The Lessons of Reagan Democrats relate to Today’s Politics?
By: Joseph M. Lenard
A Friend of mine shared a Video online of a Woman “Why she ‘Left’ the FASCICRATS.” My word of course, I coined the #FASCICRATS label decades ago (Fact, not hyperbole, today’s DNC platform has 28 NSDAP planks in it), not hers, but this to me begs some serious Questions and need for very careful, serious, and being HONEST with ourselves and others, need for the Political analysis of our time by looking back to the past…
The “concern” with this is, and we never thought about it in these terms back in the 80’s, was there were many coined “Reagan Democrats” that in hindsight were clearly just #ReaganCelebrityCultists cuz while they helped get Reagan Elected – they STILL Voted for FASCICRATS down-ballot/ticket and Reagan never had GOP Control of US House help and only ever had GOP Control of US Senate for 2 of his 8 years and therefore LIMITED in what he could get done. So, question is, to be REALISTICALLY and LOGICALLY examined and not Emotionally answered, is have they really joined Brandon Straka WalkAway and Owens’ (for Blacks) BLEXIT movements (actually taken the Red-Pill) and fully, and permanently LEFT THE LEFT, or just on board Trump Train and will GO BACK to FASCICRATS (like Reagan Democrats did in 1988) once Trump’s 2nd Term is over?!?!? #SeriousPoliticalAnalysis #HonestAnalysis needed
VIDEO (43s): Reagan on Fascism
Remember, we say lots of Obama Zombies all on-board with #obaMAO just for “the first Black President” #IdentityPolitics manure, NOT Principles. You’ve seen me say over and over, we need get more to be about #PrinciplesNotPersonalities and “thinking” NOT all about their “Feewings” any given moment. How many, now, like potentially partially may have also happened to some degree, back in 2016 (putting the whole 2020 farce and “shenanigans” that likely STOLE that Election for The Left aside)?!?! Seriously, do not go all Defensive and knee-jerk Emotional on me now – I need you all being honest and thinking about this as it matters to our overall strategy going forward if we are to #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic!! I’ve seen plenty of Videos of “Trump Democrats” that would “suggest” indeed like during Reagan they are more “Celebrity Cultists” than actually changed their Political thinking. Which is good FOR THE IMMEDIATE, but we need reach these people for LONG TERM shift not just one cycle (as DJT can only Serve one more Term).
Who will be Trump’s VP will be very, Very, VERY important, not maybe for 2024 but 2028, more important this time around than last, as to IF it will really be someone that can/will be able to keep the Trump “philosophy” and if indeed some of these folks are just “Celebrity Worship followers” his “Charisma” carried over and forward. Remember, honestly, and I understand and have talked about over and over about “The Politics and Strategy” of a VP pick. A VP pick is made based on many, sometimes conflicting, considerations! Pence made sense (no Rhyme pun intended) on Trump’s (Outsider, Pence an Insider, though his Record in Congress OK his Record as IL-Gov was NOT as good (read: actually fully Conservative) as they tried selling it to be) short-list; though I thought there were other and better choices on that list than Pence; to have that as the Ticket. Then, NOT NOW.
Reagan needed HWBush (who had called Reaganomics “Voo-Doo Economics” and was not really on-board with the Reagan direction to “bring the Establishment Wing of the GOP into the fold”) for the 1980 and 1984 Elections going forward. It was not a “known certainty” that Reagan would indeed defeat Carter in a Landslide like he did, and therefore would have likely made a different pick than he did for his VP, and why the Reagan Revolution only carried HWBush over the finish line for ONE TERM in hopes he’d learned, but once broken “No New Taxes” pledge showed he didn’t the Base abandoned him for his clearly still being an Establishment RINO type.
VIDEO (26m 57s): Kristi Noem CPAC speech
For me, I think there are many great people, for varying and sometimes different and sometimes same reasons, that in-my-opinion should be on Trump’s VP short-list for consideration. I remain firm, as I have been ever since the 2020 #Fraudtion (Fraud-Election) pushing for #TrumpNoem2024 (written about, several times, elsewhere, all the right reasons (her Congress experience and solid Record, her solid (not perfect, no-one is “perfect” not even Trump) Record as SDGov (only Governor in America to not have 1 second of Mask or Lockdown Mandate Ordered by State (DeSantis cannot say that, he did Lockdown but quickly back-peddled but still did so), non-traditional-Power-broker State as we do NOT need the usual Power-broker ties like FL, TX, whatever of the past but HELP in Winning those known as “Fly-over” States, etc.), plus yes the #IdentityPolitics bonus that She happens to be a Woman (as Lincoln did NOT get to say “Gettysburg Schmettysberg, let’s just ignore it, let the South have it” sometimes the enemy gets to dictate a Battlefield one MUST FIGHT ON or you just lose/Surrender such)) and NoemScott2028. No, never, while I’ve said over and over Nikki was FINE as SCGov and did a great Job as Trump’s UN Ambassador – no way I consider her Presidential material and therefore should NOT be the VP pick (which would be done under the same HWBush in 1980 considerations, to try bring the more “Establishment” wing hopefully back into the fold to assure Victory.
Again, Trump can only Serve one more term, unlike with Reagan where HWBush would be relegated to back-bench for a full eight years. Trump’s VP need be IN THE FORE along with Trump to position for 2028 if we are to hold the White House for any real length of time like we need to. We did NOT get in this hole overnight, and it is going to take a decade if not decades (as we likely will NOT have 60 member Filibuster proof control of US Senate anytime soon) in order to really get our #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic (shrinking Government) through the Congress. As, indeed, Executive Order authority has LIMITS (if we are to be Principled, cannot allow “our side” to Govern illegally as obaMAO and BiDUMB had by a lot of Executive fiats). Again, #PrinciplesNotPersonalities and NOT being a hypocrite (holding all sides accountable to same Constitutional standards).
And the 1980’s was then, while things were getting worse and worse under FASCICRATS desire to destroy the Country even then, things are infinitely worse now. Remember, we called for, and still do, never get done; as we never had 60 member Filibuster proof US Senate; to disband the UnConstitutional Department of Education – which is a local, States Rights, Parental Rights, matter. Yet only one thing in the long-list of FASCICRATS Federalism vs Original Intent, illegal Federal takeover under Carter and the FASCICRATS held Congress of then creation.
Remember too, Trump is a “Populist” not a 100% “Conservative!” That matters too, whether GOP long-term is indeed going to shift some of the Platform options to match?!?! Remember, while yes, he “cut the White House Staff and Budget” and the #DrainTheSwamp rhetoric, will the Swamp actually be drained this time and too Trump did NOT Veto a single Spending Bill allowing the overall National Debt to grow by Trillions! Again, are you #PrinciplesNotPersonalities or not, if you are supposedly Principled then DJT cannot be given “A Pass” as supposedly being “Fiscally Conservative” but never even attempted to Veto Bills to try FORCE any real reductions in overall Spending. I know that last part will “upset” some (those who are not actually Principled, but about Personality Cultism), but I don’t care, I’ve said over and over I am for #TrumpNoem2024 but NOT about selling out my Principles (NOT a Cultist for anyone, ever, never, I will ALWAYS call out The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly; the Pros and Cons of anyone/everyone as no-one is all Good nor all Bad and I will remain honest in my analysis) and I will call out anyone, no-one is above criticism, Trump is not Perfect, I will try hold his feet to the Fire while others are really just Snowflakes on the Right hypocrites “excusing” anyone that is “their guy or gal” for expedience.
Are you honestly PRINCIPLED or just Personality Cultists, like the Left was with #obaMAO (the Obama Zombies)?!?!? Seriously, sorry to raise these “uncomfortable questions” at times but someone has to in order to hopefully make people look in the mirror and be honest with themselves; and I have pledged to again deliver The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, truthful/honest, always both Pro’s and Con’s in/of everything, analysis.
VIDEO (4m 52s): Cult Of Personality (Living Colour, Official Video)
In closing, yes I am going to repeat A THIRD TIME, as I know some will have their Panties in a bunch for “raising legit Questions” that may “hurt their Feewings” and want to call me names and try claim that I am “not really supporting Trump” or other such bullshit attempts to be dismissive… #TrumpNoem2024!!! I have a long written track Record of overall supporting Trump, including again a piece on why I am for a #TrumpNoem2024 ticket, but too criticizing (as I do WITH ALL) when and where I feel deserving – holding my side accountable and too attempt to effect Policy when/where I think OUR SIDE is not holding true to “our ‘supposed’ Principles and Standards!”
Lastly, yes, I know, this piece is another piece that got a bit longer than sadly far too many peoples’ “Twitter level attention span” allows. Thank you to those actually understand things are not always BLACK AND WHITE, but lots of Grey Areas (part 1 and part 2, on that), and in need of fully vetted and dealt with in details (The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, of all of it (like too I am the only one deals in with the “Ranked Choice” issue others only deal in one-side of)). This was/is another one of those situations where drive-by, pot-shot, short Soundbites, Social-Media attempted brevity, would NOT suffice!!!
VIDEO (1m 8s): Reagan “Make America Great Again” as well as “Shining City on a Hill” plus “Morning in America” slogans use:
VIDEO (34m 50s): CTP S1E36 “Lessons of/from Reagan” early BTS/SP Video drop
VIDEO (1h 06m 32s): CTP S1EFebSpecial2 “Faith Engagement” early BTS/SP Video drop
Also by this Author:
Bread and Circus…
Can Lead Leftist To Facts, But Cannot Make Them Think (Part 1)
Can Lead Leftist To Facts, But Cannot Make Them Think (Part 2)
Some Still “Reachable” To RED-PILL, But One Must Be “STRATEGIC” About It…
Constitutional Rights vs Commie Privilege
Expect Another Push For ‘Net Neutrality’
Can One “Generalize” About Women Voters…
Image Credit: Photo in Featured Image (top) – by WikiImages from Pixabay
About the Author: Joseph M. Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”!
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
author: Terror Strikes (buy)
Former 12CDRC, Wayne12, WCRC, Committees member
W12 Newsletter Editor Wayne-12CDRC Newsletter
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Taylor (MI) Republicans Club TRC Michigan Webmaster
Terror Strikes book (B4IN write-up)
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