KEN’S CORNER: A Message to Christian Patriots
Commentary by TLB Contributing Writer: Ken LaRive
Suddenly Face Book is inundated with every conceivable flavor of Christian faith, with one overwhelming similarity, as I observe. Each of you think that your take on faith is straight and true. Know this, we are at war to take back this nation, and if you can not look past these faithful differences, you will be the only one fighting. Our founding fathers saw this quandary too, and collectively decide to put away their judgements for a common cause. They called themselves Deists. That means they had a belief in God, but judged not. Didn’t the Bible, every 311 versions, say that same thing? Some of our most influential founders were atheists and agnostics.
Let’s talk about this idea of prayer. Prayer without action is mute. What do I mean by that? It means that God gave you a great gift called free will, with both a mind and spirit that is supposed to work in conjunction. If God takes a hand in this life without you also trying, those gifts are squandered. You have a secular enemy, and it has no moral compass. It uses your fear, your inability to cope, your ignorance, your judgemental nature, your ego, and your selfish love to manipulate you. There is nothing wrong with prayer, it is a very powerful tool to garner a strength of purpose, but without action, like an education as to how the system works, you will flounder in your tears, and be easily crushed.
Taking back America from a battery of Marxist Communist lawyers will not be easy, unless you study law. You will not be able to get out of debt slavery unless you understand international Maritime Law, banking and the function of the Federal Reserve and their league with the Rothschild Banking cartel. Did you know that the United States was incorporated under Maritime law in 1871, to do international commerce, bypassing our Constitutional Republic, even our Civil Liberties? All of those Progressives and Neocons, two wings on the same bird, have not been brought to justice, and possibly never will, because they are actually Company Men for the United States Inc. You don’t know that because it is intentionally left out of your education, as they influence your world with the largest and most powerful lobby the world has ever seen, AIPAC. Washington DC is their headquarters, and they now have a fence around it. Why? Because they see people waking up, and they are scared. Know this, they have the ability to control you, they can turn out the lights not only in your world, but in you mind, with science.
I’ll wind this down by telling you just what you are up against. First and foremost, they know everything about you, and not just facial recognition, but your personal information from the flavor of ice cream you prefer, to your finances, the medicine you take, your history, and the connections you have with family and friends… and can cull you, influence you, divide you, even change your perception of your reality by rewriting history… push you to hate yourself using guilt for what they previously manipulated in your mind about race, society and culture, creating voids they fill with lies… propaganda and clever betrayal. AI computers are able to manipulate you now from cradle to grave, and to survive this you must question everything, even your own sanity. They have the ability to print money out of thin air, and accountable to no law, not even international law, much less Constitutional law.
It will take all kinds of people to win this war, but you can’t take back something you don’t understand, and God helps those who help themselves. You will need to replace this very intentional and well orchestrated perversion of our founding principles, so you must understand just what that is. Reading the Bible is awesome, but you will have to understand the writings of our founders called The Federalist Papers, the fundamental Constitution, and what Early Americans saw were God inspired civil liberties. They gave us a gift, the ability to self govern, and that was never part of the human experience since the dawn of man. You are waiting for Donald Trump to help you? You are waiting for the second coming of Jesus, to save you? You are responsible for your life, everything and everybody you love, your Republic belongs to you, and no barbed wire, no lie, no constant distractions to divide and conquer, can harm you if you fight together with both volition and knowledge.
It is never too late, the blueprints are there for you to read! Focus! Learn! Take command of your life! America has fallen, and only you can set it right…You, and every American working to combat Liberty from tyranny. God will bless America only if you deserve it, and you will get only what you deserve. It is the law of cause and effect, what you sow, so you will reap. The universal law of attraction. Ask empowering questions and you will get an answer of like kind. So… stand up! Look around. Take charge of your life. America is your heritage. It belongs to you. Don’t let it slip from your fingers. Grab it, and never let it go. It is your manifest destiny.
Parting Shot …
Read more great articles from KEN’S CORNER
From the Author, Ken La Rive – We in the Liberty movement have been fighting to take back this country for less than a decade, peacefully and with the love of God and country in our hearts. Our banner has been trampled on and displaced by a multitude of distractions, further eroding our nation and the cause for Liberty. And so, as we are pulled by forces we cannot fathom, powerful entities with unlimited resources stolen from our future, unaccountable trillions printed out of thin air and put on our backs as debt, we must formulate the most pitiful of all questions any patriot might ask in the final hour: Are we going to fight for our master’s tyranny, or are we going to demand the return of our civil liberties and Constitution? Are we going to choose The Banner of Liberty, or the shackles of voluntary servitude? Will it be a war for corporate profit, or a war to regain our ability to self govern, as the blood and toil of our forefathers presented to us, their children, as a gift? I fear that decision is emanate. I fear that any decision will be a hard one, but my greatest fear of all is that the decision has already been made for us.
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Can’t serve 2 masters -The problem is the System -Flags & crosses, using images to represent something alive that is not a live. Consider the 2nd commandment. -The pledge of allegiance, who comes 1st? When has The Most High ever taken 2nd place in importance? The only value of what most call money is their faith & trust. -Does the Truth matter -Babylon comes -judgment on those who claim they keep the truth. The One who has made Himself real to me is a people person. Individually with each individual. At the reckoning our denial won’t protect us, lying won’t help us, & crying no good…
Great message Ken with all the facts! I hope it wakes some of the brethren up.
Great article and I have attempted to warn churches for a few years with people laughing at me. Does not bother me but the ignorance is crazy.