LEARN 2 UNLEARN (Ep 123): Alarms, Zionist Protocols & Music!
Shows Originally Broadcast Live On:
ShakeAndWake Radio ~ Episode XXXVIII
Your Host: Luca Majno
A silly start, some may say, just giggling and having fun, caught in the moment, and ‘laughing’, as the Indian often would do, in the face of the worst of adversities… Indian humor. A life saver.
And after Steve our producer explains an interesting saga, drama, I call it, that others have ‘caught him into’, I shake my head, thanking Creator it isn’t ‘me’, and we move into my subjects of this episode.
Telling stories that perhaps are repeated sometimes in various shows, is a good sign, I explain, feeling a sense of truth even more, when someone is remembered having ‘said that before’, a sense of trust ensues in me… as I hope it does in each reader and listener… I’ts the ‘color’ that we are. 🙂
To start the show off, however, a Prayer is in order.
Our reaction to the Indian and sharing The 14 Poles of The Tipi story is of importance on this show, and A/B it to how we live today, the ‘disconnect’…
Speaking of ‘disconnect‘, I automatically want to add how we ‘see’ Nature, and our complete apathy towards being Its Stewards, as we all should be, as I talk about Pimi and her strawberries again! Even ‘Whipping the fig tree’ in the Bible has its impact and logic for the Indian!
“Why can’t Life be this SIMPLE“, I asked out loud…
After the break, i come back with MONOPOLY and other stories that I have prepared, ones that I tie to my DISCLAIMER for this show, which begs that …
The perfect slide to explain our attitudes towards Nature and THE MATRIX movies as a perfect example, take me even further in the ‘delving into’ what ‘they’ are doing to us, slowly but surely, not only ‘poisoning’ our air, our waters and our soil, but as if that wasn’t enough, no, ‘they want ‘all of us “vaccinated”…’
It (the mRNA jabs) is going into our meats as well, as the ‘animals’ that we consume will be given the jabs, since they don’t care about them, either ~ and it is MY ALARM on the subject that has to be ‘screamed from the rooftops’ as they say so eloquently in French…
And warming up the subject for next week, another outburst of a Warrior Parent in another ‘school meeting‘, and what the children’s ‘material’ looks like and ‘sounds like’ when it is read out loud…
As well as a reminder of the same thing happening in Germany less than 100 years ago, and ‘how they dealt with it’… as a Christian Movement.
The Nashville Shooter is next, in a general sense, shown side-by-side with other false flags and set-ups, and then shifting gears into The MUSIC SEGMENT!
Spanish/Latin American/Reggae are styles treated today, as I present my favorite clips and explain my style of drumming and how I learned to play, even exercises, speaking of early beginnings, listening to my mother’s (would you believe) metronome?
And my show ends with a powerful song from ‘British-Columbia’, ‘Canada’ ~ Helene Duguay’s powerhouse, BIG SKY ~
On-the-fly-live-radio, it is, as we Rock our way home… I hope you love the shows as much as I do, DOING THEM!!
Listen Up …
And we shall meet again next week, Creator Willing!
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Your Show Host: Luca Majno is the TLB Project Media Technical Director, an investigative journalist, researcher and passionate advocate of Indigenous People (The Original People), of their ‘Turtle Island’ which is now North America. Born in Boston, Ma. and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, he has lived for the last 25 years in Canada, where his activism started, and has since lived in Tennessee and Keokuk, Iowa, where he now resides. Exposing past and present crimes of any nature is a sure way to change the course of humanity towards a brighter future.
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