Outed by VaXXed-ABC News, CDC, Big Pharma & MS Reviews

By Christopher Wyatt | TLB staff writer/documentary producer

Take a look at this ABC interview with Del Bigtree about the film VaXXed and it is very clear that something is very wrong at the CDC and in the world of mainstream journalism. The CDC found a connection between Autism and the MMR and they decided to cover it up. This is similar to what Dr Andrew Wakefield found in his research. Everyone should take a look at the video and really watch the last part where Del Bigtree slams the media for reviewing the film before they have actually seen it. This is the ABC News interview that Big Pharma didn’t want you to see:

For those not aware of Dr. Andrew Wakefild’s research it can be seen here. http://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/lancet/PIIS0140-6736%2897%2911096-0.pdf


In searching for reviews of VaXXed I ran across three of the most biased reviews anyone could ever find. Take a look at this one from stat news where they claim to watch the film so you don’t have to. This is clearly a hit piece masquerading as an unbiased review.



The next review is even more crazy and shows a level of bias that would be comical were it not so damn tragic. The DailyBeast actually list it under pseudoscience and the review is brutal referring to the film as “overwhelming” and painting the families who watched the film as stupid.



Variety magazine referred to VaXXed as a “paranoia-stoking documentary about purported links between autism and vaccines” In my opinion I am not sure they actually watched the film which goes back to Del Bigtree’s complaint about reviewers. To be fair Variety does mention that the pharmaceutical industry is shielded from lawsuits.



Finallyafter searching for a good review of VaXXed in the mainstream media, I was hit with the cold truth that an unbiased review would never come from the mainstream media due to government influence and deep ties with the pharmaceutical industry. After a good bit of searching I finally came across a review from the alternative media that puts into perspective why VaXXed is so important and why it scares everyone in mainstream media–After years of lying and parroting the words of the CDC and the pharmaceutical industry everyone has been caught. This is the real story, that the game is over not just for the CDC but for mainstream media that is bought and paid for by Big Pharma.

Below is the Movie trailer of VaXXed:

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2 Comments on Outed by VaXXed-ABC News, CDC, Big Pharma & MS Reviews

  1. They say MTHFR mutations are possibly inherited I say and believe they were caused by our vaccinations. for the Millions of us who are aware of our mutations there are more than likely billions of us who are not aware of why they are sick. MTHFR mutations Cause all these illnesses. and there are people out there asking Why me. Why do I have these illnesses. Here is the short list. Autism
    Addictions: smoking, drugs, alcohol
    Down syndrome
    Pulmonary embolisms
    Depression in Post-Menopausal Women
    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    Chemical Sensitivity
    Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    Spina bifida
    Esophageal Squamous cell carcinoma
    Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
    Vascular Dementia
    Bipolar disorder
    Colorectal Adenoma
    Idiopathic male infertility
    Blood clots
    Rectal cancer
    Congenital Heart Defects
    Infant depression via epigenetic processes caused by maternal depression
    Deficits in childhood cognitive development
    Gastric Cancer
    Migraines with aura
    Low HDL
    High homocysteine
    Post-menopausal breast cancer
    Oral Clefts
    Type 1 Diabetes
    Primary Closed Angle Glaucoma
    Tetralogy of Fallot
    Decreased telomere length
    Potential drug toxicities: methotrexate, anti-epileptics
    Cervical dysplasia
    Increased bone fracture risk in post-menopausal women
    Multiple Sclerosis
    Essential Hypertension
    Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma
    Prostate Cancer
    Premature DeathPlacental Abruption
    Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)
    Methotrexate Toxicity
    Nitrous Oxide Toxicity
    Heart Murmurs
    Tight Anal Sphincters
    Tongue Tie
    Midline Defects (many are listed above)
    Behcet’s Disease
    Ischemic Stroke in Children
    Unexplained Neurologic Disease
    Shortness of Breath
    Bladder Cancer

    I was born in 1960 all my vaccines had mercury in them . Mercury is a mutagen in any amount . A couple of my mutations are severe. Others are not as severe but still cause a lot of problems. I passed these mutations to my children. They all have health problems caused by MTHFR. MY mother has NONE OF THESE and neither did my father.

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