by Steve Cook
The article by Karma Singh provides a fine example of how the debt-based money system hands power to the banking cartels and their friends.
It is essentially a trap, a rigged, sticky spider’s web and almost everyone is in it: governments, businesses, the media – indeed, the mightiest and most accomplished civilisation in history.
And that includes highly successful enterprises such as Amazon.
It is a system in which our means of exchange, money, is created by banks out of nothing then gotten into circulation by lending that newly created money at interest. It enables a handful of bankers to control almost all economic and political life. They can do this by using the mechanics of lending to turn on and off the tap of money supply, making money available to those they favour, denying it to those they don’t and providing leverage – through the threat of withholding it – over those they wish to coerce.
It is an economic system in which it is well nigh impossible for a business or a national economy to expand without borrowing. Thus we have the world’s most successful nations, such as the USA, hopelessly in debt, in fact more in debt than there is money in existence to repay that debt.
We wind up with a situation in which almost every business and corporate entity is, through the routine business of borrowing or share issue, which is another form of borrowing, vastly over-exposed to debt.
And a situation in which not only are entire national economies mired in debt so are their leaders and political parties (it being very expensive to fight and win an election).
Trump for example, a highly successful business man with a huge business empire, is nevertheless beholden to the bankers and “investors” who have made his empire possible.
It does not have to be that way. It just happens to be the way the money system is rigged to hand ultimate power to the money creators/lenders.
You think that Trump is somehow immune to all this? Think again. If he ever falls out of favour with the bankers, if they start calling in the loans, declining to extend credit, dumping shares and so forth, Trump’s business empire will collapse.
Jeff Bezoz and Amazon proved another example. Bezoz has created and built one hell of a business providing a fantastic service. He is as highly astute and creative entrepreneur.
BUT – a huge “but” – in order to expand that business he has over the years been obliged to borrow.
Borrowing takes the form of routine bank loans or, as I mentioned, share issues (and guess who has the financial resources to buy massive wadges of shares). Servicing that debt has become an ominously large component of Amazon’s business costs.
This is all well and good so long as the business does well, keeps on expanding (debt-driven growth, which I’ll have to tell you more about in another article) and the money lenders are willing to go on extending credit. And they will go on extending credit so long as he is in their favour.
But along come the pharmaceutical corporations who, as Karma Singh so well describes, have a life-threatening problem with, among others, the issue of vaccines.
The pharmaceuticals want the problem with vaccines to go away so they can go on making money and servicing their own debts.
The bankers want the pharmaceuticals to keep on thriving and the anti-vaxers to shut up.
So pressure is brought to bear on Amazon to stop selling anti-vax books, part of the overall campaign to emasculate the opposition by cutting its lines of communication to the general public, that great mass of humanity of which the bankers are terrified.
It is unlikely that Bezoz has any strong personal motivation to deny Amazon to the writers of anti-vax books. It looks to me like he was in fact reluctant to do so.
But the threat of cutting off the supply of money through the denial of bank loans, tougher rates of interest or withholding loans and so on places everything he has laboured long and hard and with superb ingenuity to build.
He is faced with the ruination of his life’s work.
And in the face of that threat it seems to me that he is going to acquiesce and do as he is told – in this case, to stop selling anti-vax books.
Now extend that example of bankster leverage to every government and every corporation or mainstream media entity on the planet.
Extend it to Trump or the UK or the EU or Israel or, for example, Tony Blair.
Imagine a scenario in which the bankers are concocting yet another of their profitable wars (in wars, which are expensive, everybody accelerates their borrowing) and a British Prime Minister who is not really all that keen to play ball.
Imagine him being approached with the threat of wiping out the fragile, insolvent UK economy by calling in the loans, refusing to extend further credit and so on. And when it does, the incumbent Prime Minister getting the blame via a mobilisation of the media which also will do as it is told when the banksters snap their fingers.
Like I said: beware modern economics is – it’s a trap!
About the Author: Steve Cook is an avid researcher, a concerned Citizen and one hell of a writer. He just also happens to be the Director of the TLB Project website UK Reloaded (home based in England, UK) where the article above originated.
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