An Agenda to Ambush and Destroy our way of Life; Patrick Bergy is a Victim of the Deep State
Patrick has fought hard to maintain his honor and integrity from within the “deep state” like so many victims we’ve witnessed were character assassinated, killed, or maimed financially or other wise because they were only a pawn in the game of crowns…
by Susan Price, TLB Contributing Writer/Analyst
He was contracted as a subject matter expert to develop pioneering applications in social media for the Department of Defense, in essence, it was Patrick Bergy who was the brain child for social media “fake news” for the U.S. Department of Defense while social media was in it’s infancy.
“The technology was easily capable of altering the outcome of any size country’s presidential or even local elections, for a fraction of the cost of traditional, ethical campaigns.”
“If you’re looking for the swamp, look no further than the relationship between our government, the military, and the military industrial complex.”
Patrick states his life and career were destroyed after coming forward with an official report of fraud, waste and abuse. So the victim becomes victimized while the top echelon criminal can slip and slide in a Teflon pan, and assures if we are ever to drain the swamp, we need to begin by providing strong whistle-blower protection to witnesses speaking out, not abandoning those who are willing to cooperate with evidence of knowledge.
Mr Bergy has witnessed the unethical and unhealthy relationships between our government and private military contracting companies over the past ten years during the Bush and Obama administrations.
Patrick has been speaking out since 2014, when he recognized it’s use in the Michael Brown incident which sparked riots in cities by hostile foreign governments in the U.S. presidential election, but his warnings were ignored.
Patrick has fought hard to maintain his honor and integrity from within the “deep state” like so many victims we’ve witnessed were character assassinated, killed, or maimed financially or other because they were only a pawn in the game of crowns, while numerous generals conduct business as usual with contractors, IT corporations, and revolving door echelon keeping us second guessing if our national security will be free from the subversive sabotaging from the enemies within.
Numerous whistleblowers are coming forward along with, many family members of fallen American heroes, military contractors and other clandestine witnesses of fate and destiny, to share and document their stories, yet most importantly, searching for justice & accountability by this sitting President who has vowed to restore the “rule of law” by the fragmented and egregious actions of former negligent leadership.
Less than 1% of the American population serves our nation in uniform to protect the sovereign rights of our United States Constitution, our country and the remaining 99% of the population who earned the birth right or legally obtained American citizenship.
Those who have served in uniform have taken the sacred oaths with never an after thought that one day they or their secret military projects would be weaponized and used against the people or our country, yet today we are witnessing the unveiling plots of the domestic terrorists, there is a domino effect of treason coming unleashed like a wrecking ball, dismantling from the inside out, brought on like a force of karmic retribution by the promises of President Trump, his generals and law abiding patriots.
Yes there’s an awakening going on, so serial, it’s agenda was to ambush and destroy our American way of life by compartmentalizing and using psychological warfare against the mindsets of all who communicate on a daily basis through social media.
To be the Victor vs Victim is the end game for these survivors who’s stories will echo timelessly through the halls of American history and upon a transformed virtual reality where fact and fiction intersect.
How many souls will awaken from their deep slumbers to realize they too are being rescued at the 11th hour and 59th second by the honorable.
The dissention that’s metastasized within the military-political revolving doors of government, were about to become very real and known as the greatest ambush against humanity.
He is probably the United States Army’s oldest enlisted soldier, having entered as a private military contractor at age 40, believing he could make a difference in this world.
Contracted as a subject matter expert to develop pioneering applications in social media for the Department of Defense, in essence, it was Patrick Bergy who was the brain child for social media “fake news” for the U.S. Department of Defense while social media was in it’s infancy.
He has first hand knowledge of those obtuse and nefarious moguls who are known as the “Tip of the Spear” the major arcana of the DC Swamp, the highest levels of echelon, or the military industrial complex, because of their deep ties to the political-military-lobbying-legislatures- in the names of Democrats and Republicans with an agenda filled of corruption partnering with the many departments of the U.S. government.
Patrick Bergy is an IT security specialist, former candidate for Supervisor of Elections in the State of Florida and PFC in the U.S. Army.
After his honorable discharge from the military, he deployed around the world working as a military contractor, providing IT support for the Department of Defense. One of Patrick’s most notable projects was in pioneering social media psychological warfare, also known as Interactive Internet Activities or IIA, for the Department of Defense in 2008, the very timeframe when social networks and smart phones were just taking off. Patrick understood the potential threat such capabilities posed for the very core of U.S. democracy, election integrity. He believed it was already being used by hostile foreign governments.
What is Obama’s ShadowNet?
“The ShadowNet could make it look like everything was coming directly from the Kremlin if that was the mission requirement, and I don’t know of a single intelligence agency on the planet that could tell the difference.”
Bergy mentions it was during October of 2007, he was sent to Iraq on a one year contract for the amount of $240,000. His job was to build a capability that would allow the 4th Psychological Operations Group (4th POG) to transition from dropping flyers from planes to a targeted, covert, social media psychological warfare capabilities. It was here the ShadowNet and iPsy was born, battlefield tested, and then made commercially available to the highest public or private bidder. He noted that this project was massively expanded immediately after President Obama took office.
He states for the record that “It was an incredibly capable information operations project management tool capable of the same covert, social media psychological warfare the FBI just indicted 13 Russian’s for. So, I suppose the question that should be asked is do we only care if a foreign adversary is using it to influence our elections and other social issues? or, do we agree anyone using such ethically questionable methods is a bad thing that jeopardized the integrity of our election process, which is the core of our nation’s democracy?”
Patrick could discuss what the ShadowNet was after Dynology, was a small family owned defense contracting company, owned by Obama’s National Security Advisor, General James Jones aka “Big Jim” and what he did with the application and database when it was made commercially available to the public. Dynology made millions in defense contracts, Gen. James Jones son was the President and they were in association with Paul Manafort, John McCain and President Obama, it was not hard to conclude that the good old Secretary of State, Hillary R Clinton also knew about these dynamics.
Dynology serves our federal and commercial customers with cyber security and information technology solutions that protect their most critical systems and support homeland, defense, intelligence, and law enforcement missions. (One can only imagine how much capability and power the enemies either foreign or domestic would have once embedded into these arenas of government)
iPSY- is a web-based solution with an intuitive user interface that allows for easy and accurate collection of data during online and social network surveillance and influence operations. Users can create online personas to interact with electronic targets (online forums, blogs, and chat services etc) collect information for target audience analysis and influence persons of interest through online interaction.
Bergy elaborated once more stating, “If you were to believe anything online, you don’t understand the game being played. What did President Trump say, something about journalists being on the payroll of these military contracting companies? I don’t know, but seems to me like you should listen to him on this.” Remember this product was developed under Obama, taxpayer appropriated and funded department of defense contract. This contract and others have made the Obama’s NSA millions, both in uniform and as the NATO Supreme Allied Commander, and as Obama’s NSA.
It’s also worth mentioning that Gen.Jones, the owner of Dynology, was a lifelong friend of Sen. John McCain and Dynology was a preferred partner with Paul Manafort’s company, 3EDC, back in 2008 when Manafort’s company was in charge of McCain’s presidential primary.
Plausible Deniability
Contractors like Patrick provide plausible deniability to the clients in the government, hence the reason why military contractors are so frequently utilized and show up so often in situations like the nefarious Hillary R Clinton’s email server where the contractor was responsible for the server, and so many emails were destroyed or missing.
Clinton’s system administer plead the 5th during the Senate hearings and there was nothing in the law to go after him and force him to answer. Contractors do not have protection under the US Whistle-blower laws. If a contractor did speak up, that would only ruin his career and his life.
He published his first book, Victim of the Swamp: How the “Deep State” Destroyed the 40-Year-Old-Private.”
About (TLB) Contributing Writer Susan Price
The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our main websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … TLB
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