Walking The Kingdom Episode #6
Hosted by: Roger Landry (TLB) – With TLB’s very own Steve Cook (Walking the Kingdom) & Pete Dwan (Drug Counselor & Educator)
The quest:
No sane person has the goal of getting their kids or Grand-kids hooked on Drugs but many people worry what they can do about it. Some feel they don’t know enough about the subject to talk to their little ones about drugs. Others feel that scaring them or threatening them will do the Trick. Some even think their kids will work it out for themselves and don’t even broach the subject. All told it is a very real problem that faces our Children.
Steve Cook is taking on a huge challenge to help every parent on the Planet keep their kids away for drugs. Walk The Kingdom is a campaign that will take him around 9 months to complete and will require him to walk up to 20 miles a day to achieve the overall target of over 4000 Miles to cover the entire coastline of the UK mainland. Steve, who is in his SIXTIES, wants to raise money and awareness so that no child misses out on what he feels is Vital information to keep our kids drug free. The information he’s talking about is put across to kids from a very unlikely source.
Steve is over 750 miles into his walk as this show airs.
Each week on this show we will be hearing from Steve out on the coastline road, and Pete who will be giving key information you need to keep your kids drug free.
Click on the TLB radio Logo to hear Episode #5 of …
Walking The Kingdom
Visit the Host page On TLB Town Crier for past weekly shows
About Steve Cook & Peter Dwan
When we look at the Drug problem from a parents view point it can be a very overwhelming affair.
All the influences that our children face it can be so worrying to think what false information your child can come come into contact with and be swayed by.
As with any problem if you break it down into its parts it can be solved.
One man, Steve Cook a Grandad, is well on the way to getting the message out that something can be done about it. He started walking on the 1st of May 2015 around the entire coastline of the UK,over 4000 miles to raise awareness of what he believes no child should miss out on. The true facts about drugs!
Theses Drug Education talks break the problem down in to very small simple pieces so a child can understand for themselves, what is a drug, how the body deals with a poison and becomes addicted and how setting goals putting effort and reaching those goals can give them a natural high without putting a poison in their body.
Drug Free Kids is a campaign led by former British Thai Boxing Champion to reach as he says “the kids before the Dealers Do “. Pete, who almost died in his early 20s through Drug and Alcohol abuse ,Has been delivering talks all over the UK,Ireland , Belgium and as far away as New Zealand to now just over 80,00 young people.
Pete says ” Our young people are so intelligent that if you give them this True data they can see straight away through the lies and false information promoted by various quarters with vested interest”.
Steve and Pete have a goal that no child misses this information not just in the UK ,where they hope to reach over 1 million kids with Steves campaign, but across the globe as well.
You can get more information on Steves huge task and the Drug Free Kids campaign on www.walkthekingdom.co.uk You can get more infromation on Steves huge task and on the Drug Free kids Campaign on
Check out his campaign for Drug Free Kids at www.drugfreekids.co.uk
He is serious. He’s well past 750 miles, covering on average 20 miles a day, and is more and more determined every single day to complete this task. Whats driving him on is not only the purpose of what he’s trying to achieve “Drug Free Kids” but the overwhelming support from the man in the street who agrees we need to do something and ensure our children’s futures.
Follow him, donate and help change the future for all our Children.
Find our more about Pete and his crusade at his website My Pink Bugatti
Please visit Steve at his website Walk The Kingdom for daily updates and videos. Donate to this worthwhile cause or help in any way you feel comfortable with, even if just helping to get the word out.
Visit The Liberty Beacon Town Crier for Past Walking The Kingdom Episodes
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