”
“And then,” adds Gohmert, “Hillary gets $145 million for her Foundation. I mean if they don’t put the kibosh on that investigation then that sale doesn’t go through.” Gohmert says Mueller absolutely has got to go.
(TLB) published this video report compiled by Rick Wells, at Rick Wells.US, with our thanks for the coverage.
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