Depopulation Through Forced Vaccination: The Zero Carbon Solution
This original article was first published in Issue 4 of The Sovereign independent in June 2011. The lady in the image below was astute enough to keep a hold of the original printed newspaper.
Depopulation Through Forced Vaccination: The Zero Carbon Solution
By: Rachel Windeer. (First published June 2011)
On April 26th, 2009 the Irish Independent published an article titled ‘Concern for Children’s Health as Parents ignoring vaccines’. Edel Kennedy, you should be ashamed of yourself! This is nothing less than an attempt by government, through their puppets in the media, to remove the rights of parents to determine the life choices of their offspring and removes any doubt that we now live in a dictatorship.
This is an OUTRAGEOUS insult to every parent in the country who has the common sense to research the efficacy of vaccines themselves by simply looking at the historical record rather than trust politicians whose lies in the media, including those perpetrated by the Dept. of Health under Mary Harney regarding the farce of ‘ swine flu’ and the dangerous myth of HPV vaccination, have led the country into the abyss of utter poverty and sold the country into the communist grasp of European bureaucrats whose sole aim is the destruction of every member nation’s sovereignty leaving them clutching at the bailout begging bowl of the IMF.
Vaccines are a fraud; pure and simple!
The historical record PROVES this for anyone with a little patience and the courage to investigate the FACTS for themselves, and it does take courage, especially for those in the medical profession whose careers will be at risk if they dare expose this danger to our children. It also shatters their illusions that they’re part of an organization which is far from beneficial to those they believe they’ re protecting from illness. However, their Hippocratic Oath should compel them to investigate such wild claims put out by pharmaceutical giants and their drug dealer sales representatives instead of taking the word of an industry well known as being utterly corrupt and ruthless in its business practices.
The Irish hemophiliac scandal, where patients were knowingly infected with HIV through contaminated blood products should be enough to convince anyone of Big Pharma’s murderous intent. This brings us to the real reasons for vaccinations. I’m not even going to prove to readers that they don’t work. I’ll simply urge you to look up the historical record. One simple example is the demise of measles.
- The measles death rate had declined by 98% from 1915-1958 prior to any vaccination being introduced.
- In 1988 and 1989, 69% and 89% for measles cases in American school-aged children had been vaccinated.
- In 1995, 56% of ALL measles cases in America were vaccinated.
These figures come from medical journals. Those 3 simple examples PROVE that unvaccinated children are less likely to contract measles and that the vaccine was useless. Look that up for yourself. All other vaccine claims that they’ve cured or eliminated disease follow a similar pattern. Better hygiene, clean water and good healthy food was the cause of the decline and any doctor worth his smelling salts should know that. If they don’t then they are misinformed on a grand scale or they’re in complete denial. Therein lies the problem. Why have doctors been ‘indoctrinated’ to believe that vaccines are the sacred cow of medicine when the historical record clearly shows that they are virtually useless?
Hold onto your sanity because I have some bad news for you.
The real reason for vaccinations, apart from the massive profits to the manufacturers, is to ensure that you get sick throughout your life, again not only to enrich these same corporations that made you sick, but to ensure that many, if not all of you, die before you ever receive your pension and when you are no longer any of use to society. That’s why they want you retiring later in life and are forcing you through economic terrorism to work longer regardless of your age or health. They literally want to work you to death. If you don’t work you will be classed as a burden to society, a financial cost which society has to bear, and therefore you will be stigmatized as a ‘useless eater’; a consumer of resources needed for the rest of society. When Big Pharma can no longer profit from the illness they gave you, you will be left to die.
This is the depopulation agenda promoted under the United Nations Division of Population under the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. We only need look at Africa, the nation which the United Nations has said themselves, could feed the world. Why then are millions in Africa starving to death on that continent? It’s meant to be that way folks.
All of us at one time or another have been led to believe in the efficacy of vaccines. I was one of them and had my child vaccinated nearly 35 years ago. I wouldn’t even dream of it now. I think it’s safe to say that we’re all aware of the real pandemic, as opposed to the fake pandemics of the past. It’s called ‘CANCER’. Autism is also at crisis (pandemic) levels all across the world where mass vaccination programs exist.
Prior to mass vaccination, cancers were extremely rare, as in almost nonexistent. Today in the western, so called developed world, we face a crisis of cancer to the extent that between one in five to one in two will suffer, many dying, from one form of cancer or another. What’s happened to cause this pandemic?
We only have to look back at the Jonas Salk polio vaccine that went around the world in the full knowledge that it contained the SV40 virus which had no other purpose than causing cancer; yet it was pushed as a vaccine for polio when, as with measles, polio was well in decline prior to any vaccine due to the same factors.
Enter stage right at the TED 201 0 conference, Mr. Bill Gates, head of Microsoft, the biggest computer firm on the planet. What has Bill Gates to do with vaccines you’ re wondering?
See the quote in the image above. Those are his EXACT words. Are you beginning to get the picture?
The globalist elite care nothing for humanity; ordinary men, women and children must be eliminated in their delusional minds to ensure that their superior types go into the future with the best of breeding being the only criteria worthy of saving. You and I are no longer required and that is why we are seeing the loss of our economy, our wealth, our health, our happiness and ultimately, OUR LIVES
(In 2020, look where we are now with Gates still calling the shots!)
Related Article: Deadly Cover Up: Fauci Approved Hydroxy 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; ‘Nobody Needed to Die” (Click on image below to read article)
This article (Depopulation Through Forced Vaccination: The Zero Carbon Solution) was originally created and published by The Irish Sentinel and is republished here under “Fair Use” (see disclaimer below) with attribution to author Helena Handbasket and
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I’m not a microbiologist but I know enough to be aware that in a real pandemic the first thing one must do is isolate the pathogen. That has never been done. The CDC readily admitted that their “virus” was based on a computer model and that they have never actually seen this so called novel coronavirus. The WHO and NIH admitted the same thing. Where are all the “fact checkers” on this one?? And why did 70% of the world’s populace line up like sheep without asking pertinent questions? They must have drugged your water to get you to go along with this.
If the vaccines are so poisonous why are so many politicians, and celebrities getting it? Are they all getting saline? Where is a whistle blower?
@ Cahrles … Your link was modified because it did not work as presented. We also ask that you comment and not just put a link. Thanks (TLB)
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I have been in emergency medicine allied health and disaster services since the military in the 1970s; I knew when this “pandemic” was first declared that is was “fake”!
I did not know until I read Jon Rappoport;s article that the W.H.O. has declared a “pandemic” in 2009 due do pressure from Big Pharma; I also believe that the 2009 “fake” pandemic was a trial run of this one though I cannot prove it.
Shortly after its “declaration” by W.H.O., world-respected immunologists, epidemiologists, et al, started trying to say that W.H.O. has over-reacted: Dr. Wolfgang Wadang, a respected doctor and also someone who had headed different United Nations health committees in the past, came up with a video entitled “The Emperor Has No Clothes”.
With him other world-renowned doctors tried to tell the people of the world that W.H.O.had acted in haste.
But their warnings and alarms went unheeded; Gates and his cohorts had already “bought off” and controlled the world media…who refuse to telle the truth about this farce of a pandemic: John Hopkins University Medical Center continues to use a ‘computer model’ to indicate daily deaths from Covid; Dr. Ferguson must have supplied them with the software since John Hopkins contnues to report ‘1000s’ of new ‘dead Covid persons’ evey day!
THere have been no less than 20 known cures for this “Covid” bug yet the mainstream media continues to refure to allow the masses to know this; Americ’as refusal to acknowledge the use of hydroxychloroquine plus zinc and/or Z-pack is effective for 80-90% of known cases if caught wihtin the first 3-4 days of an infection. This refusal to acknowledge this drug resulted in over 100,000 (one doctor says more!) could have been saved; 100,000+ unneccesary death in America…
Mainstream media and Dr. Fauci (your article above) is RESPONSIBLE for the MURDER of these Americans!
Then the other “facts” started coming in: Bill Gates bribed U.N. members to get his Communist friend to become the head of W.H.O. Dr. Tedros ……. and Bill Gates made a large donaton to W.H.O. to get Dr. Tedros to declare a pandemic after his “201 Committee” had laready rehearsed the lockdown…most of whose participants of this committee or agencies represented on this committee, were started or financed by some organization called the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; I cannot remember who heads up the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation off-hand…
THen I discovered the Rockefeller Institute published a 54-page paper discussing what possible reactions could have been made by the people of the world…10 YEARS AGO in 2010!
THhis could be turned around except for the fact there is NO FREE MEDIA in the world today!
Doctors such as Dr. Wadang’s vidoes are not reaching the masses…
THe FRONRTLINE DOCTORS had not only their video made in Washington D.C., taken dowm but also their private website with that video, as well…
On top of that the Frontline doctors had their private and professional lives ridiculed online as well as some of those brave physicians losing their jobs…
Spanish doctors attempting to tell the world that there was no pandemic had their video erased from existence…
540 German doctors, attempting the same thing with a private website; s far it is still up…
640 South American doctors risking their livelihoods have also called this pandemic a HOAX…
Teo California doctors being interviewed by a news outlet said that they didn’t “see a pandmeic” in their offices in the numbers locally, their video was regulated to BANNED TV after being taken down off Youtube…
A female Wyoming doctor with a private practice and also the head of the local NRA club has been speaking out as well with little coverage of how she is not seeing a pandemic and how the state health agency is trying to get all her deaths recorded as “Covid deaths”…
A female TX doctor finding a venue at the local fair tells of how she was told to send all her flu patients home and “wait it out” (until a treatment is too late!) and how her state health agency refused to give her infomation of how to treat this flu…it took a Presidential news coverage for her to find out how to respond tho this illness…
Other clinics in California and elsewhere are successfully treating COvid-19 with intravenous vitamin C, only to be raided by the state for using an effective treatment…
Why is all this happening?
The CIA and the military plan on killing off 80% of America’s population between now and 20205, and putting what’s left of the population into the Agnda 21 megacities where they will be watched 242/7/365 by microchips and 5G Internet!
Maj Gem GLubb (found online by a search) said in his followup of his “7 Stageso of Empire” article that no empire has lasted more than 250 years…
The CIA, Democrats and the American military are going to make sure America does not last beyond 2025 – our 250th anniversary!
Omantic … as you can see the article did not originate on TLB … your comment would be much better served on the original publication (see link at base of article) as the author obviously will not be looking at your comments here. Thanks
The writer in the article pointed 3 facts claiming that these facts are from journal articles, without referencing the articles these facts are weak point for your argument. I encourage the writer to share these articles