Beware The Jabberwocky
The Texas GOP platform gives us a good idea what such a paradise for Christian nationalists would look like. Texas would officially declare that “homosexuality is an abnormal lifestyle choice.” It would redefine marriage as a “covenant only between one biological man and one biological woman,” and it would “nullify” any court rulings to the contrary. (The gay Log Cabin Republicans were banned from setting up a booth at the convention.) It would fill schools with “prayer, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments” but ban “the teaching of sex education.” It would abolish all abortions and require students to “learn about the Humanity of the Preborn Child.” (The Washington Post)
By: Bill the Butcher
Take a look at the excerpt above. Now, forget about Texas. Look at your family. Consider all the wonderful things the liberal left has given us over just the last ten years. Think about all the wonderful decisions emanating from the Supreme Court, and why don’t you fill up you’re car this morning so Ahab the Arab can enjoy the life he’d like to become used to. Oh . . . and don’t forget sending a few more bullets to Ukraine. I hear they’re running low.
Poking fun at Texas is all well and good, especially if you work for some newspaper such as The Washington Pissed, in some gay bar with your boyfriend, making fun of Jesus. But, sometimes the truth leaks out (excuse the pun.) Refer back to words I referred to above. Now, step back. For the sake of your home, job, rickety old grandmother or little girl, do you adamantly object to anything in that paragraph?
Remember the American Dream? You know, work all your life to give your no-count, useless kids a better life? Yeah . . . THAT dream! Do you really want your son to marry a man? Do you want your daughter to abort your first grandchild? Would a morning prayer in school really bother you all that much. If you don’t believe in God, hell, become a Mormon. Don’t want your kids to learn about sex in school? Too late! I learned about sex from Suzy Sweetcheeks under the bleachers at a football game in Killeen, Texas, but she said she was a virgin!
Originality, I was going to make this article an effort to show Texas’ contributions to America, but I realized that was based on an article by The Post, and I respect Mad Magazine a bit more. Their article poked fun at The Lone Star State, but, like I said, that nasty ol’ truth just kept leaking out. They, of course, failed to mention all the companies moving to Austin. Did someone say, “Tesla?” Here . . . have a Wendy’s burger.
Yes, the Texas Republican Party jumped up and said out loud what we were all thinking. Some of it was designed to just make the Yankees mad, but a lot of it was hard core plans. I suppose we should be grateful that they spelled “Yee-Haw” right.
The upcoming vote in 2023 is a referendum. That’s where the people vote to express their opinion. Kinda like back in the old country (‘Murica) only we don’t throw the votes into a dumpster. And, it doesn’t matter if it passes or fails. If it passes Yee-Haw! It don’t mean we’re gonna secede right then, it just shows that we’re all like minded. If it fails . . . could’ve been today, know what we’re talkin’ about?
The main thing you need to know is if we’re thinking about divorce then other people in other states are thinking the same thing. Even with all the ballot stuffing and committee hearings that will eventually translate at the polls! Now, it may take a while and maybe a civil war, but it will translate!
Back to that first paragraph. If all these things quoted above actually happened how would that adversity affect your life. Your answer defines who you really are. You’re welcome! (Yee-Haw!)
This article (Beware The Jabberwocky) is republished by contribution with attribution to the author Bill the Butcher and The Butcher Shop.
About The Author: Bill the Butcher is the purveyor of The Butcher Shop which is a collection of independent writers ranging from journalists to op/ed, from conservative to liberal. Whatever cut of literary meat you prefer the Butcher Shop is here to serve.
Image Credit: Photo in Featured Image (top) – Image by David Mark from Pixabay – In article image (Texas – mounted) – by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay
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