Snowflakes, Christmas Dinner and Social Media: What have our young people come to?

Pam Barker | Director of TLB Europe Reloaded Project

Put simply, I spent Christmas in France with an indoctrinated snowflake, and while I survived, our relationship hasn’t. But it’s left me with some sobering reflections.

The irony is that this snowflake – my husband’s daughter sad to say, who is a graduate student in the US Midwest, aged a little over 30 – is no longer a suggestible kid as most so-called snowflakes are. She’s not a millenial, in other words. Further, being French she hasn’t been acculturated by this feel good individualism from the get-go. It’s true that France saw this wave of Weinstein-inspired female-oppression-by-men obsession triggered recently. And globalist, Rothschild-backed Macron is doing his level best to earn elite liberal credits with a pro-women agenda, but it’s still a tough sell at rock bottom: the basic culture is traditionally quite harsh toward the individual here, sometimes alarmingly so, and doesn’t trade in flattery and making people feel validated.

addtext_com_MTAwNjExMjAxMzgMaybe that’s why she’s been so quickly and thoroughly indoctrinated into this revamped 21st century version of victim-at-the-drop-of-a-hat feminism. Multiculturalism and political correctness were neatly tucked in as sub-themes into our Christmas Eve discussion, along with everything else that could possibly fall under the Cultural Marxist umbrella.

‘Indoctrinated’ is a very damning word to use about someone who aims to go high up the academic food chain, as I’m sure you can appreciate. Indoctrinated is the very last thing an educated person in the western liberal tradition is supposed to be.

So post-Christmas dinner, my husband was holding forth in fast French, responding to his daughter banging on about how women suffer continually because of the sexually aggressive behavior of men. (She also had some solid backup from her brother, of a similar age who has been university educated here.) I had some difficulty keeping up with the pace of the conversation. My husband then turned to me to ask what I thought. He’s a natural troublemaker by the way.

So I answered in English by completely sidestepping the gender stuff with an economic argument of real oppression. You probably know what’s coming:

  • thirty years plus of oligarchic neoliberalism, manufacturing jobs getting shipped out to low-paying countries by design, wrecking the working class and hurting the middle classes, along with zero hours contracts and low-paid jobs in the service sector
  • rising costs of healthcare, college education and real estate that hurt the middle class (many Americans are now supposed to be one medical crisis away from bankruptcy)
  • corporations able to move around their profits globally to any one of several flourishing tax havens
  • free trade agreements that secretly siphon off our tax money while we’re told we have to do more with less under the banner of austerity and privatization of public services
  • bail outs/bail ins to the banks that we’ll be once again forced to pay when the next crisis due to their recklessness comes, and come it surely will
  • anti-austerity-marchkids in the UK are now showing up at the doctor’s office with rickets, a problem of the Third World, not First, and legitimate, impoverished benefits claimants – some very sick indeed – are getting denied the state aid they need to literally survive

And to top it all off, we’re not allowed to comment on any of this.

It’s been thoroughly effaced from the mainstream corporate media, as we well know. Now it’s all about supporting massive waves of illegal migrants, women and the transgendered – supporting the alleged, ideologically constructed victim, not the real ones under our very noses. This is how the Left has been tricked and shunted off into a siding. The working class, increasing in numbers under neoliberalist economic policies that have gutted it, has just vanished from the conversation.

‘You’re missing the point entirely with all this feminist victim crap,’ I said. ‘We’ve been through the original feminist phase when women really were the clerks and secretaries making the coffee. Been there, done that, which my generation has experienced. Now we’ve got a far different problem that’s affecting probably more than 80% of us. Including women, including minority groups, and all the migrants we’ve already absorbed. It’s called globalism and it’s primarily economic.’

No impact. No curiosity, questions or comments.

I should also relate one other moment from earlier on that day to demonstrate how hopeless this all was. That afternoon I’d sent my stepdaughter a link to a recent press release from Brock University in Canada explaining how male sexuality is more and more looking like it really is determined in utero. When I said we can’t just choose or modify our sexuality as we want, therefore – ‘male sexuality is likely biologically determined’ I bluntly stated – her non-intellectual response was to laugh. Laugh! Laughing at something which violates the very essence of her worldview … ? When I glazer-450later referenced how the feminist movement under Gloria Steinem had been funded to some degree by the CIA and therefore ‘bought’, she chastised me for being ‘crazy with too much of this CIA stuff’. So I sent her some links to two excellent books and an article on how the CIA is responsible for interfering in French politics, the German mainstream media, the creation of the EU, etc. Again, no response. When I said my claims and ideas were the product of reading and research, her stunning reply was simply to say, ‘you shouldn’t research so much’. This from a graduate student whose sole reason for getting out of bed right now is to do endless amounts of research.

Now, all of this could be dismissed with a wave of the hand. After all, this is just one person whose own particularities are coming into play. Anecdotes are all very fine and well but you can’t generalize from a case study.

But some serious questions surely arise out of this, which I raised with both of our guests.

  1. Are university students being deliberately sabotaged – intellectually – by our social engineers? At university, you were traditionally expected to park your emotions outside, and be prepared to have your comfort zone and world view shaken and shattered with new ideas and theories, all of which would be critiqued rationally, not simply laughed at or laughed off. Is the next generation of achievers being broken down and intellectually weakened?
  2. Are they being indoctrinated by the liberal elite to be so hopelessly out of touch with the realities of ordinary people, folks who have to concentrate on making ends meet and basic family concerns instead of being preoccupied by such frankly effete issues? A working class woman – a true victim of neoliberal economics – has a much bigger set of concerns on her plate than the fact that some man (probably white) sexually patronized her. (And this type of person voted for Brexit that the elites just can’t for the life of them comprehend.) Did I mention that my husband’s children, middle class despite their best efforts, are intentionally childless and single in their thirties and have responsibilities to no-one but themselves?
  3. Is another generational war (known as the ‘generation gap’ historically) being engineered, as it was during the ‘60s and ‘70s when the young were expressly being given a value system diametrically opposed to their parents’, to break the old system down? The difference in perspective between my husband and me and these younger people a generation below was utterly stark. And it wasn’t a question of left-right difference, either, as my husband is self-proclaimed left and I subscribe to neither.

The problem is, my stepdaughter – by far and away the most reluctant of the two to see a more nuanced view –  is not just some dreadful Alex Jones stereotype of what a ‘libtard’ is meant to be. Not at all. At previous Christmases and family gatherings she had been perfectly normal and approachable, compassionate and caring about others for sure, still feminist, but not extreme and blinkered. All of a sudden she’s antagonistic and self-righteous, ready to be offended, ready to take up the cudgels for some perceived victim or other. We’re in the messy world of values, so there isn’t a logical demonstration you can turn to, a kind of 2 plus 2 makes 4 formula which effortlessly proves she’s wrong. (Yes, I know I’m not ‘right’, either.) From within her own worldview, she’s so self-evidently right. And that is worrying.

It is clear these young people are incapable of seeing the rest of us as a unity in need of defense against the globalist oligarchs and their politician puppets. We’ve all lived through the pernicious Left and Right divide, a piece of clever theater historically imposed on us, which has us firmly convinced that the real enemy of an ordinary person is yet another ordinary person. As if. Historian Anthony C. Sutton warned us against this elite trick. Now, the political and cultural landscape has been more cleverly and finely carved up with gender/transgender politics, multiculturalism, and ‘my-feelings-count-above-all’ individualism. It’s a disunified mess, by design. A far more vicious way of divvying us up. These young people simply don’t have enough years of life under their belts to counteract this pernicious enticement to self-sabotage by way of a different, contrasting set of life experiences, as those of us who are older can.

‘You know what the Establishment really fears ?’ I asked. ‘That we all come together as a single group and fight against their crap. Gender identity stuff just divides us, as this conversation tonight is showing. So we end up seeing each other as the enemy and thus they’ve won.’

No real impact. And any further conversation was just becoming more and more acrimonious.

The next day my husband called in on his daughter to bring her over for dinner, imagining that there’d be an awkward atmosphere to contend with first. Instead, he found a note saying she’d gone – on Christmas Day – and left behind her gifts that we’d bought her. The night before she had mentioned to him privately that she had felt herself under attack

Her brother, meanwhile, had gone home and in the wee hours posted about his evening’s family experience on Facebook no less, making sure to publicly list his personal features in this post as ‘left’, ‘gay’ and ‘vegan’ – as if his extensive friends’ and followers’ list needed this hopelessly egocentric reminder of his unique and precious identity. Naturally, his friends exuded no end of electronic empathy for this truly disturbing family experience.

Is there any way to bridge this seemingly unbridgeable chasm? It’s a real question. Or have the Deep State social engineers scored another goal against us Tavistock-style? At this point, the prospects for these young people seem very bleak indeed.


Meme insert courtesy of David Icke

Image of Gloria Steinem courtesy of AP 1970

Published to The Liberty Beacon from

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