ERADICATING PROGRAMMED IGNORANCE – TOWN CRIER: Action, Reaction, Or No Action … Pick Your Future
By: Roger Landry (TLB)
Once again I join Barry Prince (in northern Canada), host of The Big Puzzle to discuss the status of, our health, political over-reach, and global tyranny. Yea we will pretty much (as usual) pick up right where we left off in our last discussion (2 weeks ago).
As we look around us today we are seeing a massive global push towards the Great Reset … Global governance/tyranny now exists on a level that makes all but useless any of your valued personal or civil rights/liberties. Chaos is rampant across the globe and growing. Anger is rising to dangerous levels in nations you would never have considered (Australia, Israel, etc…), and is steadily growing. The big picture behind all of this is … It is Choreographed. From Chaos comes sanity and relief … The Great Reset !!!
The inconsistencies in the narrative are now shining through and even the not so bright among us can now see the absolute bullshit we are being force-fed constantly … the steadily increasing levels of Programmed Ignorance.
Today we are left with three choices:
No Action
Pick Your Future, and pick carefully … because two of those choices lead to a dark future for the remaining human population … can you say ‘Slavery’?
Today Barry and I discuss all the above and more.
Show Talking Points:
- The need to support independent/alternative media
- … support us!
- Our Representatives … DON’T
- Global political tyranny is rampant
- Start politics over again … bottom up!
- Rebuild our Community to rebuild our country
- Special elections … Democrats lost big-time
- Americans are waking up, and getting PISSED … Fast
- Governors pushing back on Vaccine Mandate
- Is Vaccine more deadly than COVID
- Why do you exempt Congress if this virus is this deadly
- Natural Immunity better that Jab … but you still must take the jab
- Vaccinated are Super-Spreaders, 250x viral load than unvaccinated
- People must be angry (distrusting) with their government
- America must go down first (Global Cowboys)
- Global Governance … The Great Reset
- Vaccine mandates are a virtual national wrecking ball
- Judge puts a stop on Mandate for private businesses
- US states are sovereign,
- noncompliance best weapon against feds
- Recalling not representing
- Canadians are angry and pushing back
- Step back and look at the big picture
- Global vaccine push for a deadly pharma product
- Now your children must take a dangerous vaccine
- Mothers are pissed and rising up
- Pandemic of the VACCINATED
- COVID Variants are common vaccine damage
- COVID does not exist … the fear was used to vaccinate you
- Fertility is dying (intentionally) … then you vaccinate the kids
- VAERS reports are just a hint of reality
- Fully vaccinated are dying from COVID … ???
- Death by vaccine mandate
- Children having strokes … is NOT normal
- Conditioning the public to accept medical tyranny
- Big Pharma … Global power player pedaling tyranny
- Republic vs Democracy … Freedom vs Tyranny
- It is well past time to step back and look at the big picture
- None of their scenario makes any sense … FACT
- How many of the people I know and love are vaccinated …
This is a great and free-flowing discussion so fasten your seat-belt and listen up as my good friend Barry Prince and I gear up for another vital discussion on …
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More episodes of EPI TOWN CRIER
About the Author: Roger Landry (TLB)spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was less than ten short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of a half dozen proprietary global websites, media projects and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of his work can be found on the TLB Flagship website
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The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)
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