With some Fight & Imagination…
By TLB Contributing Author: Joseph M. Lenard
Idiot RINO Kevin McCarthy is now running around saying WE WON THE NATIONAL POPULAR VOTE this cycle, Republicans got 6 million more Votes than FASCICRATS Nationwide overall, so it really was a great #RedWave. So, is idiot McCarthy now joining with the #FASCICRATS and their #NationalPopularVote to eliminate the #ElectoralCollege bandwagon?? What an idiot, the NATL POPULAR #VOTE is irrelevant ANY #ELECTION, it determines NOTHING. What matters are District by District in MidTerms, and State by State for #POTUS cycles – NEVER, EVER, The #NPV. Only an unprincipled moron desperate for #SPIN would cite such.
We need NEW GOP LEADERSHIP, not Country Club RINO types like McCarthy and McConnell (and thankfully Rubio has grown some balls and calling for new USSenate Leadership versus the McConnell types) more interested in playing games (which too often means cozying up to the Swamp) and folks with IMAGINATION to turn shift back on FASCICRATS and continue the migration of Working Class Blacks and Hispanics that Trump started with IMAGINATIVE SOLUTIONS that can and will speak to ALL THINKING PEOPLE…
Turn the Tables on the FASCICRATS and their handouts at Average US Citizens’’ Taxpaying expense…
PUNISH THE LEFT, including those University Liberal Elites…
Here’s a thought for #GOP led (still pending, if enough Left cheating prevents it) #USHouse 1st Bill… Hear me out…
Legal (not illegal Executive Order) STUDENT DEBT RELIEF ACT Bill to provide Student Debt Relief PAID FOR BY A ONE TIME WEALTH TAX* OF UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENTS since it was/is fault of the Universities they have that Debt (NOT Biden’s shifting of Debt to be paid by those who did not attend College). ALSO, in the Bill, requirement all Tuition’s be SLASHED by 10% and CAPPED (Left loves price controls) at no more than #CPI or 5% (whichever LESS). Dare #USSenate Dems to Block or #Biden to #Veto to prove they care more about UNIVERSITY ADMIN AND PROFESSOR ELITES than the Students and the Taxpayers this would protect!! Add a return to Privatization of Student Loan Program (before Obama Federalized it).
* How could the Left OPPOSE what they’ve been clamoring for the last couple decades, but I/we would only agree to a/this TAX INCREASE if this limited, targeted, one-time, to kill two birds with one stone (solve the Loans issue, and punish the Left)
Article Image Credit: In-Article image #1 – MedalCeremony 1 011520 (33 of 69) (49396292527) – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 & In-Article image #2 Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay & In-Article #3 Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay & Image in Featured Image (top) – pixabay license
About the Author: Joseph M. Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”!
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
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From/in: https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/01/its-called-leverage-and-about-damn-time-real-conservatives-use-it-over-the-quickearly-sellouts-cinosrinos-yet-again-3651476.html and https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/time-for-new-gop-leadership/
TUE. OCT. 3rd 2023 UPDATE….. SPEAKERSHIP (at least temporarily? Vacated)….
Whether McCarthy was ousted (and while vacated, could be put right back in) but this is important!
unlike Impeachment of BiDUMB going nowhere, the #ENEMEdia Spins it to FASCICRATS favor as just same-ole same-ole tit-for-tat and if House Impeaches Senate IS NOT removing BiDumb PERIOD!
THIS HOWEVER, whether McCarthy is fully ousted and replaced or just temporarily removed and reinstated is an important message to (first and foremost, to McCarthy YOU WILL NEED KEEP PROMISES MADE but to also) the GOP Base that this is NOT the same-ole GOP top to bottom and promises made will be expected to be kept GOING FORWARD or the next attempt to VACATE SPEAKERSHIP MAY BE FOR REAL!!!
We barely have control of USHouse, things we pass will go NOWHERE in USSenate, HOWEVER the promises made by McCarthy MUST BE KEPT (even knowing they go nowhere in USSenate) to signal the Overton Window of the GOP is indeed moving RIGHTWARD, more Conservative, more back toward Constitution and our GOP Platform, rather than just LEFT but slower – as yes indeed McCarthy has not kept every promise but indeed is far better than Paul Ryan (NOT GOOD ENOUGH, but we are moving the RIGHT DIRECTION at least – but not fast/far enough to/for most our liking).
Sadly many in our Nation NEED THIS LESSON! They have ZERO REAL CLUE how Congress works. We must PASS A STRONG AGENDA IN THE USHOUSE and make a big deal about the Bills we pass that then DIE IN USSENATE to better position us to garner more GOP Voters that have sat things out in past and we need return to Voting FOR US TO WIN plus signal to the inDUHpendents – if you are not with us opposing FASCICRATS and FASCISM, then you are with them and are FASCICRATS useful-idiots!
So, again, this likely going nowhere, BUT AN IMPORTANT SIGNAL THINGS ARE NOT THE SAME-OLE SAME-OLE (despite the moronic Impeachment same-ole same-ole that instead we should HAVE IMAGINATION and Impeach Mayrokas, Garland, Granholm, more, IN THE CABINET, that is clear new imaginative direction (IF the GOP is to really SEND THE MESSAGE TIMES HAVE CHANGED)!!!!
also see my LIVE POSTING from the Nights it took for McCarthy to get the Speakership – he was always going to be Speaker, but we FORCED SOME PROMISES – and that is the point, McCarthy would NOT be in this place today IF HE HAD KEPT THE PROMISES even while knowing most things would go nowhere in USSenate controlled by FASCICRATS…
more in (this article): https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/01/its-called-leverage-and-about-damn-time-real-conservatives-use-it-over-the-quickearly-sellouts-cinosrinos-yet-again-3651476.html