KEN’S CORNER: What We Need To Win… A Mirror
Commentary by: TLB Contributing Writer: Ken LaRive
On this day of voting … This is one of the hardest to write. Fighting for Liberty with the pen for more that twenty years has brought me full circle, because what we are fighting is far more organized, with unlimited resources, and game plans for conquest that have the ability to reach into our minds. We actually help them to create chaos, which is how they secure power and control. It’s so convincing, it is considered, perceived, to be an original thought. After all this time I can tell you I see very little has changed, only morphing, like a chameleon, like smoke and mirrors, and they can control the narrative because we are not seeing the truth, it’s hidden from view, manipulated by a media they own. It you want to survive this. If you want we the people to again take control… what I have written below are the tools we must all have, collectively, to come together for a common cause. You must take control, but you will never be capable if you are not educated, if you do not value truth, and revel in the power of it. There must be a base to build upon, and we have to come together for a common cause.
We need a neutral ground to stand on. This means putting away your petty differences, taking control of yourself first, by learning and pondering on what the fundamental nature of America is, and what it has become, but more than that, the most powerful part, is your self reflection. You must hold a mirror up to what caused this predicament, this fine mess, and take responsibility… America, I’m so sorry to say, is nothing at all like our Constitution demands it to be… and so is nothing more than an illusion… that will be the hardest of all to formulate, because we, in our final hour, at the rim of the abyss, can see no viable game plan, because the reality cleverly installed into our minds are full of lies… you have homework to do, and yet you think you already possess the answer. That is a great failing. The reality is that you will hang your head when you see just how you have been played, and what a slave you really are.
In the name of God, I call myself a deist. Our founders did that so that they could come together for a common cause… putting aside, sometimes profound differences in faith, and sometimes subtitle differences… for something greater. We have become slaves in many ways, from debt slavery, to the illusion of truth, but to me, the most profound slavery of all is slavery of the spirit. That inhibits the development of will, the id, volition, and a reason for being. What can be worse, that a population that has been coerced to believe good is bad and right is wrong? That is the death of Liberty? That is the death of a Republic? That is the death of a nation? That is the rift, the vacuum that filling our immortal souls.
How about you quit crying. Educate yourself and take responsibility for your life. We have a country where all religions are welcome, not just a particular flavor of Christianity. The secularists that now control America have no morality, or ethics. We have to stand under one flag, teach just what a Republic is, and unite. What I see on facebook are crappy memes of division, promoting a weak nature, and many of them created by the power elite… It’s perfect fodder for communists wanting to divide and conquer. Communists promote this mindset!!! I have nothing against prayer, but what you are praying for is this… you want God to take control, and that is the classic definition of slavery of the will. You have free will, the greatest of all gifts, and you want to give that away because you are too weak and lazy, too afraid to fight for your Country!? Fear grips your very soul, for what you perceive is out of your control. Nothing is out of your control, and that’s a fact, if you have the right mindset…
Read Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and find out who your enemy is. Read The Prince, by Machiavelli, to see how they own your mind. Read a civics book to see what a Constitutional Republic is, and teach that to your children. Get off your crybaby mindset, feeling sorry and lost, and take control of America, that is your heritage, the heritage they are tearing down all across America.. Stand on your own two feet! Your weak nature and ignorance will be the death of your future. I have had constant discussions with people about politics, and one thing, one profound element, is that the say they want to control America, but can’t give me a game plan, or even tell me what America is.
Call yourself a truther, and hold people accountable who have betrayed us! Read The Book of Revelations… it names your damn enemy. You call yourself a Christian and you have not read the Bible? You call yourself an American and you have never read the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, or the Rights of man? What’s wrong with you? Where is you honor? Where is your strength of purpose? America is being eaten alive and you are actually helping these Progressive/Neocons Marxist Zionist Communists! You are going to get just what you deserve! It is called the universal law of cause and effect, as Jesus said what you sow you will reap. Why isn’t that a part of your mind!!!! Fear is what motivates you, not truth, not love, but selfishness. You can’t think of one thing greater than yourself to die for… because you can’t find one thing bigger than yourself to live for. Freedom is not Liberty. A Republic is not a Democracy!!! Wake up!!
God helps those who help themselves. God is not responsible for your life, you are. Judge not, love your neighbor, but what you are fighting isn’t just a political secular institution designed to create a black bottom line, it must possess your soul to be complete. Push back like your very future is at stake. It is you know. Prayer is powerful. Faith is powerful, but you have to realize that what you are fighting has no conscience, and so evil, it will use what good you have in you, to control you. You must physically stand up. You must learn that there are no rules, and that your enemy will kill you, and all of America, if we no longer comply. (The so called Pandemic was a case in point.) If you want Liberty, you must push back with just as much force, or become just another twisted and rewritten foot note.
Get Out & Vote !!!
Read more from KEN’S CORNER
From the Author, Ken La Rive – We in the Liberty movement have been fighting to take back this country for less than a decade, peacefully and with the love of God and country in our hearts. Our banner has been trampled on and displaced by a multitude of distractions, further eroding our nation and the cause for Liberty. And so, as we are pulled by forces we cannot fathom, powerful entities with unlimited resources stolen from our future, unaccountable trillions printed out of thin air and put on our backs as debt, we must formulate the most pitiful of all questions any patriot might ask in the final hour: Are we going to fight for our master’s tyranny, or are we going to demand the return of our civil liberties and Constitution? Are we going to choose The Banner of Liberty, or the shackles of voluntary servitude? Will it be a war for corporate profit, or a war to regain our ability to self govern, as the blood and toil of our forefathers presented to us, their children, as a gift? I fear that decision is emanate. I fear that any decision will be a hard one, but my greatest fear of all is that the decision has already been made for us.
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Image #1 – “Smoke and mirrors” by theilr is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
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