

June 30, 2018 4

MEASLES & “THE NOBLE LIE” By: Dr. Mike Williams We see warnings such as this one below all over the world from public health bodies and those tasked with protecting our health. They are splashed […]


Mumps: Arkansas and New York update

September 19, 2016 0

Preface by Christopher Wyatt | TLB staff writer/documentary producer The mumps outbreak that is  slamming some states this fall is further proof that vaccines don’t work very well. Mumps is a mild viral illness that once you […]


The Truth Behind Common Vaccine Misconceptions

August 19, 2016 0

Preface by Christopher Wyatt | TLB staff writer/documentary producer So the new pro vaccine lie is to claim that vaccine reactions do not happen and that people who do not vaccinate misunderstand vaccines!!!!! UGH!!!!! I am outraged […]


Michigan chickenpox cases jump 57 percent

May 21, 2016 1

Preface By Christopher Wyatt | TLB staff writer/documentary producer This is one of the most absurd things  I  can think of but in checking my backlog of emails from the last several days I  noticed that areas […]


Joining the Herd

May 16, 2016 0

Preface By Christopher Wyatt | TLB staff writer/documentary producer Last year California had a minor measles outbreak that originated at Disney World, this outbreak was supposedly caused by foreign travellers and caused widespread panic in the media […]