Left Peddling Porn to Children … Those not Destined for Abortion
By: Joseph M. Lenard
BizPacReview Reported on April 24th “‘Dirty books’: Librarian org celebrates efforts to keep pornographic books in schools.” In the online article they say – in part: “The American Library Association (ALA) touted its efforts to defend pornographic books in schools on Monday, releasing a list of the titles that have been most frequently debated in 2022 on Monday.”
Now, before I go on to address this topic, let me address the Abortion topic mentioned in the title by referring back to my November 19th 2022 TLB piece “I Demand My Equity As A Male To Murder For My Convenience.”
I mean, we cannot not address the Left’s MURDER CULT and “the ones that escape Left’s attempts to Kill them in the Womb” aspect (and my previous “Introducing Alumi-Baby” TLB piece). So, when they are not MASS MURDERING THEM IN THE WOMB they of course want them to be Wards/Property of The State (and twisting of language including “Takes a Village” concept, see too “For Greater Good”), and dumbed down and distracted in every way (see the “Bread and Circuses” mentions in several of my other pieces) and hey if they are preoccupied with having Sex with Adults or even just each other – they are more easily CONTROLLED (or, at least, again, distracted from the other things the Left is doing to/that HARM them) and thankfully a great opportunity for me to tie-in last weeks “Occasional Breaks and Distractions Not Just OK, but Healthy” piece (other “Bread and Circus” referenced “Only Thing Required For Evil To Prevail” item). All part of, as another aside, The Left’s only real Faith/Religion: Separation FROM Church TO [Fed/Fascist] State.
On Pedophiles, depravity, Libraries and Schools and book age restriction (for age appropriateness) vs Leftist banning and censorship, anti-American values-ism…
Like normalization of depravity/Pedophilia in Schools, Libraries, etc…!!
More and more Classic literature (including Seuss and AEsops fables (can’t have “morals” and “good lessons” taught)) replaced in Kids sections of Libraries replaced with Porn and Leftist indoctrination manure. With now perhaps, one exception, no books about “Big-Butt appreciation” because now according to the Left that is RACIST (really, you cannot make up the absurd, Babylon Bee style, to the degree of hilariously stupid as the things they claim they are indeed serious about)!!
VIDEO (6m 22s): The REASONS for Dr. Seuss Book Banning are INSANE (Michael Knowles Show):
It, of course, matters on who is in charge at any given Library just like the Schools.
If you got the purple-hair-brigade in charge, they pull books with factual content for those they favor peddling left-wing narratives (including the Porn books (you hear so many Parents at School Board meetings railing against targeting Grade-School age Children)) in the Kids section rather than Seuss, AEsops Fables, etc…
I’ve had trouble getting my book (Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You), Historical-Fiction (or as I call it FACTion) into some because it just doesn’t call out foreign Terrorists but US FASCICRATS destroying Western Culture from within — that, of course, despite the evidence/facts, triggers them and they try to Cancel Culture. The Left attacks me and Terror Strikes, of course, because they cannot refute their Fascist tactics and must try to censor/silence.
Further, about the Left “choice of books to peddle to Children” that I laid-out in response to a Social-Media Post that started out discussing Slavery and lack of proper Education overall discussion and evolved from there.
Sadly Education is so damn poor in the Western World these days, people know no History…
In the USA the Indoctrination factories (and other supposed Free Society systems) are peddling Radicalism, Raunch/peRversion (trans, pedophilia), Racism (cRt), and anti-ameRicanism – the new “R’s” – to our Entitled/lazy, participation tRophy overblown self-esteem buffoons, know nothing brats. Meanwhile China is teaching their Children the traditional “R’s” (remember when we touted the staples) of Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic, histoRy, scRience (see what I did there, because our kids are so dumb they wouldn’t know the R doesn’t belong there), biRology (not fake genderism), honoR, Respect, woRk-ethic, etc…
Then, back to the whole BANNING/CENSORSHIP deflection, as the Left twists “Age restrictions” requirements as such, when as discussed above they LITERALLY call for outright and complete bans on books. Why School Choice and Parental Rights, has to be a continued top agenda item for those of us on the Right.
VIDEO (4m 8s): Mississippi district bans ‘uncomfortable’ classic novel (Fox News):
Yep, they aren’t “FIXING” anything, they are just making people dumber, as Leftists/Marxists always want to do. The PATHETICAL CORRUPTNESS (as I call it) is NOT about “tolerance” and “understanding” it is about trying to make a Nation hate itself rather than learn from its History (as any and every Nation has blemishes). We should be teaching things as they were and have honest discussions of how or if things could/should be better (IF you have a real, logic/reason, case to make for your “vision” of such, but they cannot because they do not have anything but Emotional Hysterics drummed up nonsense). You don’t have those honest discussions by just rewriting/destroying the Past (this is the whole destroying Statues bullshit all over again)!
And ask a FAT person if they think “ENORMOUS” is somehow “a better phrase for them?!?!” LOL So that part, actually, is the least offensive change they are making as they are not white-washing the whole if you are overweight it is unhealthy and you’re likely to Live a shorter lifespan; unlike all the unnatural and unhealthy fat normalization/glorification going on so many other places.
VIDEO (4m 51s): Censorship? Revisions being made to books by Roald Dahl (CTV News):
MOST of you know me from our endless Social-Media platform (I am on 15 of them) discussions or my items here at TLB (and/or elsewhere) and know I disdain Govt interference, but are we NOT at a time where an Association must be mandated to Rate books like Movies (with MPAA designations backed by Legal/Law enforcement violations today), Video Games, and even Music content (something the Left via support for Tipper Gore’s PMRC was fine then) are for Adult only restrictions determinations?!?!? Sad common sense has again been tossed by the Left, and driven us to this point where such a drastic solution required, because while the Left is always droning on about others “potentially pushing Morals” upon others they have no problem forcing their immorality and other preferences upon our Children (and Legalizing something Statutory Rape / Pedophilia that has been ILLEGAL and protecting Children for 100’s of years (and sexualizing Children in general while ignoring the legal authority and mandate to cover the core “R’s” we all can agree on)).
VIDEO (9m 7s): Who Invented the Movie Rating System?
Obviously, it would take a very long time for such a thing to be implemented and books to start to get their Ratings and therefore any Regulation should include language that ANY BOOK NOT SPECIFICALLY PROVIDE A G/PG RATING MUST THEN BE TREATED AS NC-17. So those books acceptable for Schools Libraries to be prioritized to earn their G or PG approved Rating and the Porn (if Law written correctly) would be automatically excluded as NC-17 until they get their official R (no-one under 18, period, like we Restrict so many things’ Children do not get to have) Ratings.
VIDEO (9m 17s): The Weird History of Parental Advisory and The Music Industry:
There is NO SEX in my TERROR STRIKES book, and I kept the swearing limited to one chapter “DAMMIT” in a Warzone scene, so that it would be an all ages book, but it might otherwise still get a PG-13 (how I have it listed on StoryRocket (a Service Authors can/do use to promote books for potential Screen-adaptation) for implied Violence and War (kept Blood and Goriness from it too, so it would be Junior High and High School friendly). And I’d have no problem with such a designation.
Lastly, like I said early on in this piece, most you know me, and you know I cannot shy from BAD PUNS either… so… got to say…
DIRTY BOOKS, can’t they afford a Swiffer (or Lysol wipes) to clean them?
I know, but I couldn’t resist #AMomentOfLevity and opportunity to close that while we engage in all this seriousness we also have to maintain our sense-of-humor (as I’ve tried to mention/address many places).
About the Author: Joseph M. Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”!
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
author: Terror Strikes (buy)
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Terror Strikes book (B4IN write-up)
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Movie studio #Lionsgate hires #DylanMulvaney to promote struggling #JudyBlume adaptation ‘Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret’ after it flounders at box office, earning just $16M in three weeks
I think the question isn’t
HELLO #GOD, it’s me ___whomever__, are you there??
But instead #GOD asking WHERE THE HELL ARE ALL THE SUPPOSED REAL #CHRISTIANS to get off their Asses and do something – ANYTHING, to Fight back against Evil.
YOU SHALL BE KNOWN BY FRUITS, not empty-rhetoric #VirtueSignaling!!!
Whoa… This Comedian is GREAT… He dare do PRO LIFE humor… Sure he gets Death threats from the BABY MURDER crowd…
Pro-Life Comedy in London (full version) | Nicholas De Santo