Trump Dumps Fear-based WHO-CDC Contagion Model Pushed by Big Pharma Shills Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci
MAJOR: Plans To Re-Open – U.S. Surgeon General Adams DUMPS GATES ‘Predictive Contagion’ Model
By Joaquin Flores
Fort Russ
WASHINGTON DC – In a stunning turn of events, Surgeon General Jerome Adams explained in an interview on live XM radio, that the Coronavirus Task Force has, effectively, dumped the Bill Gates/CDC/WHO predictive contagion model, and is now working with the real data.
He explained on the Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow, that given the new data, businesses will begin to re-open as early as May, others in June.
This runs contrary to the out-and-out fear-mongering of Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates who have made a media tour, threatening the public that businesses may not re-open for six months to a year, or until and unless governments purchase their conveniently patented, Big Pharma vaccination.
According to Dr. Adams:
“What the American people need to know now is we actually have data, and so we’re tracking that data,”
Before this about-face, which appears to have come as an order from the Trump administration in consultation with the findings of Dr. Adams, the task force was working with ’predictive models’, which had been created by the Bill Gates dominated WHO and CDC. Dr. Fauci’s control over the CDC has been criticized in the past for its for-profit motive in handling a range of illnesses from HIV to H1NI.
In those inflated, ‘fear-based’ models, the deaths of millions worldwide, and hundreds of thousands in America, were touted. These were used as the basis for what many experts have termed a ‘grossly disproportionate response‘.
Previously, the task force was working with predictive models, frequently criticized because of their tendency to exaggerate the possible effect of the virus on the United States. Models predicting the deaths of millions and hundreds of thousands in America appear to be overblown, as the real-time data is showing the death count much lower.
Adams said that the models usually took data from different cultures and places around the globe, but they were able to track more accurately what could happen in the United States based on real data gathered in places such as California and New York.
“We’re following this data every single day, and we’re giving that data to communities so that they can make informed and intelligent decisions about when and where to reopen,” he said.
A significant indicator for communities being allowed to reopen, Adams said, was actual testing data, not a predictive model.
“I feel confident that some places will start to reopen in May and June. Other places won’t; it will be piece by piece, bit by bit, but will be data-driven,” he said.
Adams praised South Korea and Singapore, which closed their borders early, just like the United States did with travelers from China. But he said there are lessons learned across the board.
(Original article) H/T Paul James
(TLB) published this article from State of The Nation as written by By Joaquin Flores
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Nothing like giving the shrimpturd every opportunity to come clean on his own. We had to scrub that vile pack of lies with a kaiyi brush for three months.
This is the best news I have seen in five months. So thankful that voices of reason and truth are being heard in the White House. Hope someone quickly stops calling all death a virus death. The inflated death count is the worst Fake News perpetrated. Clean it up!
NO vaccines! They are unsafe. Reported today: the one being tested made by the Moderna company has RNA snippets in it that can be takenr up by all cells, including reproductive cells, meaning it can be transferred to future generations. This is messing with our future genetics. Not safe to do at all. HERE’S WHAT WE NEED TO DO: BOOST OUR IMMUNE SYSTEMS WITH LOTS OF VIT C, VIT D, THE OTHER VITAMINS, ZINC, MUSHROOMS, TURMERIC, NANOSILVER/COLLOIDAL SILVER, ETC. BOOST OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM NATURALLY, NOT VIA SOME KIND OF WEIRD UNPROVEN SCI FI EXPERIMENT.
Vaccines? – NO! Give me FULLY informed consent.
Thank you for info..greatly appreciated