I believe (correct me if I’m wrong) that Andrew Wakefield has stated that once a vaccine is in your system, the system cannot get rid of it.
For the sake of the millions the government has coerced or conned into getting vaxed for Covid, I sure as hell hope that is not true.
Given the current threat to the health and longevity of millions of people caused by the booby trapped pseudo-vaccines foisted on them by negligent, irresponsible or downright murderous governments, however, it has become more important than ever to find ways to get rid of such harmful agents.
Evidently there are possible ways to detox from vaccines, but if such are workable there are as yet no guarantees that they’ll work for everyone.
This is particularly so with the COVID “vaccines ” – they are so new, there really isn’t much information about effective ways to detox from them. This is a pity considering the stats of these new vaccines show them, within a few short months to have accrued many many times the total adverse reactions and deaths of all other vaxes combined in history.
But, considering the risks the vaxed now face of considerable problems, if not death, it may worth trying what is thus afar available. With that in mind, here is a link to a website with some detox recommendations if you’ve had the COVID shot:
You’ll see that the author says that super herbs help to disable the spike protein. Well, this is pretty much unknown territory and every body is unique, which is probablywhy adverse reactions to the experimental vaccines include such a broad and varied spectrum of illnesses. But, as I say. worth a try if you have been coerced, cajoled or lied into getting vaxed.
One huge question as yet unresolved is whether the mRNA spike protein can be transferred to others, so here is a link to an interview with leading pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson, in which he discusses how those who have been vaccinated can shed the virus.
His contention is that the spike protein gets into the sweat glands and is then released as a person sweats. The sweat aerosolizes and anyone nearby can breathe it in.
So until we know for sure whether this danger is real and to what degree, some sensible precautions would seem advisable (alongside maintaining a healthy immune system) such as avoiding being in a confined space with a vaccinated person.
This should be done with tact and discretion and not as an effort to make the vaxed person wrong.
Having been lied to and betrayed by their government and now facing the bleak prospect of vax injury or even shortened life, vaxed people have enough stress on their plates without those lucky enough to have remained unvaxed giving them a hard time.
There is of course another issue underlying all this that keeps cropping up and that is whether the virus has ever been isolated, ie proven to exist. As one viewr commenting on the Bitchute video said:
You all go on about, ‘gain in function trials”, which are BULLSHIT. They NEVER worked. Why? Because they NEVER isolated any virus! What did the Chinese scientist, from Wuhan, say? He said, “We never isolated the virus.” And, there IS the nut; the whole shebang, the entire scam: They NEVER isolated the virus. NOBODY ever isolated the virus. Nobody ever isolated ANY virus. So, yammer on about GOF and screw with people, via distraction. Or, look into the whole truth, and set the world free. Distracting with half truths and full-on lies is helpful to NOBODY.
So here is something else we are really going to take out and give a very thorough look over and establish the truth thereof once and for all, a can of works within the already seething can of worms.
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