Rebecca Sounds Reveille – Wake Up To – Health Customization & Choices
With Guest, Dr. Kathy Gruver
By TLB Project Media Director & Show Host: Rebecca L. Mahan
Making permanent changes in a healthy lifestyle revolves around focusing on customization and staying motivated. Guest Dr. Kathy Gruver who is a motivational speaker, an award-winning author, and host of the national TV show, The Alternative Medicine Cabinet (based on her book that won Beverly Hills Book Awards), inspires the audience on this episode with her passion and enthusiasm to get people healthy.
Dr. Gruver, also a health and wellness expert, specializing in stress, nutrition, mind/body medicine, massage, hypnosis and pain management, strongly believes that having a healthy lifestyle all comes down to making “a choice”. Whether it be from what enters the body to what enters the mind, we ultimately make a choice. Therefore, if we opt for a salad over a candy bar, we control what enters the body. If we opt to get caught up in unhealthy social media or to turn social media off, we control what enters our mind. All of our choices determine how healthy our lifestyles are; however, the choices a person makes needs to be tailored to the outcome they want and the challenges they face. For example, a person with a physical impairment can choose to exercise or choose not to. So, let’s say the person chooses to exercise, they then tailor the exercise to their own personal abilities.
This view takes every’body’ out of the box that the diet industry and so-called exercise gurus who has a one size fits all marketing platform. I personally found this refreshing. Why? It wasn’t all that long ago I found myself facing physical limitations and order a program whose advertising “sold me’. Excited about the program, I found utter disappointment that I could not perform the exercises- even modified. Many of us out there share this discouragement after ordering program after program and trying the diet gimmicks claiming to meet our needs- and then don’t
This is where staying motivated comes. Really? Yeppers. But how? Listen to your body. Dr. Gruver shares how we respond to the choices we make is important. If you feel you have limited choices, motivation can be difficult. So…you may be wondering what options are available so you can customize the specific things you need to be truly healthy. One way to discover some options available are learning about alternative medicine.
Alternative Medicine is becoming more mainstream than past traditional modalities. What the difference is begins with prevention and treatments via alternative medicine, whereby traditional medicine treats and prescribes. A great place to begin is checking out Dr. Gruver’s website (link below). It’s a great start to begin to customize, get motivated, and make your choice to get healthy.
Watch this great discussion …
Dr. Gruver’s Books:
For more information or to contact Kathy Gruver- click here
If you would like to contribute articles to TLB, host a TLBTV show for The Liberty Beacon Project, or be a guest on Rebecca Sounds Reveille or another show on TLBTV, click the email link on this page or email Rebecca directly at: [email protected]
Watch more episodes of Rebecca Sounds Reveille HERE
About your host Rebecca L. Mahan: Rebecca is The Liberty Beacon Project Media Director, Host of TLBTV’s Rebecca Sounds Reveille, a United Stated Marine Corps veteran and a retired police officer of over 10 years. Rebecca is a published author and had been a long running columnist for a community college newspaper. She has also been an award winning radio show host and has produced, booked, and interviewed guests for her shows. Her education includes: Associates degrees in Christian Studies, General Education, General Business Management, and Law Enforcement. Rebecca also has a Bachelor’s degrees in Church Ministry and Occupational Studies -Vocational Arts, as well as a Master’s degree in Biblical Studies. She is a certified Mediator and Event Planner.
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