So how’s that Plan Working for the Dems?
By: John Green
If a party wants to get something big done, it needs a plan. A complete plan should include:
A long-term objective
A guiding strategy to achieve the objective
Tactics to enhance the probability of success
Specific actions to realize the desired outcome
In a competitive arena, like politics, parties usually keep their plans secret. But after observing one’s opponent for a bit, it’s usually possible to reverse engineer what their plan is. Well, we’ve had a few decades to observe the Democrats, and I think their plan has become pretty obvious. It’s also apparent that their plan has some serious flaws.
I don’t think anyone would dispute that the overarching objective of the Dems is to achieve a long-term lock on power. In fact, there is nothing wrong with that objective. The good or evil in the plan isn’t the objective. It is how the objective is achieved and used.
It’s pretty obvious that the Democrat strategy is to win by any means necessary — including cheating. Nothing is off the table. They’ve demonized their opponents with propaganda and witch-hunt investigations. They’ve used thugs and Deep State bureaucrats to intimidate the opposition. They’ve altered election rules and used fraud to tilt the scales in their favor. That pretty much covers the “by any means necessary” waterfront.
Notice what their strategy is not to win the debate of ideas. They’ve stopped even attempting to sell their agenda to the American public. The Dems don’t debate bills before passing them anymore. They have to pass the bill to see what’s in it. They know they can’t win by having a winning argument. That explains why they never alter course based on feedback from the electorate. Americans spoke loud and clear during the 2021 off-year election. The Dems doubled down on what they were already doing. Public be damned, just fortify their position before the next election.
The Dems have used a number of tactics to enhance their probability of success. They have created a coalition of special interest groups to win elections. Environmentalists, feminists, LGBT, minorities, unions, etc. have come together to defeat anything the evil conservatives pursue.
They’ve used their very own propaganda ministry (the MSM) to deceive the electorate. Four years of fake stories convinced Americans that it would be evil to vote for Trump and virtuous to vote for Biden. What Americans were not given was the necessary information to make an informed decision. The Dems provide the narrative, and the propagandists sell it. The truth does not factor into their tactics.
The Dems have also used the power of the Deep State to attack opponents. For the promise of more power and funding, the Deep State has happily assisted. The DoJ and FBI conspired to execute a coup against a duly elected president. Now the DoJ is attempting to crush political dissent by labeling peaceful protests “domestic terrorists.”
Perhaps most alarmingly, the Dems have employed thugs to intimidate Americans into inaction. Antifa and Black Lives Matter have vandalized, burned, and even murdered to advance the narratives created by the Democrats. Who can forget restaurant patrons harassed, politicians attacked on the street, judges intimidated, and jurors threatened? The Dems have responded by providing bail and declining to prosecute the thugs.
The “by any means necessary” party was able to get into power (just barely) in the 2020 election. They proposed a series of actions that would have cemented their lock on power for years to come. These included:
Packing the courts
Ending the filibuster
Nationalize elections
Redistribute wealth
Fortunately for Americans, their actions haven’t worked out so well.
A Complete Plan Doesn’t Make a Good Plan
Let’s take a look at how the Dem plan is working, starting at their actions and working back to their strategy.
Had they pulled off their planned actions, it certainly would have been hard to pry them out of office again. But luckily, they picked the village idiot to lead the charge. President Gremlin has not only failed, he has failed spectacularly. The Dems aren’t talking about court packing, election reform, or filibuster nuking anymore. Gropey Joe’s negotiating skills have even managed to turn his spending plan into an all-out civil war within his own party. Luckily for conservatives, the Dems had no alternative to Joe — he really is the best they have.
Their tactics have inherent vulnerabilities which are now exposed. The Deep State and the MSM could only be effective while they did their dirty work in darkness and retained a facade of credibility. But either through hubris or necessity, they went too far and they’re exposed now.
At the very time that Americans are livid about rising crime, the Dems have sided with criminal thugs. They won’t be able to run on a platform of law and order for years to come.
Lastly, the cracks in their coalition are beginning to show. Special-interest groups must compete for resources, priority, attention, decisions, and etc. However, eventually the coalition members were bound to start competing with each other, and that has exposed a major vulnerability of the coalition.
Both feminism and the LGBT movement began wanting fair treatment for their respective members. But fair treatment morphed into a demand for equitable results. Now we have men competing in women’s sports. Winner — LGBT.
Minority groups wanted the best possible education for their children. Only through a better education could their kids hope to lead a better life. However, the teachers unions wanted to crush educational alternatives to create a monopoly for the public-school systems. The Democrats sided with the unions against things like school vouchers. In so doing, they have perpetuated failing public schools. Winner — teachers unions.
The same foundational cracks are forming between labor unions and environmentalists. Even their army of thugs is in conflict. BLM is fundamentally Marxist. Antifa is anarchist. How long can they work together? And on and on. A coalition of disparate special interests is a house of sand. It looks impressive, but crumbles with the first waves.
The Bleak Future They Face
This is where the leftists and their useful idiots in the Democrat party stand — they’ve won an election but jeopardized their future prospects. Their colossal ineptitude has undermined their message of competence and roused the American people. They’ve exposed their vulnerabilities for conservatives to exploit.
The tactics they’ve employed have inherent vulnerabilities. Their coalition is beginning to crack. Conservatives need to grab the biggest crowbar they can find and pry away.
Luckily, the Democrats are hostages to their leftist sponsors and show no inclination to adjust their tactics. Bill Clinton knew how to “triangulate.” No Democrat after him has even considered this. Conservatives can attack their vulnerabilities in complete confidence that they will continue doing the same things. By the time they realize their tactics are flawed, it will be too late.
Their strategy to retain power “by any means necessary” is also flawed. It misses the point that we are a government by the people and for the people. How did they think they could achieve political dominance without the consent of the people?
Leftists and their political wing, the Democrats, have:
Picked a strategy that is anathema to a country of self-governance
Settled on tactics that are deeply flawed
Placed success in the hands of the most incompetent fool to ever occupy the Oval Office
So how’s that stolen election working out for them? 2022 can’t get here soon enough.
This above article (So how’s that Plan Working for the Dems?) is republished here under “Fair Use” (see disclaimer below article) with attribution to the articles author John Green and the website americanthinker.com.
TLB Project recommends that you visit the American Thinker website for more great articles and information.
Read more articles and blog-posts by John Green.
About the author: John Green is a political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Star Idaho. He is a retired engineer with over 40 years of experience in the areas of product development, quality assurance, organizational development, and corporate strategic planning. He currently writes at the American Free News Network. John can be reached at [email protected].
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