TLBTalk Radio: Tyranny Is No-Longer Hidden
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Show Preface by Host: Roger Landry (TLB)
Hello, welcome to Episode #58 of TLBTalk Radio …
Before we jump into today’s topics I would like to once again, say thanks to RBN for the platform, to the shows producer Sam, and to Annie at the ShakeAndWake Radio forum for this show replays on Thursdays, and for also hosting my newest show (with Co-Host Stephen Roberts) Eagle’s Eye Report on Wednesdays from 3-4 PM Central. They are all a very significant part of the weekly success of The Liberty Beacon Project’s Message …
Again I will state that the message I bring to you today is not entertainment, nor is it baseless guesses, or remote possibilities. Most of what I deliver is in your face reality, recorded facts or an inevitability depending on our course of action.
Now, on with the show …
Source Credit: As usual I take my inspiration for each show from current research or from an article recently published on The Liberty Beacon. Today is no exception. Some (but certainly not all) of what you are about to hear presented will come from an article recently written by J.B. Shurk Linked below the archived show.
TLBTalk Radio: Tyranny Is No-Longer Hidden
But not because it isn’t intended to be …
I am a baby-boomer having grown up in a country that may not have been perfect, with a lot of tyranny bubbling up in the hidden back stage of an ever growing Deep State. But we were severely limited in what we could see via media still in its early stages of development (TV & Radio). So we pretty much believed Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather when they told us just about anything.
Was there a burgeoning deep state … think the Kennedy’s (JFK & RFK), and Martin Luther King Jr. assassinations, think Vietnam, think MK Ultra, etc…. But just about all that We The People knew was basically what was spoon fed to us via said mainstream media.
Then came the internet and all hell broke loose on information now available to us via so many alternative channels or platforms. Now its a matter of knowing trusted sources, having access, and being able to sift through it for a recognized semblance of truth.
Back in the days we were led to believe that elections counted, and that all elections (with a few blatant exceptions) were a true representation of the voice of the people. Today we know that is a crock of horse crap!
Today we know that a Uniparty exists, caring not if you are a Republican or a Democrat as long as you swear and deliver allegiance to said deep state and its reality of overall control of America and We The People.
Today if you are a staunch advocate of the constitution and an individual who strives to Make America Great Again (MAGA), you are now considered an Enemy Of The State, to be censored, bullied, and even locked away for your heinous actions and words … Witness January 6th.
Lets dive deeper into the current status of this entity and its massive manipulation of our very governance.
If you are a deep state puppet, or soldier your ability to commit massive transgressions of the law, up-to and including both sedition and treason against America and We The People is all but guaranteed … This is done not only to benefit these individuals, but also said deep state … you can and do get away with anything … because you are compromised and infinitely controllable … FACT !!! … Witness Barrack Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and countless more. And I could go on with examples for days if not months.
With today’s media capabilities A lot of the Tyranny we suffer is no-longer hidden. We The People are far more aware of damn near all of this … but still not collectively smart, organized, or caring enough to hamper or prevent it.
Now we arrive at today, and what could easily be the most blatant deep state actions we have ever been exposed to … The eminent arrest of of a past president … Donald Trump. Now if this was for treason, this would be understandable, it it were for sedition this would be understandable, and so on … But it is not. What it is based on is so insanely not applicable that many legal scholars are already stepping up to say this is bull crap !!! But in the deep state’s mind … Trump must be destroyed !!!
Today being someone who does not conform to, or serve said deep state, … you as an individual … all the way up to and including a sitting president (Trump was when all this started, as in two impeachment attempts in one term) will be destroyed at all cost … the country and We The People be damned!
So lets dive into this scenario and drag it, and its many advocates into the daylight … WARNING … this is not liberal, progressive, democrat or Uniparty friendly …
Listen Up …
TLBTalk Radio (E58): Tyranny Is No-Longer Hidden
(Listen to this archived show by clicking on the image below)
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Government Tyrants Play With Fire
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A Blatant Lesson In ‘Ultimate Tyranny’ (By Roger Landry (TLB))
More Archived TLBTalk Radio Episodes (click on image below)
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About the Author & Host: Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was about twelve short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of a half dozen proprietary global websites, media projects and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of his work can be found on the TLB Flagship website TheLibertyBeacon.com
Image Credit: All article images – Personal, Public Domain or Pixabay License
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