Why Andrew Breitbart, Michael Hastings and Tom Clancy were Murdered


Why Andrew Breitbart, Michael Hastings and Tom Clancy were Murdered

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Dr. Jim Garrow is the Christian founder and executive director of The Bethune Institute, a charitable organization dedicated to advance education in China via teaching English, giving free books to poor Chinese, and medical scholarships. Through its branch organization, The Pink Pagoda, the institute also rescues baby girls from infanticide  in China, and finds homes for the unwanted girls. Dr. Garrow is credited for saving the lives of over 50,000 Chinese girls for which he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Last year, Garrow told the world (via Alex Jones’ radio, Glenn Beck, and other conservative media) that Obama’s U.S. military was purging top brass using a “litmus test” of sorts. High-ranking military officials were being asked “Would you fire on an American citizen?,” and if one answered no, you would be fired.

A week after his whistle-blowing, on the Oct. 6 Now the End Begins Internet radio program, Garrow claimed that he had been a covert CIA agent but was fired by none other than Obama himself because of his disclosure. (See also “Ex-CIA agent says Obama had Andrew Breitbart and Tom Clancy assassinated“)

In a recent interview, pastor Dr. James David Manning asks Garrow if Obama is a Muslim or a sympathizer who was put in place to weaken America.

Beginning at the 14:35 mark, Garrow replies:

“You need to know that he [Obama] is a Muslim. From a young age, he was indoctrinated in a madrassas school that was in place to train young boys to become imams. He was there for five years. This was in Indonesia. His application to the school said that he’s an Indonesian citizen. We have this document. Every intelligence service in the world has this document. But it says very plainly that he’s an Indonesian citizen and that his religion is Islam. So that’s who he is. We’ve been lied to from the very beginning. He is not a Christian. He’s a practicing Islamist, who practices the art of taqiyya — deception to enhance the possibility of Islam moving forward. So that is his dedication.

He has been bought and paid for by the Saudis, the Saudi royal family, and put in place to bring America down. We need to know this because to be armed with this truth means we’re standing on the side of truth and able to protect ourselves.”

Remember this photo of Obama bowing to Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah on April 1, 2009?

Obama bowing to the king of Islamic Saudi Arabia
Obama bowing to the king of Islamic Saudi Arabia

Beginning at the 11:12 mark, Garrow also said another startling thing.

On November 4, 1979, Iran seized U.S. embassy personnel and kept them hostages, a situation about which then President Jimmy Carter was ineffective. Garrow claims he was the man who delivered a letter from President-elect Ronald Reagan to Iran’s chargé d’affaires in Ottawa, Canada. The letter said that if the hostages were released before Reagan signed the documents taking control as President of the United States, he [Reagan] would order the nuking of Mecca.

Beginning at around the 20:20 point, Dr. Manning asks Garrow how close America is at a break down. Garrow warns:

  • Obama will attempt to impose martial law, whether by his agents (DHS, FEMA) or by jihadists.
  • Obama does not want the November elections to take place because he doesn’t want to lose the Senate to Republican control.
  • The most dangerous time for America is between November 4, 2014 and January 20, 2015, before the newly elected Senate can block Obama.

H/t Birther Report

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1 Comment on Why Andrew Breitbart, Michael Hastings and Tom Clancy were Murdered

  1. Is it true that 1/ plant-based toxins dissipate in the body after five days and 2/ that the autopsy on Tom Clancy was performed after five days?

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