4 Family Justice: Parent Alienation
Hosted by Melissa Diegel & Karla Johnson On The Liberty Beacon Radio Network
Please listen to Roger Frez’s riveting story about his son Peter, his other children, his experience as a father and all he has learned along the way. “All children belong under the protective umbrella of loving parents.”
4Family Justice is on every Thursday at 9:00 PM EST … 6:00 PST (you will receive a “No Results Found” message if you click on the show link prior to air time) on the Liberty Beacon Radio Network, and can be heard in full anytime after show publish time (pre-recorded).
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You can also visit the … 4Family Justice Host page on The Liberty Beacon Town Crier … to listen to this show (at or after show time), and all the past/archived shows.
Written by TLB Staff Writers: Melissa Diegel and Karla Johnson
“There is not a minute go by without a thought of you, the seconds tic by so slow I could live a million lives waiting to be with you , our time we were together was my heaven on earth , your smiles and love gave me everything I need, I long to be with you again more than life itself , and I know you do to because I’m your Daddy I love you Tommy Peter Sophia Katrina!” -Roger Frez
Listen here as little Katrina calls out to her daddy in a loving way.
Katrina’s Art from before being separated from her dad and
now because of the alienation Katrina is suffering from depression.
An IEP Letter: A Father’s Fight
“I Spoke with my kids school today about an emergency meeting , I can’t make any decisions can only ask questions , the school administration does not take me seriously , she said to me we will Entertain your questions! This irritated me just a bit, I followed up with this email
Dear Mrs. Grant,
During our phone communication a few minutes ago you made a statement that is of extreme concern to me. Your statement, “We will entertain your questions.”
I ask, who is “we”?
What was your intention in using the word “entertain”?
I sense that you are practicing treating me and my children as your entertainment. If you are able to tell me in any law applicable to children and education, divorce and custody where the term entertainment [or word with similar meaning applies] then I will agree, as best as I can, that I will be your [the ‘we’ group] entertainment. Please demonstrate your statement as applicable to your capacity. Otherwise, absent such requested demonstration, I must conclude, and believe that ‘any reasonable person would agree [jury of peers in a trial] that you are not reasonable within your capacity as director of pupil personnel services authority.
My life, my children, myself, I will not ever agree to be your entertainment. I prefer to document your harassment/discrimination, retaliation, undue harm to me, father of my children, to my children and their rights under the Constitution of the United States of America to receive a Free Appropriate Public Education.
Due to your announcement that you/we will entertain me, I am fully authorized to record your entertainment. I will not participate in any belief or practice of entertaining you/we [who ever may be there, official capacity will be identified in writing]. I will be present as the father of my children and I will ask the questions I am entitled to ask. You will be recorded. Why would I ever bother to do this and experience what I perceive and am caused to believe that I and my children within public education are “your/we entertainment”? Including, but not limited to, Best Interest of the child, Truth, Court, et. al., do apply.
I will not attend any meeting with any intention to entertain you. I am sincere and I truly feel that I question you capacity to act properly for children and their rights to public education in the United States of America.
My sister is my strong advocate for me and my children.
Lets get serious here, explain how me and my children, FERPA, IDEA, Section 504, ADA, and more [Constitutional rights] are your entertainment.
Roger Frez
Fierce father that advocates to restore his life with his children
P.S. You are not authorized to go on any witch hunt, if you wish to act to be Judge, Jury or of any capacity you are not authorized, then I am of the right to claim you are practicing without capacity. Maybe you are choosing criminal activity. Recorded info may demonstrate that, it is your choice to act appropriately within your capacity … that I hold you to. I will not accept and act to be your entertainment. You may pay for attitude, your statement on the phone, and within your capacity. I expect professionalism … nothing less. Professionalism will provide me and my children the respect and rights we are entitled to. I don’t want more that I am entitled.”
#MelissaDiegel @MelissaDiegel #Johnson [email protected]
My husband is in a custody battle for his daughter. For the last five years I have watched and endured the worst parent alienation and emotional abuse to his daughter who currently has cancer. The trial is November 27th. We could use support and help.