Parents Are Damned if They Do & Damned if They Don’t
By TLB Contributing Partner: Christina England, BA, Hons
Whilst the only thing that appears to be on anybody’s mind at the moment is the COVID-19 vaccine, other vaccinations are continuing to damage children’s health around the world.
The problem is, where there is vaccine injury, there is often blame, and as a result, a growing number of parents are being falsely accused of injuring their child after a vaccine injury has occurred.
The first case that I am going to highlight is the case of Anthony Smith. Names throughout this case have been changed for legal reasons.
In 2016, Mr. Smith was falsely accused of shaking his 8 week-old son Luke so hard that he suffered bleeds in the brain and bleeding behind the eyes. These bleeds are commonly known as shaken baby syndrome (SBS).
At the time of his son’s injuries, Mr. Smith had reported that Luke had received a total of nine childhood vaccinations three days earlier. He stated that:
“I am being falsely accused of shaking my young baby (8 weeks); he had a bleed on the brain 3 days after his immunisations, I have been stopped from seeing my boys, forced to separate from my wife and leave the family home, I am currently waiting to see if the CPS are going to charge me, I need help!!!!! Who do I turn to, what can I do???!!!”
Sadly, even though Mr. Smith went to the court armed with a stack of research to support his case and an extremely thorough report written by leading expert Dr.——, who had studied the case in detail and stated that:
“Upon examination of Blood Reports there was a consistent finding of:
- Haemoglobin Low
- Platelet count High
In my experience as a Consultant Haematologist, extending of several years in a Teaching Hospital, this child clearly has a deficiency of Vitamin C and it is this deficiency which is responsible for the episodes of bleeding from which he suffers.
While there are many causes of this, Luke’s reports show that he was vaccinated three days before he became ill.”
Dr. —– continued that:
“More than half a century ago Dr Archie Kalokerinos pointed out that some indigenous children died after being vaccinated and he attributed their death to acute Vitamin C Deficiency precipitated by the Vaccine.
He changed his practice and always gave an injection of Vitamin C before vaccinating.
In this case my considered medical opinion is “Vaccine Induced Vitamin C Deficiency.”
However, this evidence and the countless research papers did little to persuade the family court that Mr. Smith was innocent and the court found him guilty of shaken baby syndrome.
It appeared that the court were not interested in the hours of research that Mr. Smith had put into discovering the truth or, in reading the reports that he had obtained that had been written by experts. Mr. Smith told me that:
“Luke had very low haemoglobin levels when taken into hospital, low enough for him to have to have a blood transfusion while in ———– hospital, as it clearly says on his medical records the transfusion was because of low haemoglobin.
This is a sign of vitamin C deficiency, which again, can be explained, as a direct cause of the infection and antibiotics that he had prior to 9th April, he was fed formula milk, pre heated in the microwave, which kills all vitamin c, therefore he wasn’t getting any vitamin C leading up to him taking ill, this likely could have been exasperated by the immunisations, which in turn causes scurvy symptoms, which causes fragility to the veins in both the brain and eyes.”
He continued that:
“The small bruise on his left pinna could also be explained, I have been told this is a sign of microvascular damage called Hemoch Schoenlein Purpura which is a recognised vaccine injury and also a recognised vitamin C deficiency or Scurvy symptom.
These tests weren’t done or even considered by the experts, these questions weren’t asked either as we didn’t know to ask at the time.”
In other words, despite the fact that there was an abundance of evidence pointing to the fact that little Luke was suffering from a severe lack of vitamin C, none of this evidence was taken into consideration.
This all happened in 2016 and from 2016 to 2021 not a lot happened.
Mr. Smith was banned from living at home, he was separated from his wife and children by force and for the first couple of years he was only allowed one supervised visit with his family a week. However, over time these visits dwindled and Mr. Smith was left in limbo, not knowing what was going to happen from day to day.
Then suddenly, in August 2021, out of the blue, five years after the original accusation, Mr. Smith was formally charged of shaken baby syndrome by the Crown Prosecution Service.
Mr. Smith explained to me that:
“They even got the dates wrong on the actual letter that was served to me personally at my front door. We took Luke to the hospital on the 09/04/16, this was as soon as my son became ill, not between the 7th and 8th as specified.”
Confused, I checked a copy of the letter and, as indicated by Mr. Smith, the letter did indeed state that the injury took place between the 7th and 8th of April, which was totally incorrect, because after checking the paperwork, every other document barring this one, stated the correct date.
So what went wrong?
Concerned by the error, Mr. Smith informed his lawyer, who told him that there was nothing to worry about. This is because according to her they can change the information on the paperwork right up to the time that the jury makes their decision.
How this can be allowed to happen in a ‘so called’ court of law? Surely, this is completely unlawful?
Mr. Smith has now once again been left in limbo, to await his fate in a court of law, and he is not alone.
It appears that even if a parent refuses to vaccinate their children, they can still be accused of child abuse.
My next case is the case of Tamsen and Reggie Bowles.
In Tulsa, Oklahoma, US, on January 10, 2020, two children, aged five and three, were forcibly removed from the family home after CPS workers obtained a court order under what their parents say was a false affidavit, stating that their children were being neglected.
In an email, parents Tamsen and Reggie Bowles told The Liberty Beacon that:
“They swore under penalty of perjury that the boys had rings around their eyes and appeared to be malnourished. Now, we have proof that this is false.”
Mrs. Bowles explained that:
“Once the boys were taken by the sheriff’s deputies to the emergency room, none of this showed up on the medical reports. Instead, the medical reports showed that they were in good shape, healthy, and well-nourished. Even though nothing in the medical reports warranted any further examination, four days later they took them to the CPS pediatrician, and she didn’t even bother look at the three-year-old, since he was fine, but concluded that the five-year-old has autism, and besides that, no other problems. Since they had no other reason to hold them, they had to come up with a reason, so they decided that we were “negligent” in not treating him according to the protocol that they would decide to treat with.”
The protocol that CPS was referring to was the fact that this family did not believe in vaccinating their children. This was because they believed that their eldest child, Nigel, had only become autistic after receiving routine vaccination that he had received whilst in care in 2016.
Mrs. Bowles continued that:
“After they were taken, we met up with CPS and talked to them. They lied to us again by telling us we did not meet the criteria to take them home, by saying the three-year-old was “borderline” and the five-year-old was “off the scale. Both statements were proven to be false by the E.R. reports. Both boys were well within their weight for their age group.”
This information was confirmed by their medical records:
After examining all of the children’s medical records, as requested by their parents, we found little evidence to support the CPS’s claims that these two children were neglected or undernourished.
One report did state that Nigel had been observed “shoving large amounts of food into his mouth to the point of becoming concerned for choking,” however, as many parents of severely autistic children would know, this could in fact be a behavior problem, rather than a marker for starvation.
Especially as the same report stated that:
“During a follow-up medical assessment, Dr. P——– indicated that she would not diagnose Nigel as ‘failure to thrive’ …”
One thing that did appear in several of the medical reports that we were given to examine was the fact that the parents refuse vaccinations, which led us to believe that this was the real reason behind these children being medically kidnapped.
Please listen to the Bowles family tell their story to the late Sallie O. Elkordy on The Sallie and Mary show.
Mrs. Bowels recently explained to me that:
“We lost at the trial (not termination, it was the one that determines if the kids could come home at the time). The court disregarded all of our evidence. Our appeal was messed up, as in made impossible to go through, by both the judge and our private council. Here are the seven violations of law in this case that we know of, and I’m sure a competent lawyer could find more violations of due process that our family has endured since the start of this thing:
Conspiracy against rights.
Acting under color of law.
Perjury on a sworn affidavit.
Perjury in court.
Assistant District Attorney withholding evidence.
Perverting (changing) of sworn testimony on final judgement.
Critiquing of sworn testimony taken from someone outside of the courtroom on final judgement.”
She stated that:
“The sixth one, as in perverting (changing) of sworn testimony on final judgement, the judge changed our testimony on the final judgement, and also had that testimony critiqued by somebody outside the courtroom.
Both of these things are highly illegal. After we went broke hiring private council, she abandoned us, and we were given court-appointed attorneys, and mine has already quit me, and Reggie’s won’t communicate with him.”
The Liberty Beacon would like to know what kind of attorney turns their back on their client, or refuses to communicate with them altogether?
Once again this case has been left in limbo. However, in this case the children have had to suffer because unlike Luke, who at least was fortunate enough to stay with his mother and older brother, the Bowles lost their children to child protective services.
After reading the court judgement, it appears that Mr. and Mrs. Bowles were continually blamed for neglect and failing to attend pediatric appointments. The court completely disregarded the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Bowles believed that Nigel had been harmed in the first instance by vaccinations that were administered to him without their consent, whilst he was in the care of OKDHS.
The report stated that:
“In 2020, Dr. P——– diagnosed him with severe developmental delay and with child neglect due to his size, signs of food insecurity, and lack of interaction; she did not diagnose him with failure to thrive as she did in 2016. She again recommended PT, SP and OT, as well as a psychosocial evaluation, she noted that since being in custody, Nigel has made significant progress with treatment – learning sign language, becoming more interactive, making eye contact, and addressing feeding issues due to regurgitation. Dr. P——- rejected Parents’ allegation that Nigel’s conditions were due to brain damage caused by vaccinations while in OKDHS custody the first time.”
This family have never made any excuses for the fact that they do not believe in vaccinations.
Tamsen explained to us that:
“We were against vaccines long before we became parents. We never vaccinated our children. The state forced a vaccine on our eldest son back in 2016, and it has damaged our family. We have nourished our children to the best of our ability, and can even prove it, as you saw, with medical reports from the night they were unlawfully removed from their loving home, away from their loving parents. We try as much as we can to avoid pharmaceuticals. We are able to provide them with medical care if it is absolutely necessary. We home educate our children. We give them plenty of affection. We are a Christian family who believe in practicing our God-given rights and standing for truth.”
It appears that families around the world, are damned if they do and damned if they don’t when it comes to vaccinations.
In all of the photographs provided to The Liberty Beacon, the children from both of these families look loved and well cared for and yet, both of these families have had their lives turned upside down because they have been falsely accused of child abuse.
Read more articles by Christina
Note from Christina:
Please visit my new facebook page Arlos New Beginning, where you can follow my little foster dog Arlo’s, journey to his new life.
Arlo is a little dog that I am fostering. He is under a year old and completely unable to walk, due to severe birth deformities. I am fostering him from Hessa’s Homeless Hounds in Hertfordshire.
We need to raise around £12.000 ($15.900) to enable him to have the surgery that he so desperately needs, to free him from pain and get him on his feet for the first time in his life.
If you enjoy reading my articles/work then please consider donating through my fundraiser, where you can read his full story.
Or through my PayPal [email protected]
Thank you.
About the Author: Christina England, BA Hons, Research Journalist and Author
Christina was born and educated in London, U.K. She left school to work in a children’s library, specialising in storytelling and book buying. In 1978, Christina changed her career path to dedicate her time to caring for the elderly and was awarded the title of Care Giver of the Year for her work with the elderly in 1980.
After taking an A Level in Psychology and a BTEC in Learning Support, Ms. England spent many years researching vaccines and adverse reactions. She gained a Higher National Diploma in Journalism and Media Studies in 2010 and in 2016 she gained a BA Hons degree in Literature and Humanities. She currently writes for VacTruth, Health Impact News, GreenMedInfo, The Liberty Beacon, Vaccine Impact and Medical Kidnap on immunisation safety and efficacy.
She has co-authored the book – Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine Induced Encephalitis – Are Parents Being Falsely Accused? with Dr. Harold Buttram and Vaccination Policy and the UK Government: The Untold Truth with Lucija Tomljenovic PhD, which are sold on Amazon. She also compiled the book Shattered Dreams: The HPV Vaccine Exposed
Her website is Parents and Carers Against Medical Injustice
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