ER Editor: We’re picking up both Samizdat (RT) via AlethoNews, and a piece from FreeWest Media which, in addition to the German finding that vaccine side effects are being underestimated by 40 times, also notes how unexplained, unpredicted mortality spikes are cropping up in various countries, which are likely to coincide with vaccination.
The massive underreporting of vaccine side effects is being seen in different countries and in the Eudravigilance database itself.
The German piece upon which the reports are based can be found here (browsers should translate): Charité researcher calls for ambulances for vaccine victims
‘Serious’ Covid vax side-effects 40 times more likely than reported – researcher
Samizdat (RT)
Professor Harald Matthes of Berlin’s Charite University Hospital said on Tuesday that he has recorded 40 times more“serious side effects” from Covid-19 vaccinations than official German sources have. As Matthes called on doctors to speak up for those allegedly injured, US pharma giant Pfizer released a tranche of data apparently showing its jab was far less effective than claimed.
Matthes has been conducting a study entitled ‘Safety Profile of Covid-19 Vaccines’ for a year, and after surveying 40,000 vaccinated people, he has noticed that one in every 125 have struggled with “serious side effects,” Germany’s MDR television network reported on Tuesday.
“The number is not surprising,” Matthes explained. “It corresponds to what is known from other countries such as Sweden, Israel or Canada. Incidentally, even the manufacturers of the vaccines have already determined similar values in their studies.”
However, Matthes claimed that this risk profile is 40 times higher than that noted by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), the health ministry agency in charge of the country’s vaccine rollout. The PEI currently states that serious reactions occur in just 0.2 out of every 1,000 vaccine doses administered.
Some of the effects Matthes’ team have recorded include muscle and joint pain, heart inflammation, dysfunction of the immune system and neurological disorders. With 179 million vaccine doses administered in Germany thus far, Matthes claimed that there could be as many as “half a million cases with serious side effects.”
The researcher, whose hospital is regarded as the best in Germany and has treated former Chancellor Angela Merkel, said that doctors need to take action and discuss the prevalence of such side effects “openly at congresses and in public without being considered anti-vaccination.”
In the US on Tuesday, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released 90,000 pages of documents from vaccine manufacturer Pfizer relating to the safety and efficacy of its Covid-19 shot. Preliminary analysis of the document dump suggests that during the pharma giant’s own studies, 1,223 people out of 29,914 suffering adverse events died following vaccination, and that the jab reduced the absolute risk of dying from Covid-19 by less than one percent, a point that has already been highlighted by research published in The Lancet medical journal.
Serious adverse jab reactions 40 times higher than previously reported
A German study has found that the number of serious side effects after Corona vaccines was 40 times higher than previously reported. The Charité, a well-known hospital in Berlin, interviewed 40,000 vaccinated people after they had received their mandated jabs.
The interviews showed that the number of serious side effects was 40 times higher than previously reported by medical supervisors the Paul Ehrlich Institute, according to MDR, the public broadcaster of the states of Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt and Saxony. The number of side effects resulting from normal vaccines, such as those against polio or measles, is considerably lower, researchers pointed out.
NEW – “The number of severe complications after vaccination against Sars-CoV-2 is 40 times higher than previously recorded by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI),” a study with around 40,000 participants by the Berlin Charité concludes.
— (@disclosetv) May 3, 2022
Sweden, Israel and Canada
Lead researcher Harald Matthes said the figures corresponded to the picture in countries such as Sweden, Israel and Canada. Even the makers of the vaccines come up with similar numbers in their own studies.
Last year, Dutch data analyst Wouter Aukema analysed data from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for all EU member states and saw a similar picture emerge.
The researchers considered serious side effects to be complaints that lasted for weeks to months and which required medical attention. These included muscle and joint pain, heart inflammation and also neurological disorders.
Professor Matthes said that most side effects, even serious ones, last three to six months at most. He immediately added that there are also side effects that last significantly longer.
Mortality spike in Cyprus
Authorities have been urged to investigate a mortality spike in Cyprus in 2021 that cannot be explained by Corona infections but which coincided with the vaccination campaign. This has been noted by a group of scientists in the medical journal Cureus.
The researchers analysed information published by the Cypriot Ministry of Health and collected by the European RIVM. In 2021, 9,7 percent more deaths were reported in Cyprus than in 2020. Compared to the five-year average, the mortality rate was 16.5 percent higher. The third and fourth quarters in particular saw a sharp increase in the number of deaths.
In addition, by calculating the percentage change of deaths for each of the two consecutive years over the last six years (from 2016 to 2021), they observed that the increase in mortality was not a part of an expected trend over time.
The scientists concluded that the increase in Cyprus in 2021 cannot be explained by Corona mortality and coincides with the vaccination campaign. They have therefore called for a comprehensive investigation to identify the underlying causes.
A mortality spike was also reported in the second half of 2021 in the Dutch province of Zeeland. More Zeelanders at the end of April than the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) had predicted. The reason for this increase in the number of deaths cannot be explained with certainty, “but Corona is probably the culprit” the regional broadcaster said. Against the background of mass vaccination, this may not be correct.
Over the last seven weeks of last year there was already a large wave of deaths, especially in Zeeland, which coincided with the jab campaign. Other countries, including Canadian provinces Alberta and British Columbia, have noticed a similar alarming trend.
Part of the Great Reset
The globalists want to keep citizens in panic mode for as long as possible while they work towards a world government, according to lawyer Reiner Füllmich in the programme Friday Roundtable.
They want to take control of the world as quickly as possible, as if in a dystopian James Bond film, but unfortunately it is reality, the lawyer explained. They are trying to create as much chaos as possible: first Corona, then disrupting supply chains and now the war in Ukraine.
“It is all staged,” Füllmich stressed. “It is all part of the Great Reset.” At some point, a solution will be offered: the United Nations as a world government.
“The United Nations is completely under the control of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum,” the lawyer underlined. But there is more. Schwab was educated in the United States. He studied at Harvard University in the 1960s and became involved in a CIA-funded programme to influence European policy. “That’s what the World Economic Forum was originally set up for,” he said.
The globalists are also using their network to gain control over the rest of the world, added Füllmich. “That is the ultimate goal: a world government and a digital world currency based on the Chinese social credit system. We must not let it come to that.”
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