In A Constitutional Republic, If Liberty Fails, Who Is To Blame?
When in a Constitutional Republic: The True Governors (We The People) FAIL to hold their elected servants Accountable via Apathy, Complacency or comfortable Ignorance, the inevitable result will always be an Accumulation and Concentration of Power Unto Themselves. Witness the birth of “Self Imposed” Tyranny! – Roger Landry (TLB)
Let’s start this ball rolling with a personal observation …
That being said please consider that we as Americans live in the most politically ignorant and detached society on this planet when it comes to the mechanisms and true goals of our government, or those who pretend to serve the people. I will not endeavor to convince you that a lot of this ignorance is not intentional, orchestrated or choreographed … because it is. What I will say is that this scenario is long past the point of blatant recognition, and our failure to unify our voices and rise up against it, must put a significant portion of the blame squarely in our laps.
The fact is none of what is presented here is new, but is the culmination of tyranny taking place over the last several decades or more, and in some cases much more. But to those of us who do the research … that in itself is enough to make us fear for our country!
Today our children are taught from a very early age (via a corporatist run education system called Common Core) that Rights are in fact granted privileges by our government … the word unalienable never even coming into the picture.
Read for yourself: 2nd Grader’s Homework Teaches ‘The Government GIVES Us Our Rights’.
Our freedom of speech is being confined to “free speech zones” at an ever increasing pace … established and enforced by said establishment, where we are ‘PERMITTED’ to speak freely (remember the Bundy ranch). How can you call anything ‘Free Speech’ when restrictions, guidelines and permissions are part of, or required prior to you practicing this Unalienable Right?
Think this is not real, read this: College campuses, zoning out free speech
And when did “To Protect and Serve” become “Law enforcement at all cost”? Where what used to be community Peace Officers, are now Law Enforcement officers, many ignorant or oblivious of your rights and the Constitution they swear and oath to uphold.
Our right to reasonable privacy is in shambles via the CIA, NSA, FBI, Homeland Security, the Patriot Act, NDAA, etc…, etc…, etc…
Our right to Assemble is well into its death throws and may cost you up to ten years in prison or $10,000 depending on the property or dignitary (complicit politician) you’re assembling to protest.
And I can easily go on and on and on … adnauseam
The saddest part of all this is that we as a society have long forgotten our true place in this Constitutional Republic, and benignly acquiesced our unalienable rights to the stewardship of those same individuals who would perpetrate this very tyranny on us, and most Americans seem fine with this … or at best are oblivious to it.
Please read this: The Endangered Bill of Rights
As a result of all that has been mentioned above (including provided links), a lack of push-back from enough of our countrymen, and a blatant failure to uphold our commitment to this Constitutional Republic as its true governors, America is now a Corporatocracy ruled (not governed) by Global Banksters and powerful Multinational Corporations … This is not a guess, a supposition, overstatement, or a joke …
This Is Reality Most … DON’T WISH TO KNOW!
Follow this link for some shocking information on the Act of 1871 …
Must Read … America Sold: The Most Heinous Crime In American History
This is no longer a guess but a fact also reported in a study conducted by one of the most prestigious universities in this country … three years ago, Princeton. Why wasn’t that front page news … ? This is reality showing through the curtain … thanks Toto (independent Media)!
Cold hard facts: Princeton Makes It Official: USA Has Become Oligarchy, No Democracy
They are only about 150 years late in their revelation … but hey at least they got closer to the truth than any other part of the complicit establishment.
Still don’t believe me? Watch this short video clip (4 minutes) from none other than ultra liberal msnbc. Now I may not be in agreement with their gun policy, or their motives, but please listen closely as they discuss Princeton and Oligarchical Rule in America …
All that has been accomplished in the destruction of this country has been for their gains. These Global Corporatist and Banksters, who swear or hold no loyalty to any sovereign nation, are criminals with the blood of humanity on their hands! They profit from war, disease, depression, recession, inflation and even (especially) the destruction of America to make way for a global oligarchy (New World Order) dominated by, YUP you guessed it … THEM!
The Dollar is the final catastrophic slap in the face to America. Its collapse is another choreographed disaster intended to bring this once proud and powerful nation to its knees … and one of the mechanisms of this programmed scenario is quite possibly … World War III.
So do you think this is fear mongering, fear porn, exaggerated beyond reason? If so, you are one of those described in the paragraphs above!
Now I ask you all to think long and hard … When your comfort bubble pops as a result of what you have seen above (including links), where will this leave you, those you love and have promised to care for? Will they survive the encroaching tyranny? Will you survive the encroaching tyranny? At what cost to your liberty or humanity? Isn’t it time to get off your complacent, apathetic, comfortable ass and push back? Time is shorter than you can possibly believe!
My Parting Shot …
The Ball is in Your Court …
About the Author: Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was less than ten short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of a half dozen proprietary global websites, media projects such as TLBTV, and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of his work can be found on the TLB Flagship website
The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)
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