Justice Sought: Lawsuits Against the Neocons – Hillary’s DNC, G. W. Bush, etc..
By: Roger Landry (TLB)
Let us start off by addressing the fallacy that just about any modern day national level politician or administrative/executive appointees participating in the this political system (with a few Very Rare exceptions) is a true blue all American representative of the unwashed masses, having only their constituents or the citizens well-being at heart.
Let’s shed light on the fact that these politicians or appointees neither adhere to the published party principals or platform, nor do they represent the citizens who elected or support them. Neither do they abide by any code of ethics or morals that does not directly benefit, or may prove a detriment to themselves or more importantly their puppet masters, those responsible for their appointment or ascension to power.
Today the level of corruption and complicity in this government (supposedly of, by, and for the people) is what we must consider a national emergency at best and a catastrophe at worst. True representation of We The people is a concept long dead, and the State of the Union suffers egregiously. Yet true justice is nowhere to be seen, and accountability is all but nonexistent.
Presently a vast majority of us have lost all trust and faith in our system of governance. This is a political system that …
Blatantly cheats a candidate out of fair or proper participation in the political system (Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders, etc…) negating the voice of the people in favor of corporatist and elitist control. Yet true justice is nowhere to be seen, and accountability is all but nonexistent.
Unjustly investigates or hinders their considered political opponents using the power and weight of the federal government (IRS scandal). Yet true justice is nowhere to be seen, and accountability is all but nonexistent.
Attacks foreign nations under false pretenses (Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, etc…) committing war crimes, dragging America towards the cliff of bankruptcy, and fomenting gross hatred across the globe for America while inciting terrorism in their wake. Yet true justice is nowhere to be seen, and accountability is all but nonexistent.
Strips We The People of our Constitutional freedoms and unalienable rights (NDAA, Patriot Act, Executive Orders, etc…) in pursuit of power and control for themselves and their puppet masters. Yet true justice is nowhere to be seen, and accountability is all but nonexistent.
Facilitates regular and deadly false flag attacks on the people of this country to focus and increase their power and control via the mechanism of fear (9/11, Sandy Hook, etc…). Yet true justice is nowhere to be seen, and accountability is all but nonexistent.
And the list of now obvious and provable transgressions goes on. For far to long these actions have continued unabated and unchallenged, or a show is put on for the people falsely portending some limited repercussion (BULL) with no true accountability for the actual perpetrators who in fact own the system, and true justice is nowhere to be seen..
But recently there have arisen challenges to these dangerous and treasonous actions that are gaining both voice and strength, not only in America, but across the globe. Please watch the attached video with the knowledge that an awakening is occurring and growing at an exponential pace. Justice must and will be served …
The Neocon war hawks have embroiled the United States in illegal wars of aggression around the globe, and with the possibility of a Clinton presidency, that reign of terror looks set to continue. But a series of lawsuits are challenging the neocons in the courts and threatening to derail that agenda. This is the GRTV Backgrounder on Global Research TV.
My Parting Shot …
About the Author: Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was less than seven short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of over a dozen proprietary global websites, media projects such as TLBTV, and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of his work can be found on the TLB Flagship website TheLibertyBeacon.com
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