A huge firestorm is brewing for the Obama regime and all those in Washington who supported his decision to arm, send billions of dollars to, train militarily, and help on the battlefield to terrorist organizations in Syria who are now known as ISIS.
Since Russia’s Vladimir Putin decided to help the Bashar Assad government in Syria get rid of the rebels, who are now ISIS, more and more evidence is turning up on a daily basis to prove that the Obama regime has been solely responsible all along for the creation, support, and training of this radical Islamist terrorist group.
In the few weeks Russia has been fighting Obama’s army in Syria, we have learned through the Russian military the extent of support the US has been providing this terrorist organization. First of all, the Obama administration supplied ISIS with perhaps hundreds of Toyota Hilux trucks, although the official number is at 43 trucks, an obvious gross under estimate.
Secondly, we have actual US military dropping supplies and weapons to ISIS under the guise of mistaken air drops.
Thirdly, the US has been fighting the Assad government, not ISIS.
Many will remember Obama’s push to bomb the Assad government in Syria in 2012 to help terrorist factions overthrow the legitimate Syrian government. Since he could not garner the support for it, he openly began to support them in every way possible, in doing so the US clandestine agencies formed what is now known as ISIS. Make no mistake, there are absolutely no “moderate” terrorist factions the US is supporting in Syria, they are all what the name implies, terrorists.
To the time of this writing, the Obama Administration continues to openly support terrorist groups in Syria.
With this in mind, we are now fighting a proxy war with Russia because the Obama Administration refuses to stop supporting terrorist organizations around the world. The fact that the US began supporting radical Islam under President Obama should show us that we are now under the power of a rouge government, completely separate from the people, laws, and morals of what the United States is supposed to stand for.
We can see that the Federal government isn’t concerned with any terrorist threat in the fact that we have an open border with Mexico, if they were, this would not be so.
The NSA’s domestic spying program is completely designed to keep tabs on Americans and has nothing to do with monitoring international terrorist organizations. The rouge US government would have to have such a program to keep tabs on Patriotic Americans who will someday get fed up and take matters in their own hands in the form of civil unrest and all-out war.
The relentless push for gun control is also this rouge government’s insurance plan to make sure US citizens are not armed well enough to accomplish such an endeavor.
Realistically, since the Obama Regime is now openly supporting what we were told is our enemy, we should realize such unconstitutional laws as the Patriot Act, NDAA, and the government’s continuous effort to control the internet is designed to scrutinize US citizens, not terrorists.
The Federal government is using TSA and DHS, not for catching terrorists, but for monitoring US citizens. The DHS has and continues to make every effort to destroy all aspects of what made the US great by assisting the invasion of illegals from Mexico and Central America into our country by bus, plane, train, and the coordination of immigrants in these countries for their trip here.
Now we have the prospect of getting hundreds of thousands of so called Syrian refugees brought here over the next year. These people are mostly ISIS terrorists, their associates, and families being brought here under the guise of refugees. Notice, none of these supposed refugees are Christians. What the Rouge Socialist Dictatorship hopes to accomplish is a total transformation of the US society from that of a Christian, constitutional abiding, and Patriotic one to a society where we would be the minority and have to fight our new neighbors as well as the government in a Civil War.
Aiding and abetting the enemy is considered treason, under the current laws in the US any US citizens caught sending money, helping in logistics over the internet, and collaborating with any terrorist or terrorist organization would result in them being arrested and imprisoned. Yet, the President and those supporting his anti-American policies in Washington remain free while openly supporting the enemy.
We know the people in the Senate and House who supported Obama’s push for aid to the enemy in Syria. Topping the list of treasonous support for aiding our enemy is John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Those lawmakers who were front runners in opposing such an anti-American move were Rand Paul and Ted Cruz.
The one thing the military moves in Syria made by Russia’s Vladimir Putin has done is expose the treason committed by the Obama Regime in supporting terrorism.
Are we American citizens ready to go to war with Russia in support of radical terrorists if things deteriorate to that level? I would hope not, if we did, it would mean the US is fighting WWIII on the side of terrorists while the American people live under what amounts to a socialist dictatorship, suppressing their freedom under the guise of protecting them from the very people the Federal government says is our enemy.
The War on Terror has been a ruse for the United States to dominate the world and transform our once free nation into a socialist dictatorship. This has become quite clear since the Obama regime took power and blatantly began to help terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc. take over governments in the Mid-East, N. Africa, and various other countries in Indonesia and Asia.
The entire Arab Spring riots were created by US clandestine organizations to take out sovereign governments opposed to any form of radical Islam. Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak was replaced by the Muslim Brotherhood, until the people of Egypt had enough of being ruled by terrorists and replaced them.
The US replaced the Gaddafi government in Libya with Islamic State Militants which are terrorists.
Throughout Obama’s tenure, he has supported terrorist organizations around the world with billions of dollars in funds, billions of dollars in arms, actual military training, help on the battlefield, and supply drops for them in battle zones under the guise of mistakes. In doing so, Obama has made the US the world’s largest terrorist supporter.
The Benghazi attacks were a big part of the Obama Administration’s plan to run guns and supplies to terrorist groups, both for the upcoming war in Libya at the time and for radical terrorist groups aiming to take down the Assad government in Syria.
Thanks to Vladimir Putin, the Obama regime may not be able to finish out its last remaining few months.
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