The Enigma Of The Greatest Unsolved Serial Crime Spree In History
Cattle mutilations have been reported and documented for over 50 years by Ranchers and Farmers
by Susan Price, TLB Contributing Writer/Analyst
There’s a mysterious foreboding reality out there surrounding the livestock that becomes deadstock to random Ranchers and Farmers in the United States.
Like something from the X-Files, Twilight Zone, or a rendition of Operation Paperclips mad scientists who were equipped with a Plum Island cross breeding laboratory and deep state operatives, running a shadowy, psychopathic experiment on mankind, it’s literally, an animal version of Jack the Ripper.
Enter if you dare try and conceptualize this mind bending sinister mystery within a mystery, oh and it’s scary real, for this topic of discussion meets with the obtuse intersection of “Truth is Stranger than Fiction” and just maybe it’s apart of a “Covert Environmental Monitoring Process, perpetrated by a shadowy operation with highly advanced technology?” READ THE FBI FILES.
This phenomena ranges from the mundane to the supernatural, the blame game of predators, includes but not limited to, suspects of secret cult activities, natural compensation, clandestine government agencies and even cryptids which are creatures whose existence is based on alleged sightings or have taken new evolutionary paths and evolved from previously existing lifeforms into new variations.
Cattle mutilations have been reported and documented for over 50 years by Ranchers and Farmers who have found the bodies of their sheep and cattle dissected, completely eviscerated, drained of blood, bloating and missing organs.
It’s quite evident these perpetrators are airborne, there are never any footprints, tire tracks or evidence, even in the rain or snow, its as if alien hit squads come from the skies with their built in laboratories filled with precision tools to perform surgical extractions of these animal reproductive organs, tongues, eyes, blood and DNA material without a struggle and yet no signs of maggots, birds or any other life feeding organism off the dead carcasses of the ravished cattle.
Also discovered were heat induced injuries, consistent with electrosurgical excision, not the work by typical pranksters, for decades, these killings remain an enigma.
The majority of these specified animal mutilations occur in North America, the remains of the carcasses are the only clues left behind for farmers, ranchers, scientists and investigators to connect the dots, yet to date, no one has.
There are many theories floating around out there, regarding clandestine covert agencies, conducting experiments, not only the animals, yet, the ranchers and farmers who’s property was invaded, how are we to know if these unseen forces didn’t leave invisible contaminated particles and radiation that could infect the human food supply?
Most recently, a mysterious attack on cattle was waged in the pacific northwest, on July 30th and 31st 2019, the Silvies Valley Ranch located in Oregon’s largest county about 40 minutes north of county seat of Burns, offered a 25,000 reward for information leading up to arrest and conviction for the crimes committed against 5 of their bulls within a two day period. The Oregon Cattlemen’s Association has also offered its own 1,000 reward.
Veterinarian, Scott Campbell, who owns this 140,000 acre property in Oregon’s largest county, where cattle outnumber people, 14-1, bought this enterprise in 2006, and since then, it’s expanded into tourism with a golf course and resort on site, but still maintains around 4,500 head of beef cattle, including around 100 bulls. Five dead bulls were found in a wooded area about 15 miles from U.S. 395, the nearest major road, the dead carcasses of the bulls were found about a quarter mile apart.
To aid, the investigation pulled in the Oregon State Police and U.S. Forest Service because the cattle were grazing on a federal allotment in the Malheur National Forest.
For decades, there’s been controversial talk surrounding the properties near federal lands such as U.S. National Forests as certain matters remain undocumented by the government, involving missing persons and yet “no one” sees anything, yet perhaps there is a correlation, chalk it up to the ominous crime spree that’s become one of those American folk lore collections of unsolved mysteries.
Practical facts remain, Beef alone, is one of Oregon’s largest agricultural commodities, bringing in nearly $1 billion a year which adds bizarre twist to the unreasonable killing of cattle, especially bulls because there worth allot of money alive, especially when used for breeding.
Their estimated value is up to $7,000 a piece and each bull would have sired on average about 100 calves over the remainder of their lives, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars in loss due to the productive life of a bull provides a huge economic opportunity for a Rancher.
Regardless, thousands of Ranchers over the past 50 years not only living within the United States, yet, across the globe, have experienced the wrath of cattle mutilation, which in all cases, remains one of the greatest mysteries.
There is No reasonable explanation, reports by some state they have witnessed flashes of strange lights in the skies, and the next day finding their dead mutilated cattle.
The mystery deepens because there’s no obvious reason why anyone would want animal organs and body parts, they aren’t prime targets for black market sales.
Contrary to our beliefs, these Livestock mutilations actually date back centuries, yet it wasn’t until the late 1960s they hit the news headlines on a global scale.
The common underlying factors in all cases of cattle mutilation are:
-No obvious visible cause of death.
-Body parts appeared to have been removed with surgical precision
-Cattle were systematically drained of blood, seemingly through small holes punched in their jugular vein.
-Internal organs removed (especially the sex organs seemed to have been cut away.
-In some cases evidence of residual radiation or animal tranquilizing chemicals were (allegedly) found.
-Some animals were found with broken legs and backs pushed into the ground. Suggesting they had been dropped from above.
-No footprints found near the carcasses.
-Unidentified aircraft and lights were often seen in the areas where the mutilations occurred.
One expert who’s written about this bizarre heist of the century, is Christopher O’Brien, an Arizona based author of “Stalking the Herd: Unraveling the Cattle Mutilation Mystery” his book is an in-depth examination and analysis of this complex, multi-layered mystery and this book scrutinizes the various explanations that have been proposed over the years and proposes new theories that have chilling implications.
“This activity is more complicated than aliens,” “That’s the most popular plot line. But its been railroaded by tireless believers propagandizing a cultural meme of aliens coming down mutilating cattle when there is very little evidence to support that.”
O’Brien elaborated that about one in ten cattle mutilations might have a connection to extra terrestrials possibly trying to learn about humans through cows. (Cattle hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells, is nearly an exact match with that found in people)
O’Brien’s Theory? Prepare to feel a chill run like a lightening bolt up your spine because after more than two decades of working with Veterinarians, Pathologists, Biologists and Police, he believes the mutilations could be apart of a “Covert environmental monitoring process perpetrated by a shadowy operation with highly advanced technology.” He further states “As far as I’m concerned, this could be the greatest unsolved serial crime spree in history,”
“There could be multiple groups involved.” The motives likely run the gamut, and change over generations, from testing for nuclear radiation and bacterial weapons fallout to monitoring food borne diseases.”
“Certainly, that might be one explanation for why someone dumped 11 dead Holstein calves-skinned and mutilated in the desert, northeast of the Deschutes County town of Millcan in March 2000.
Still questions mount through the decades with very little media exposure, is it possible that alien predators are involved, as some researchers witness who see flashes of lights in the skies the night before cattle is found dismembered? Are mysterious helicopters or UFOs related to the cattle mutilation phenomenon as many witnesses have claimed?
Regardless of who or what’s responsible, what are the motivations behind perpetrating what may be the greatest unsolved serial crime spree of all time?
“Stalking the Herd’ address these questions in depth and also offers an objective look at the history of our venerated relationship with cattle, among the first domesticated livestock. Is there a connection between these ritualistic cattle deaths and the humankind ancient practice of animal sacrifice? Why are there no Brahman cattle mutilations in India where cattle are revered to this day? Are aliens gathering genetic material for unknown purposes?
What about thousands of pounds of scientific forensic evidence? Are some hidden sections of the military conducting secret projects that for some reason known only to them, involve the mutilation of hundreds of livestock and other warm blooded animals, Are they monitoring the spread of “mad cow” disease?
During the 1970s the FBI was asked to investigate Cattle and Animal Mutilation as reports of scattered animal mutilations in western and mid western states concerned many Ranchers and Farmers. Yet, the FBI was unable to conduct the investigations because of a lack of jurisdiction (except when such mutilations were found on Indian lands).
Their narrative reads “Despite the numerous investigations into this phenomena, it’s unknown to this very day, who or what is responsible for the precise “medical mutilations” performed on these animals and most certainly unexplainable why these tragic incidents occurred.”
Interestingly enough, their files consist mainly of press clippings and correspondence concerning the issues between 1974 and 1978.
On a personal note and educated guess, despite how bizarre this may sound, I believe like many of the theory’s out there, that alien life, is a contributing factor in some way. Through the years, we have recorded and witnessed during WWII and the sophistical high tech war machines of the German Nazi’s, the metals used in these war weapons, were allegedly from out of this world, and one reason the U.S. Government brought thousands of Nazi scientists to America under the guise of Operation Paperclip.
The workings of clandestine, covert agencies and circumstances, conducting experiments, above the highest level of security clearances, have been progressed over the years, scientists, have perfected inventions and patents such as cloaking devices and other sophisticated unseen and unknown laboratory creations that allow entering dimensions of time and space, unseen by the naked eye, and that the powers that be are conducting genetic and other, experiments on people, animals, environment and using these farms and ranches as remote testing grounds involving contaminated particles and radiation that could infect our human food supply.
Maybe one day in our life time we will discover the reality of this enigma, until that time, Farmers, Ranchers and their employees remain vigilant and on high alert as they patrol daily the vast areas on their properties on ATVs and horseback.
For Further Insight:
About (TLB) Contributing Writer Susan Price
Susan Price is a National Gold Star Mother and resides on the west coast of Florida. The daughter of a Marine, and Army Veteran, She is also the Mother of a Fallen American Hero, Gunnery Sgt, Aaron Michael Kenefick a highly decorated and stellar Marine of over twelve years. The tragic loss of Susan’s son and his Marine Embedded Training Team, raised more questions than answers. It was through a Mother’s undying love, that Susan transformed into an Investigative Researcher, and through her countless hours, days, weeks and years connecting the dots, factual documentation, eyewitness accounts and more, emerged a back story to the crimes that took place on the battlefield that fateful day of September 8th 2009. Susan is also known as a Veterans Advocate and a National voice. She has appeared on 60 Minutes, and other national media as well and Patriot radio. Having worked with various Congressmen concerning our Military and Veterans, she has been sought out by many as the “the Gold Star Mother with a voice” – and “go to person”.
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