by TLB Contributing Staff Writer:
Has the largest uncontrolled experiment in medical history – come to this? Birth defects? What are the epigenetic effects of birth control in combination with so many other xenoestrogens (estrogen mimickers) in our environment – on our health and our children’s health – and our grandchildren’s health? We do now that 1 in 46 children are now on the Autism Spectrum Disorder and 54% of our children are chronically ill. That is in the US.
What is happening in other countries – where synthetic hormone birth control is handed out like candy to women whose systems have not been exposed to synthetic hormones? Will we ever know? There is no tracking system. And women unfortunately, do not equate their physical or mental health to birth control. What choice do they have?
May I remind you all – when women gained the right to use birth control – we were in control. Now the very right we fought for is being used against us. We are no longer in control. The pill is being phased out and replaced with implants, injections (Depo) and insertions (IUD’s) all dripping a steady stream of synthetic hormones into our bodies.
And let’s not forget Bill Gates grand scheme to insert all women with a remote-control birth control microchip – which will also drip hormones into our bloodstream. Who will control the remote? Who will decide when or if we can have children?
Am so appreciative of the awareness that Natural Womanhood is bringing to women – and their partners.
Can the birth control pill cause birth defects?
Natural Womanhood
Gerard Migeon, Founder & CEO
January 16, 2016
As January is National Birth Defects Prevention Month, you may have seen articles like this one in Time Magazine claiming that birth control pills are not linked to birth defects. It’s because a recent large scale study from Denmark just came out with these conclusions. But this study is not telling the whole story and the news distracts us from the real problem. In fact, it’s missing the mark on serious effects of the Pill’s chemistry on the fetus. Here is the rest of the story: babies whose mothers have been on the Pill and are thus exposed to synthetic estrogen may not show the birth defects researched in the Danish study, like Down syndrome or a missing limb, but are likely to suffer longer term effects such as prostate cancer, breast cancer, or low sperm counts. Yet there is a deafening silence and lack of research on this inconvenient truth.
Three years ago, our daughter created a very clever animation video as part of a communications project where she made a statement that the Pill was linked to prostate cancer, which at first glance sounds like an odd concept. Last summer, this allegation was clarified for me when I attended the Contraceptive Conundrum Conference in Washington DC and heard a presentation by Frederick Vom Saal, PhD. Dr. Vom Saal is a developmental biologist and professor of biology at University of Missouri-Columbia, Miss. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The National Institute of Health funds his research. He was interviewed by PBS in 1998 on his research showing the relationship between estrogen found in the environment and prostate diseases.
What history and world health data tell us
We must learn from history. Vom Saal’s introduced his presentation by reminding us of the DES scandal. Between 1940 and 1971, millions of women were prescribed a drug called DES as a way to prevent miscarriages. In 1971, this drug was found to cause a 40-fold increase in risk of vaginal or cervical cancer in the teen or adult daughters of these women. A major lesson from these tragic events was that when pregnant women absorbed certain forms of estrogen, they exposed their fetus to small amounts of the hormone and it would have grave and irreversible health consequences for their baby. It also showed that these consequences would only show up much later in the child’s life.
What happened to these women had been previously demonstrated on mice. “There was data that was ignored because it was animal research that wasn’t relevant to human health,” reports Vom Saal. But the reality of the syndrome showed the contrary: the animal research was predictive of the human impact. “We know that mouse cells are essentially identical to human cells in the way that they respond to these hormones,“ said Vom Saal. Such biological evidence allows him to correlate the results observed in his research on mice and what we all observe in public health statistics.
Indeed, if we focus only on men’s health, which is Vom Saal’s research field, we find two areas are of major public health concern:
- The prevalence of prostate cancer: prostate cancer is the second most common cancer in men, accounting for 15% of the cancers diagnosed in men, with almost 70% of the cases (759,000 per year) occurring in more developed regions (which are also the main users of the Pill).
- The alarming rate of decreased of sperm count, a major cause of infertility. This article presents the dramatic, accelerating drop in sperm count reported in some studies: 50% since 1950 and 25% just in the past 20 years. (read here for more on this topic)
Women and the pill
Erika Migeon
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