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TLBTV SPECIAL: THE RED PILL HARDCORE – With Host “V” and Special Guest Michael Cangiamilla discussing Synthetic Telepathy, Acoustic Frequency Weapons and more … Silent Tyranny
By TLB Contributing Author & TLBTV Show Host: “V”
This is the 3rd episode of THE RED PILL HARDCORE TV which originally began as THE RED PILL HARDCORE Radio Show 2 years ago hosted by “V” and is still ongoing. The purpose of this show is to expose “Psychological Operations” in all of its forms uses on the people of the world. Michael Cangiamilla is this episode’s Special Guest.
Micheal Cangiamilla’s whole life and focus was dedicated to Spirituality, Adventure, Travel and staying extremely fit and healthy. Michael Cangiamilla, is a 51 years old man who grew up most of his younger life in Sonora California in the foothills out side of Yosemite California. Michael was into health and fitness most of his life and stayed active with Skiing, Snowboarding,Biking, Wind Surfing and Running. His main love was travel in the United States and Abroad and have lived and visited many States and Countries. He grew up in the restaurant business and worked as a Chef for many years. His preference in the culinary was Healthy Cuisine and got into Raw Foods and Super Foods that heal the Mind and Body. Later on in life Michael entered into Astanga Yoga for many years and became a Astanga Yoga Instructor.
About 13 years ago Michael was Targeted with True Synthetic Telepathy and Acoustic Frequency Weapons against his free will without any ability to acquire protection. He was silently monitored and manipulated remotely with covert neurological weapons. 7 years ago it went into Voice to Skull Torture and 24/7 Mind Control harassment. Michael was Targeted by a group of former friends and some of them confessed to the crime and some ratted each other out. Michael has known most of these people from 13 to 25 years, and believes that there is no question of their guilt. Michael has implicated former friends Taj Jerry Mahabub, Jimmy Mattos, Chris and Misty Reilly, Anderon Martell, Brendon Witkoski, Lisa Castagna and Keith Hurt as accomplices in his technological covert criminal persecution.
He has had everything that he loved in his life destroyed intentionally by this sadistic inhumane assault. This is truly a brutal conspired assault on his Life and Dreams of the Future. Michael’s Physical,Mental,Emotional,Financial and Social health has deteriorated. He was born legally blind in the left eye and this 24/7 Microwave Frequency Assault in combination to being poisoned with advanced nano substance has damaged his good eye, leaving him visually impaired. He has been Controlled, Tortured and Broken Down to the point of being bed ridden most of the time for the last 7 years, Not able to work or move forward in life in anyway. Even basic daily maintenance and hygiene has been a struggle. Michael has been fighting for his Human and Civil Rights and trying to stay alive daily.
Special musical guest “2 IN THE CHEST” that is touring for the purpose of raising money for homeless veterans in America. The song preformed in this episode is called “NO OH MORE”. “2 IN THE CHEST” is making its TV debut right here on THE RED PILL HARDCORE TV Show so please enjoy performance after the interview. Supporter mail can be sent to [email protected]. THANK YOU!
Watch this dynamic and informative discussion …
To find out more about the host, visit “V”s website (click on image below)
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Contact “V” via email: [email protected]
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