Haitian Voodoo in the White House
by Bill Muckler, TLB contributing author
Supreme chief of Haitian voodoo Max Beauvoir stands close to a relief painting representative of a voodoo ceremony on February 24, 2010 during interview with AFP in Port au Prince. AFP PHOTO/Thony BELIZAIRE (Photo Credit: THONY BELIZAIRE/AFP/Getty Images)
President Trump went to Puerto Rico to survey the damage inflicted by Hurricane Maria, but how about taking a side trip to Haiti? He could follow in the footsteps of previous presidents Clinton and Obama? Why, you ask? Witchcraft is practiced in the White House.
Michelle’s 73-year-old mother, Marian Robinson, who resides in the White House and who had brought in a friend who’s a Santeria priestess to do voodoo (which is Satanism) in the White House.
Remember when the Obama White House was all abuzz with talk of witchcraft by first grandmother, 72-year-old Marian Robinson, who lived in the White House residence. A close friend of Michelle Obama said the president was furious at his mother-in-law after learning that she was practicing Santeria, an African spirit cult, in the White House.
Obama was quite upset about this on two different levels. First, he is supposedly a Christian, no matter what his critics say about Reverend Wright. He is adamant that Sasha and Malia be raised with Christian influences. He does not want them to be involved with African voodoo. And secondly, he was worried about the political fallout if his enemies get wind of this. “Rev. Wright was bad enough, but this could be political suicide,” a close friend of Michelle’s confided.
Religion took center stage during the 2008 campaign when videos showed the Rev. Jeremiah Wright shouting, “God damn America.” Obama was forced to distance himself from the since-retired pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, where he worshiped for 20 years. Many people were shocked by the videos and questioned Obama’s fitness to be president. Obama avoided worshiping in public and preferred the chapel at the presidential retreat at Camp David. This is the same “Campaigner-in-Chief” who accused conservatives of “clinging to their guns and religion.”
Grandma Didn’t Have a Bible
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