LEARN 2 UNLEARN – Return To Health (E12) – Be Good To Yourself!
Your Host: Luca Majno
Being good to yourself, I found out, can be split up into as many different sections as you want… This is fun, too… I see FOUR very important ones for this show… and I need to remind myself to put the names of the sections down on the bottom… for reference…
SECTIONS in video episode:
This is an important one, and a hard one, too, especially for men, or the less sensitive among us. For me, it just came naturally… It was always there, but it needed to be relearned… I am catching myself now, always yelling at myself, sometimes even calling myself names, which I have mostly stopped, I think… I catch myself every time..
Learning how to love yourself, to be gentle, more understanding, more patient… Sounds strange? It may be to some, because we are not ‘used to’ ‘pampering’ ourselves, ‘giving ourselves a break’ ~ and that’s the next one!
In my case, it’s also about forgiveness… not because ‘I’ did something wrong ~ but to forgive yourself for who you are, mostly for what happened to you ~ to me ~ and to make peace with it.
Giving Yourself A Break to me, means taking the weight off your shoulders ~ is it really yours to carry? or was it ‘put’ there by others? Am I fighting other people’s wars FOR THEM? ~ As I lighten my load, I find myself ‘lighter’ and in better health, mentally ~
Meditation: Yes, I mention this a lot, but it really helps me focus on things in a balanced way ~
Story of the snow scraper ~
Meditation is what you want it to be ~ what you make of it ~ What I just mentioned about ‘taking the weight off’ is crucial to meditation as well ~ You really have to SHUT OFF the mind ~ NO MIND ~ Remember that scene in The Last of The Samurai ~ not allowing yourself to think any thoughts ~ and get quiet ~ As soon as a thought comes in, you refuse it ~ and stay quiet ~ Taking The Weight Off is also completely connected to Loving Yourself, which is the daily process ~ We’ll be coming back to this a lot…
“One of the things that makes me angry the most about my ‘condition’”, you ask? It’s that ‘we don’t know’ 100% about anything… we never do… And we never QUESTION anything, either … hardly ever… And this has a lot to do with the fluoridation of the water, the poisoning of the food, air, water, soil… The Dumbing Down of America… This is no longer a ‘conspiracy’, folks… Everything is tied together…
We need to start QUESTIONING what we eat, what we read or learn from any source… We need to start to think out-of-the-box… or we WILL end up like those whose lives are destroyed, simply because they never QUESTIONED the narrative, or asked or even thought there was another way… I could have been one of them… And I need to educate the masses on my experience, because it is REAL… It happens every day… WHY QUESTION EVERYTHING? Because we are learning that the body is always trying to heal… and I have seen this myself… And it WILL let you know, or alert you if you are alert to these things… WHY QUESTION EVERYTHING?
MY INCIDENT WITH RADIOLOGY, KY ~ Technicians often make mistakes, misdiagnose, allow themselves to give suggestions as to treatment, and/or prognosis (in complicated language that usually only the doctor understands ~ … I have seen it myself personally! ~ In my case, the doc SHOWED ME where the tech wrote what he/she thought, and this doctor has a choice to either follow their recommendation(s) or not… Here, he kind of laughed it off, rolled his eyes, rejected it completely, as if it was a normal routine for him to go through …
All the above and so much more in my video that accompanies this article… We need to have much more dialogue about what has been hidden from us for so long!
Watch this revealing presentation …
See you next week!
Parting shot …
More Episodes of LEARN 2 UNLEARN (click on links to see article/show)
LEARN 2 UNLEARN – Return To Health (E11) – “Explaining The Way Of Earth”
LEARN 2 UNLEARN – Return To Health (E10) – “Understanding The Way Of Earth”
LEARN 2 UNLEARN – Return to Health (E4) – THE FEAR OF IT ALL
LEARN 2 UNLEARN – Return to Health (E3) – Let’s Talk RESONANCE
LEARN 2 UNLEARN – Return to Health (E2) – Let’s Talk CANCER In America
Your Show Host: Luca Majno is the TLB Project Media Technical Director, an investigative journalist, researcher and passionate advocate of Indigenous People (The Original People), of their ‘Turtle Island’ which is now North America. Born in Boston, Ma. and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, he has lived for the last 25 years in Canada, where his activism started, and has since lived in Tennessee and Keokuk, Iowa, where he now resides. Exposing past and present crimes of any nature is a sure way to change the course of humanity towards a brighter future.
Follow Luca on facebook @ learn2unlearn
Email: [email protected]
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Bless you.