Civil Disobedience: As Long As I Breathe, I Hope

November 26, 2021 0

Civil Disobedience: As Long As I Breathe, I Hope The “silent” dictatorship of democracy has been “transformed” into an “open” dictatorship in many states, civil disobedience is the order of the day… By: Dr. Rudolf […]


The Final Push to … ‘Restore Our Freedom’

March 23, 2021 1

The Final Push to Restore Freedom By: Robert E. Wright Have you noticed that the good guys are on the verge of winning the great struggle, certainly intellectually but also politically and culturally? It’s become […]


How Do We Protect Ourselves From the “Protectors”?

May 16, 2020 0

How Do We Protect Ourselves From the “Protectors”? Commentary by: TLB Staff Writer Lucille Femine There are certain helpful programs the government offers like social security, etc and that’s good…I guess. However, Social Security appears […]


Unvaccinated Adult Travelers Pose Measles Risk

October 27, 2017 0

Preface by TLB Staff Writer: Christopher Wyatt It would seem as late the pro vaccine propaganda machine is turning away from small children and towards adults. This week the CDC recommended a 3rd MMR to so […]

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