Has the Time Come to Change the First In The Nation (FITN) Primaries?
Article – aka: IMO, the time has come to change the First In The Nation Primary contests locations!
By: Joseph M. Lenard
Now I am a Constitutionalist, a Christian, a Conservative, therefore I am usually steeped in a desire for TRADITION. However, yes, there are times that “THAT’S THE WAY WE’VE ALWAYS DONE IT” is NOT an issue of tradition but we’ve become lazy and complacent and forgetting our Founders did NOT set up a “PERFECT UNION” but one indeed was based upon compromises to found a Nation. Remember “to form a MORE PERFECT Union” does not say “PERFECT” it says “MORE PERFECT” but still can/could/should be improved upon, not destroyed like the Left wants, but strive toward the great principles and values of EQUALITY (not Equity) and FREEDOM (even freedom to fail, not carried on others’ shoulders because we have INDIVIDUAL FREEDOMS and PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITIES).
Let me go back a bit TO FORM A MORE PERFECT UNION, as our Founders discovered the original Articles of Confederation (no, NOT the ones from the Civil War, the original ones, shame we have to say it, but since History is not taught in our Schools we do (please Research them if you are not familiar with them, I’m not going into them here)) were insufficient, but they FEARED creating a stronger Federal Government that they knew EVIL MEN with aims on POWER/CONTROL would try to warp and make more tyrannical (as we have today) would attempt to warp the original intent.
I’ve already shared this Video below in my first The Liberty Beacon article, but worth sharing again: ORIGINAL FOUNDING FATHERS FEDERALISTS VERSUS TODAYS FASCI-FEDERALISM
VIDEO: “TodaysFederalismVsOriginalIntentFederalists…” (9m 7s)
Now, I’ve said all that, to say this: Again, things can indeed be improved upon from time to time, and some things should be changed (NOT like the 17th Amendment, which should be repealed as a bastardization of the Founders intent to remain a REPUBLIC not a direct Democracy, and the 17A putting the final nail in the coffin of the 10th Amendment as the USSenate was supposed to remain THE STATES’ HOUSE as the other body is THE PEOPLES’ HOUSE (direct elected Representatives)). One such change, in-my-opinion, is the FITN. They served their purpose for a long time, but NOW the battle for POTUS comes down to a few (OTHER/DIFFERENT) U.S. States and our times should reflect it to BETTER PERFECT our Union and how our Parties work and the Representation we get…
And, yes, you probably guessed it, the following is being revisited from something I wrote originally for REDSTATE…
The time is long past due to change where the FITN Primary contests are held! Why? It’s simple. Reality dictates that Presidential Elections really come down to the half-dozen, or so, Purple/Swing States! Therefore, we should be concerning ourselves with who it is that those Battleground States think is the best nominee in order to win those States and thereby the Election(s)! Put those States as FITN on the same day or, at least, within 7 – 10 days of one another for the expressed purpose of finding out who it is that those States believe is the best nominee to (again) win those States and thereby the General Election(s). It would be equally important, IMO, to have those States be CLOSED PRIMARY contests – we simply must stop Democrats from meddling in those key States of determining who is best to be the GOP nominee! I have long respected the place and tradition of having IA and NH first, then SC, and so on. However, we must get smarter and more strategic in our thinking going forward!
My friends, we must have completely CLOSED PRIMARIES, to stop Democrats from meddling in our Primaries and giving us the likes of MITT RINOMNEY and JOHN MCLAME as our nominees as cycles past. The Candidates the Left knows they can defeat, therefore aid to become our nominees when we all know the Conservative, Constitutionalist, Christian, GOP Base was repulsed by them.
Also, again, we may not like it, but the States that matter most now are the likes of AZ (that has become more Purple), OH (as generally NO POTUS ever Wins, without being able to carry OH, unless the cheat is in, but that is a whole other discussion), PA, and I dare say MI and WI, as well as a few others that matter FAR MORE than IA, NH, SC.
We can adjust them FITN Primaries, WE MUST ADJUST THEM, and we should revisit and readjust as population mass changes and other States shift from Blue to Purple, Red to Purple, or Purple to solid Blue or Red and an almost assured “call” on what column those States will be on General Election Presidential cycle Election days.
Now, I know, the whole TWO-PARTY SYSTEM some deem a bastardization of original intent, we do have FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION and therefore many of our Founders would have likely seen the gravitation to Party associations would come, but perhaps NOT just two major ones and a handful of others that do not amount to anything (BUT, important to point out, THEY DID WANT NOR GIVE US A PARLIAMENTARY SYSTEM such as operates in England and other places today where often nothing can get accomplished and a Leader TOSSED so easily by a “NO CONFIDENCE” Vote of the Parliament). We are where we are, and we must work within the Two-Party System as it exists today, and as I wrote about in my last TLB piece – BE INVOLVED AND MAKE THE GOP “The Party of kNOw” again. The Party of Conservatism and Constitutionalism again. Reverse the CINO/RINO lurch of GOP to be just Right of the ever more lurching Left FASCICRATS, reverse the Overton Window back toward the Right (Freedom, Liberty, Equality not Equity, Personal Responsibility, etc) like I’ve discussed in many (my ever linking/tying theme, of all) of my pieces here on TLB.
VIDEO: “Red Pill strategy” (7m 44s)
My THE LIBERTY BEACON (TLB) past pieces (that all tie together):
- General Search – Joseph M. Lenard
- Original Federalism vs modern Fasci-Federalism
- Election Reforms needed NOW
- School Reforms needed NOW
- What to make of the Polling
- Roger (TLB EPI Show) interviewed me about my book
- The Overblown Right-wing Terrorism narrative
- The Death of Global Warming
- The Party of kNOw?
And let me repeat from my last article…
You can scream all you like from the Bleachers, if you want to help shape the outcome of the Game/Score you have to get on the Team and actually FIGHT to shape the outcome of the Game from/while ON THE FIELD!
Get involved. Become a PD. Then try to become a member of your District or County Republican Committee (or even Run for Chair of them)! EXERT REAL INFLUENCE! Go to the State Convention!
We need reinforcements INSIDE to help root out the CINOs and RINOs as well as FASCICRATS!!!
Take Action as a Delegate information
NOTE the CINOs / RINOs count on everyone’s complacency and unwillingness to GET/BE INVOLVED… They count on it to maintain their power and control… Those who still SIT ON THE SIDELINES and scream from the Bleachers rather than (become a Delegate) suit up and get on the Field to help shape the outcome of the Score / Game are USEFUL IDIOTS TO/FOR THE RINOS (they love those who only whine, BUT DO NOTHING)!
See: Precint Delegate Candidates overview
More importantly see: Precinct Delegate training
About the Author: Joseph M. Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”!
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
author: Terror Strikes (buy)
12CDRC, Wayne12, Committees member
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Taylor (MI) Republicans Club TRC Michigan Webmaster
Terror Strikes book (B4IN write-up)
(Click on image to find out more)
Terror Strikes video Trailer:
Read more Articles by Joseph M. Lenard
Image Credit: Photo in Featured image (top) – Screen Capture (cropped) from YouTube Video
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Tue. Feb. 27th 2024 – PRIMARY DAY IN MICHIGAN….
Some are complaining that because of today’s Primary Day only 16 of the official of the available DELEGATES to/for the POTUS nominee being allocated by today’s Vote and rest will be allotted at Convention… My response…
For on-lookers: your State might actually be a CLOSED or COMPLETE OPEN or PARTIAL CLOSED like Michigan. In Michigan they PRETEND it is a CLOSED PRIMARY but it is really, more acurately, honestly, PARTIALLY CLOSED, in that you can only Vote in ONE PRIMARY on Primary day but regardless of what Party you belong (or no Party affiliation at all, cuz that is not tracked officially as MISOS Office) you walk into Polling location on Primary Day and DECLARE which Ballot you want that day (can only Vote in one Party, no cross-ticket allowed, IF there were more than one Office on Ballot some might want to do that but cannot). REAL CLOSED PRIMARY and how it should be in all 50 States IMO is you MUST be MI Resident, Legal Voter, and Registered at least for 3 years to a Party officially in order to Vote in that Party Primary (to STOP people from flip-flopping their Registration any given Primary purpose).
Update: The FASCICRATS officially changed their POTUS Primary order, but (of course) FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS (all about Identity Politics pandering and rigging Elections) where-as I’ve been calling (for decades) the order to change for THE RIGHT REASONS (IMO) as outlined here-in this article.