James Clapper, piece of work

June 3, 2018 0

James Clapper, piece of work By Richard Jack Rail Listening to James Clapper, erstwhile Director of National Intelligence, defend his actions during the 2016 presidential campaign can make you squirm with embarrassment, even if you […]


How the Deep State Undermines American Democracy

January 21, 2018 1

  How the Establishment Undermines American Democracy PHILIP GIRALDI There is a growing consensus among many observers in Washington that the national security agencies have become completely politicized over the past seventeen years and are […]


Brennan & Clapper: Elder Statesmen or Serial Fabricators?

November 19, 2017 0

Brennan and Clapper: Elder Statesmen or Serial Fabricators? By: Mike Whitney Last Sunday, Former CIA Director John Brennan and Former National Intelligence Director (NID) James Clapper appeared on CNN’s morning talk show, State of the […]

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