Part II – The Power, Politics & Propaganda Behind Our Health System
By TLB Media Technical Director, Author & Show Host: Luca Majno
Welcome Everyone, to Part Two of a very important ‘SPECIAL’ on TLBTV, ‘LEARN 2 UNLEARN, with special guest Dr. Vic Naumov…
Together, we speak in rare solidarity on issues such as weaponized food, poisoned soil, water, food and air, and the deliberate attempt by ‘the powers that be’ to sicken us all in order to profit from all our illnesses and even our death…
In his book, GENERATION SICK, he tackles all these questions, as well as the corruption behind this ‘curtain’, and what has made it so, as it is today.
In PART ONE, we went on a general rampage through time, explaining the dumbing-down process of the masses, and what is taking place, and why he wrote his book…
But in PART TWO, we attack and rip apart the foundations of the world we live in today, the FACTS, the TRUTH of why it is so, and that ‘the world is not broken, it was created this way’ ~ and we explain in detail, the system itself, who put it in place, why it was put in place, and through his book, how he gives us all the tools to right the wrongs, to heal the sickened, played out puppets that we all are for the elite, and what we can do to set ourselves on the course to a healthy living, a proper diet and with the right tools.
As we stress so much in both parts one and two, we are not here to force anything, to try and convince all people to do what we say ~ quite the opposite, we are here to SHOW you all the tools to get a hold of your life yourself, to EMPOWER the listener into a path of renewal and strength, as they slowly see the difference that will take place in their lives accordingly, and to FACILITATE the process necessary for the body-beautiful to heal itself from the daily abuse that we are subjected to, in everything from cell phone damage, to microwave use, to all toxic substances thrown at us through marketing and commercials… the list is endless.
So this is our (mine, too) chance to DO something creative, meaningful and PREVENTIVE, as to not just seek health “when we are sick”, as he says so well…
It is mostly, on this show, “to let the 99 percenter know that WE hold the power, that WE can boycott, that without US buying endlessly from these monsters, that they will go out of business, that THEY need us to buy in order to continue this rampage of our lives and of our health.
Boycott, Boycott, Boycott!!, he says loudly, as he shows us point blank that it is literally US who keep feeding this problem, because we continue to accept and ENABLE the problem, and that as soon as we realize that WE are the ones who hold this power, that it could all stop, practically overnight.
Welcome to PART TWO of this TLBTV SPECIAL PRESENTATION: ‘LEARN 2 UNLEARN’ ~ with Special Guest Dr. Vic Naumov… Literally “Power To The People”, as the phrase says so well… Do we really have any idea how true this is?
In PART THREE, we will go through his book, his will, his vision of health, holistic, precious, amazing and ULTIMATELY NECESSARY in order for us to live happy, productive and long healthy lives.
Click on the link or the book image to visit Independent Author Network and find our more about Vic and his book.
Follow Dr. Vic Naumov on Facebook
Show Host Luca Majno is the TLB Project Media Technical Director, an investigative journalist, researcher and passionate advocate of Indigenous People (The Original People), of their ‘Turtle Island’ which is now North America. Born in Boston, Ma. and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, he has lived for the last 25 years in Canada, where his activism started, and has since lived in Tennessee and Keokuk, Iowa, where he now resides. Exposing past and present crimes of any nature is a sure way to change the course of humanity towards a brighter future.
Luca Majno is available for speaking engagements here in the United States and can be contacted directly or by clicking the email link on this page:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (319) 795-4981
If you would like to write for, or host a T.V. show for The Liberty Beacon, or be a guest on LEARN 2 UNLEARN or another show on TLBTV, click the email link on this page or email Rebecca Mahan (TLB Media Director) directly at: [email protected]
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