What If MAGA Shrugged?
By: J.B. Shurk
Congressional lizards posing as “leaders” met with China Joe in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, and the wretched gerontocracy that rules over us looked happy as clams to be reunited after the political theater of the midterms. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Kevin McCarthy, and Turtle McConnell all sported sly, devilish grins that suggested they got exactly what they wanted in last month’s elections.
In undermining MAGA candidates, Turtle’s iron-fisted control over his Republican minority remains absolute. Up-Chuck and Child-Sniffer Joe still hold the Senate and retain the power to ram more lawless federal judges through confirmation (with Lindsey Graham’s obedient assistance, of course). Middling McCarthy has such a weak House majority that he will end up playing so much ball with Democrats in the name of “compromise” that “selling out” will continue being Republicans’ favorite sport. And wicked witch San Fran Nan gets to booze off into the sunset, looking like a winner whose political expertise is so uncanny that she nearly managed to keep her majority during a foretold “red tsunami” election when roughly 70% of the country has consistently demanded a drastic change of course.
The “woke” Marxist puppeteers actually dictating policy from the Oval Office are so giddy with what they have managed to pull off with this new voting system of anonymous and unsecured mail-in ballots that they actually announced “We the People” as the official White House theme for holiday decorations this year — a fairly direct kidney punch against the broad MAGA coalition of voters who use that appellation from the Constitution’s Preamble to rally support for taking back the country from the China-appeasing, World Economic Forum–devoted, anti–free speech communists long in control of the bureaucratic levers of government. Sorry, “We the People,” only atheists, oligarchs, globalists, and commies welcome at the White House for now!
Watching the Uniparty’s cabal of corruptocrats flaunt their shared victory is downright nauseating. It’s such a kick in the teeth to see the same people we’ve been trying to cashier for over a decade still in charge. Even after a Tea Party revolt against Obama’s socialist overreach that ended up securing strong Republican congressional control (before corporate RINO Paul Ryan and the Turtle Tyrant threw those victories away), the election of MAGA Warrior Donald Trump in 2016, and a 2020 election turnout that brought over ten million new voters into MAGA’s ranks, the same swamp creatures who ran roughshod over the stinking, rotten system back then still manipulate the decaying, rancid system yet today. Uff da! This is what a hamster on a wheel must feel like. No wonder our Tribe of Totalitarian Elders looked so spitefully smug for the cameras. The wishes of the people have been crushed and discarded once again.
While our Establishment Club masters shared gloating glances, I couldn’t help but think of a scene from the movie version of Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club, when Brad Pitt has the police commissioner in a compromising position and warns him: “Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances, we guard you while you sleep. Do not f— with us.” Contrary to the official propaganda disseminated from the State-controlled press, MAGA is America — a grand coalition of hardworking laborers, parents, veterans, police officers, firefighters, small business–owners, health care professionals, and religious faithful from all backgrounds, cultural affiliations, and walks of life. MAGA patriots do the lifting, digging, building, and shaping that require sweat, brawn, knowhow, and skill. They are the first ones to run into peril — whether the danger be on the battlefield, across the street, or in the neighborhood park. They instinctually sacrifice themselves for others because they value life, pursue virtue, and reject sin. In other words, they guard America while others sleep!
That Dementia Joe and Turtle McConnell have joined forces with the Deep State Leviathan to paint America-loving warriors, workers, and patriots as “domestic extremists” feels like an absurd strategic miscalculation that might one day be remembered as the mother of all political backfires. What could MAGA voters have done differently over the last fifteen years to express their opposition to Washington’s policies more civilly?
MAGA voters pushed back against Obama’s encroaching Big Government socialism by electing overwhelming Republican majorities. What did they get in return? King Barack and his wingman Attorney General Eric Holder repurposed George Bush’s and Dick Cheney’s PATRIOT Act into a domestic surveillance system targeting conservative Americans — many of whom had risked life and limb defending the country overseas.
MAGA voters bypassed the traditionally compromised slew of Republican candidates in 2016 and sent a complete outsider to the White House to clean up the system. Did the Uniparty respect the will of the people? Of course not. Establishment Republicans worked with Establishment Democrats and the Intelligence Community to frame President Trump first as a Russian spy, then as the impeachment fall guy for Joe Biden’s Ukrainian quid-pro-quo crimes, and finally as an insurrectionist committing sedition against the United States. While the Uniparty and Department of (in)Justice have conspired for years to overthrow Trump from office and send him to prison, they gallingly label him an “autocrat” and “threat to democracy”!
MAGA voters came out in full force in 2020, sending President Trump’s vote totals to new heights for a sitting president, and when lawless mail-in voting and suspicious ballot dumps flipped crucial battleground states days after the election, they chose to exercise their constitutional rights to petition their government for redress of grievances. How did the tyrants in D.C. Respond? They farcically treated the whole January 6 affair as a terrorist attack orchestrated with intent to overthrow the Republic, even though none of the pro-Second Amendment protesters inside or outside of the Capitol brandished weapons or remotely sought to topple the United States.
For nearly two years, hundreds of peaceful MAGA Americans have been imprisoned in a pre-trial purgatory, while the Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters who orchestrated murder, mayhem, and the worst property damage in American history during the summer of 2020 were quickly released, if they were even arrested. And while government-directed social media platforms actively support Antifa and BLM political goals in some oxymoronic pursuit of “social justice,” MAGA Americans are openly censored online and purged from the public square. Forget a two-tiered justice system. There is no justice system left — just the brute machinery of political persecution administered to torture and dispirit critics of the State.
So MAGA voters have tried electing Republican majorities, electing complete outsiders, protesting, and speaking loudly — and for their peaceful efforts, they have had Republican backstabbers betray them repeatedly, their legitimately elected president fraudulently targeted as part of a running coup d’état, their assembled protests infiltrated by the FBI, their friends hunted down as “terrorists,” their elections manipulated, their free speech censored, and the installed president of the United States declaring war upon them. At some point, a rational person might wonder how much more MAGA Americans will endure before they simply “walk away.”
As a clever commenter suggested, maybe it is not time to “ctrl+alt+delete” the totalitarian State, but to “ctrl+Galt+delete” the “Great Reset” and let the Marxist globalists do the heavy lifting from here on out. Let them fight the wars, police the streets, put out the fires, dig the holes, work the dirty jobs, and build all the things that keep the “woke” feeling safe and comfortable enough to call us “racists,” “clingers,” “bigots,” and “rubes.” What if MAGA Americans altogether and all at once simply said, “No more”; shrugged their shoulders; and let everything fall down? What would happen then?
The above article (What If MAGA Shrugged?) originated on American Thinker and is republished on this TLB site under “Fair Use” (see project disclaimer below) with attribution to the articles author J.B. Shurk and the website americanthinker.com.
TLB recommends you visit American Thinker for more great articles and information.
Image Credit: Photo in Featured Image (top) – by Gage Skidmore licensed via Flickr (enlarged and cropped).
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I already did that. Join me. I retired early. It worked out fine. I’m better off than ever and I pay much less in taxes to the corrupt system. I’ll never vote again for either major party until the system is reformed. I’ll vote libertarian just for fun since real voting doesn’t exist now.
Giving up, or shrugging, in today’s technologically controlled world means something orders of magnitude different than it did in Ayn Rand’s industrially dominated era. Atlas Shrugged was a fantasy when it was written. It’s absolutely dangerous as it sells giving up (and hiding out) as a plausible strategy. It wasn’t realistic then and it’s way less realistic now. But it feels good. Like doing nothing is actually doing something. People seem to have no idea how advanced technology is enslaving them now, the future looks worse. The only “shrug” that has any hope of stopping our enslavement would be for everyone to smash their smart phones. Learning to live without devices severely disables their plans. Fat chance.