![Why Do We Watch and Read Bad News - FI 07 22 20-min](https://i0.wp.com/www.thelibertybeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Why-Do-We-Watch-and-Read-Bad-News-FI-07-22-20-min.jpg?fit=620%2C280&ssl=1)
Why Do We Watch and Read Bad News?
By TLB Staff Author: Lucille Femine
I was hesitant to write this article and present the video because it is very much scary, bad news. No matter how bad things are, I always work to end with some positive solution. It’s very unhealthy in every way to digest negativity constantly and exclusively. It literally will make you sick, just as the isolation imposed on us has created in many people.
I’ve been through that and I finally decided to at least balance it all with some positive, uplifting news and study. Otherwise I get very agitated, lose sleep and feel somewhat hopeless.
As I’ve said before, we, with our clear and positive minds and hearts intact, are the only way out. Everything else flows from that, no matter how powerful the evil appears. The world is as it is because a few initially create it with their rotten minds and souls and we agree to it, whether we realize it or not.
People will protest and say – I certainly DO NOT AGREE TO THAT! I’m sure we don’t WANT to agree to it but the fact remains that if we didn’t agree, it would not happen and grow to the enormous calamity it is at present.
Here’s the video done by a woman who found a 1963 document laying out communist plans which are alarmingly happening in every detail today.
After I watched the video, I thought: Why do I look forward to the videos my friends send me by messenger? I dug a little and I realized: THEY ARE ENTERTAINING. Are they so different from watching a good horror or scary sci-fi movie or read such a book? Further, are they more titillating because they are actually happening? I thought, are we that bored and purposeless or sheepified?
Surely, most of us want to be informed and hopefully do something about it. Most of us ARE good underneath it all and good is our main and uppermost intention. But I had to admit that, in the face of so many things I SHOULD be doing, I sometimes choose to watch and read presentations of the dark side – for its own sake.
Then I thought, what is the result of that if most of us in this country and the world are watching mainstream bad news and videos, agreeing to be entertained and agreeing to be scared as hell – as we do watching horror movies? Especially being forced to stay at home with little else to do but digest it all. Boredom and lack of purpose (not working) easily leads to being “entertained” in such a way.
What happens is we become part and parcel of the devastation and our own demise. We think we’re not because we are “only watching and not acting”. Not so. You must realize that, as you watch and read, you are agreeing and that is how the world is shaped. We agree and, in so doing, we keep it alive, whatever shape it’s in.
Our minds and hearts create it all through our little old selves (a minority) and many of us agree to whatever has been created. And that agreement festers like giant sores emotionally and spiritually. It is daily manifesting in a ruined planet.
Why do about 98% of people still wear masks when the virus is almost non-existent? They agree they are unsafe without them or they agree they will be arrested if they don’t wear them. Their own agreement to be terrified is the greatest barrier to free thinking.
I’ve attempted to enlighten people I meet and chat with on the street about masks and social distancing and how useless they are– without making them wrong and I don’t argue. Useless. They listen politely and then I see they have turned me off. Why? Do I look crazy, I wondered? I give myself credit and say no. They are simply terrified; they agree to be terrified. As I speak, their minds wander off to the latest news they saw and they comment on that with anxiety in their eyes.
I hope I’m not hammering at this too much but it’s at the core of our existence and the essence of this article
I thought a little deeper. Is this part of their plan? Distraction by so-called facts? I wondered why they are still allowing videos, books and interviews about the deep state and their atrocities, like child porn and their persecution and the left’s obvious crimes and scandals, even though much is being banned daily. I think they don’t give a damn. They are on an all out assault to keep us distracted and entertained while they move in with more horrifying restrictions and destruction of our very being.
People become numb and frozen with fear but absorbed in all the badness, the perfect scenario. Their “news” becomes the ultimate sedative through being entertained which often leads in the end to depression and that leads often to real sedatives which leads to death, physically or otherwise.
They’ve got it all covered.
This is a war of minds – their warped ones against our peaceful-loving but growing submissive ones. All done through technology. But not all of us are submitting, thank God. If you are reading this and many other patriot news here on the Liberty Beacon and others, then I trust you are willing to strike back. But do it by making sure your mind is not soaking in agreement.
You can actually do that with your powerful mind. Just mock up all the disaster disappearing into thin air or buried deep into the ground or blown to smithereens and floating away into deep space. Or however way you choose. When that’s done and you wipe your hands of it, you have a clean slate to create what you want.
What if millions of people did this together? Holy moly! If you think this is hocus-pocus, I dare you to try it. I’m going to myself.
Just imagine your favorite deep state demon and then do whatever mischief you want to them. Who knows, in the morning, you may see in the news, they met a tragic end. Well…that may be too nasty, come to think of it. OK, I’ll leave it to your own imaginations. But just make sure you do part one – disagree.
By all means, let’s keep ourselves informed. I don’t plan to stop watching these videos and reading the articles. Just scratch the agreement. And keep it light with things that are joyful.
Read more great articles by Lucille here
The Dark Lane – A Great Novel By Author & Artist: Lucille Femine
A fictional story yet one all too true in the world of psychiatric drugs. Two brilliant, young boys forced to take these drugs and the resultant havoc on their physical, emotional and spiritual selves. The fight is on to save them.
(click on the image below to find out more about this outstanding book)
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