By Christopher Wyatt | TLB staff writer/documentary producer
This is how you make a difference! Get up, get involved, and make change!!!! I am so proud to be a honorary member of this group and to call Crystal Hunsicker a friend. (CW)
Crystal Hunsicker is the director of the nonprofit group The Pennsylvania Medical Freedom Alliance. On 9/26/16 and 9/27/16 her group hosted a very powerful two day event. Their focus was speaking to legislators about vaccine dangers and their constitutional rights to keep all three medical exemptions.
The first day entailed a few meetings, and a screening of Vaxxed, to which Del Bigtree and Sheila Lewis Ealey were present for a Q&A after the screening.
The second day was packed full of meetings with Senators,Representatives, and staffers at the Harrisburg Capitol. Del Bigtree and Sheila Lewis Ealey attended the meetings with members of PAMFA. The day concluded with a press conference in the Harrisburg Capitol. Members of PAMFA shared their personal stories and Del and Sheila each gave a speech.
Both days were extremely successful in that every Senator, Representative, and Staffer who were met with, have all agreed to keep Pennsylvania’s exemptions.
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