The New York Times finally admits the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop
By: Andrea Widburg
The New York Times has finally admitted that the infamous laptop that Hunter Biden left at a Delaware repair store—the contents of which prove that Joe Biden used his office to sell out American interests to foreign governments to enrich himself and his family—is authentic. Up until now, the Democrat establishment, from Biden on down, has insisted that the laptop was “Russian disinformation.” As with everything else that emanates from them, that was a lie and they knew it was a lie. Biden should be impeached on that basis alone.
Conservatives remember precisely how this played out. The New York Post broke the story that it had in its possession a laptop that Hunter Biden had abandoned at a repair store. The hard drive was filled to overflowing with pornographic images starring Hunter Biden and a series of prostitutes; drug use images, again with Hunter Biden in the lead role; and mountains of emails and text messages proving that Hunter Biden trailed after his then-Vice President father getting deals from Ukrainian, Chinese, and other foreign businesses that were fronts for, or criminals working with, their respective governments.
Because Hunter brought nothing to the table other than his father’s political connections, it was always clear that what these “businesses” were buying was access. That was made even more obvious with Hunter’s angry texts whining that he was expected to support the family using the millions and billions Joe threw his way, along with Hunter’s infamous statement that, when it came to a massive Chinese deal, “the Big Guy gets 10%.” Hunter’s then business partner, Tony Bobulinksi, confirmed that the Big Guy was Joe himself.
The laptop’s contents should have established for every American that Joe Biden was too corrupt—and too compromised—to be allowed anywhere near the White House. That, though, was not something that the Democrat establishment was willing to contemplate. Instead, Twitter shut down the New York Post’s account and every other traditional media and social media outlet assiduously promulgated the narrative that the laptop was “Russian disinformation.”
This false narrative gained extra weight from the fact that “dozens of former intel officials” also said the laptop was Russian disinformation. These people hadn’t even seen the laptop. This was a stone-cold lie (i.e., intentional fraud), and we know that’s the case because they had no actual knowledge about the laptop’s contents.
The biggest liar of all, of course, was Joe Biden himself. He of all people knew that everything on the laptop was true: That he sold out American interests to enrich his family, and that his son was a disgusting, debauched, sexually depraved drug addict whose one-time sister-in-law (the wife of his dead brother) wouldn’t allow him near children because his behavior was so sexually inappropriate. Nevertheless, Biden stood on the debate stage across from Donald Trump and flat-out lied to the American people:
During the second presidential debate, Joe Biden claimed that the election was about character and telling the truth. He then went on to blame Hunter’s laptop on a Russian plot.
— Hans Mahncke (@HansMahncke) March 17, 2022
This blatant lie, when coupled with the mainstream and social media’s complete blackout of this story, was extremely consequential. A post-election poll in the swing states showed that 82% of Biden voters had never even heard about the laptop and its contents. Moreover, 17% of them would not have voted for him had they known about the laptop. Even with all the cheating in the world, Biden could not have claimed victory with 17% fewer real votes than he received.
That’s why it’s not enough that the New York Times, writing about Hunter Biden’s tax problems (including a $1 million loan someone gave him to pay those taxes) has finally conceded that the laptop is real:
People familiar with the investigation said prosecutors had examined emails between Mr. Biden, Mr. Archer and others about Burisma and other foreign business activity. Those emails were obtained by The New York Times from a cache of files that appears to have come from a laptop abandoned by Mr. Biden in a Delaware repair shop. The email and others in the cache were authenticated by people familiar with them and with the investigation. (Emphasis mine.)
Every one of the people involved in covering up the information about the laptop should be investigated for fraud. And as I said, considering that Biden stood on that stage and knowingly lied to the American people, he must be impeached. That’s true even though Kamala is next in line. It’s unconscionable that Biden should continue to sully the White House now that we know the truth about his influence-peddling and gross dishonesty.
The above article (The New York Times finally admits the truth about Hunter Biden’s laptop) is republished here on TLB under “Fair Use” (see the TLB disclaimer below article) with attribution to the articles author Andrea Widburg and
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Image Credit: Graphic (cropped) in the Featured Image (top) – Hunter Biden – Caricature – By DonkeyHotey – Licensed Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 & Photo – “new york times” (cropped) by adKinn is marked with CC BY 2.0.
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