by Steve Cook
Several observable phenomena emerged from the latest staged “riots” in England. Here are some of them.
The “far right” protestors are not actually that great in number.
The picture of a country in flames was painted by using a hard core of a few dozen extremists and having them set light to some bins, some cars and a library and so forth in various towns. Add to the extremists and the burning cars a few hundred more people with genuine fears and concerns amplified by alarming propaganda. Deploy a compliant propagandising media to create some lurid headlines, spread alarming photos of things burning and what-have-you and you have created an overall false picture of a country gripped by a paroxysm of unrest that will of course spread and amplify more alarm and dismay.
Have your hardcore extremists chuck some bricks at a mosque and provoke a retaliation from hardcore extremists burrowed into a now-alarmed Muslim community, make that retaliation look like it comes from the entire Muslim community and ensure it is headline news and you now have the seeds of conflict that can be further used to upset and enrage various communities.
In the ensuing turmoil, upset people lose sight of the fact that there are not only a vast majority of Muslims who – like the other communities that comprise the British Nation – want to live in inter-community peace but there are plenty of Muslim patriots.
Similarly, upset Muslims can lose sight of the fact that in the non-Muslim communities the majority of citizens crave a safe non-turbulent environment conducive to their wellbeing.
Britain comprises many communities. Their overall confederation comprises the nation.
Indeed, it is crucial that the rich and powerful are held to account because by the very nature of their wealth and power any wrongdoing by them has the potential to harm commensurately larger numbers of people.
At present there is an effort to sucker the communities of the nation into internecine conflict that will weaken and destroy all our communities. Such an effort is the action of a common enemy.
It is observable that communities do have genuine fears and concerns.
For example, immigrant communities are worried about being accepted and allowed to live.
Indigenous communities (that now comprise white and black communities) are worried about being overwhelmed by an influx of unfamiliar people with strange languages and customs too fast and in too great numbers for them to be comfortably assimilated, particularly at a time when the incumbent government has been busy destroying the nation’s wealth and infrastructure. The influx has been engineered in an effort to foment such fears, again with a view to destroying the nation from within through inter-community conflict.
The fears of these various communities are genuine and need to be addressed. At present they are being whipped up and manifestly not addressed with a view to maximising upset and dismay. And, as getting communities into communication is the key to peace, that effort is geared to making sure they stay out of communication.
In such a climate it is understandable that people, afraid in various ways for their survival and propagandised into blaming each other, can become restive. Placing agents provocateurs in, for example, the white “Christian” community and similar psychopaths in, say, the Muslim community, the nation’s real enemies raise the upset some more and you can wind up with conflict.
People as a rule are not particularly warlike unless thoroughly propagandised, upset and made fearful of some imagined threat.
It is noticeable that in the current situation the instinct of the vast majority of people is to resolve differences and live in peace as good neighbours do. Within any community the vast majority of people are people of good will.
The small number of provocacteurs/psychopaths on both “sides” work hard to whip up the hysteria to a point where the basic instinct of people to get along becomes overwhelmed.
If we, The People, can refuse to be duped into conflict, then our communities can stand shoulder-to shoulder in a powerful patriotic alliance.
Unite and win!
Internecine = destructive to both sides in a conflict.]
The above was first featured on UK Reloaded
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Re: “Within any community the vast majority of people are people of good will. The small number of provocacteurs/psychopaths on both “sides” work hard to whip up the hysteria to a point where the basic instinct of people to get along becomes overwhelmed.”
The fact that a “small number of provocacteurs/psychopaths” rule is only ONE part of the equation. The pack of leading psychopaths do not operate in a vacuum, and never have. There are 2 destructive human pink elephants in the room and they are MARRIED — study the free essay “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room”… (or
The psychopaths in power are in those positions and do what they do ONLY because of the mostly willful activities, or inactivities, of the majority of self-entitled “decent” or “good” or “awake” or “religious” people — the 90-95% of the herd — and because they do NOT really want the truth but comforting fantasies.
“Our current ‘state’ is the dictatorship of evil. We know that already, I hear you object, and we don’t need you to reproach us for it yet again. But, I ask you, if you know that, then why don’t you act? Why do you tolerate these rulers gradually robbing you, in public and in private, of one right after another, until one day nothing, absolutely nothing, remains but the machinery of the state, under the command of criminals and drunkards?” — from a White Rose Pamphlet, the ‘White Rose’ was a German resistance group fighting Hitler’s Nazi regime
Isn’t it about time for anyone to wake up to the ULTIMATE DEPTH of the human rabbit hole — rather than remain blissfully willfully ignorant in a narcissistic fantasy land and play victim like a little child?
“My experiences with “alternative media” have been, for the most part, just as dreadful as with the mainstream media. Most are unprincipled scavengers, shills and prostitutes, willing, and even eager, to sell out for ego-gratification and/or financial gain.” — Barbara Hartwell, CIA Whistleblower
Without a proper understanding, and full acknowledgment, of the true WHOLE problem and reality, no real constructive LASTING change is possible for humanity.
And if anyone does NOT acknowledge, recognize, and face (either wittingly or unwittingly) the WHOLE truth THEY are helping to prevent this from happening. And so they are “part of the problem” and not part of the solution.
If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned, then verify what batch number you were injected with at
“There are large numbers of scientists, doctors, and presstitutes who will sell out truth for money, such as those who describe people dropping dead on a daily basis as “rare” when it it happening all over the vaccinated world.” — Paul Craig Roberts, Ph.D., American economist & former US regime official, in 2024
“Repeating what others say and think is not being awake. Humans have been sold many lies…God, Jesus, Democracy, Money, Education, etc. If you haven’t explored your beliefs about life, then you are not awake.” — E.J. Doyle, songwriter